L' araldica è la scienza del blasone, cioè lo studio degli stemmi (detti anche armi, donde il sinonimo "Aspilogia"). In altre parole è quel settore del sapere che ha lo scopo di individuare, riconoscere, descrivere e catalogare gli elementi grafici utilizzati, nel loro insieme, per identificare in modo certo una persona, una famiglia, un gruppo di persone o una istituzione.
Non rientrano tra gli oggetti di studio dell'araldica le bandiere ed i loghi o marchi di natura commerciale o industriale: le prime perché ad esse l'araldica fornisce solo la giustificazione storica e la base concettuale di costruzione, ma poi le abbandona al momento in cui they are strictly regulated by laws and decrees concerning their exact size and reproduction, the latter because it is graphic expressions absolutely rigid and immutable, "frozen" in the only form allowed.
To clarify the concept just think, in the first case arose in the discussions when you define the exact shades of the Italian flag, as in heraldry, the term "green" means any general tone of color that falls within the definition "green", thus excluding the "green oil" or "green rot" but without specifying the color codes to use.
In the second case, imagine what would happen if a graph does not know it had to reproduce the logo of Coca Cola, using only an oral description streamlined; his plan would be mistaken for a cheap imitation and definitely rejected by all the symbols used to identify the company.Heraldry instead wants to give the opportunity for any artist, whatever his style, or the time and place where he lives, to produce an object graph - the so-called "arms" - which contains all the essential information to correspond to the string without any error description of the shield - called "blazon". If the design was done according to the rules of heraldry, anyone familiar with these rules is able to reconstruct the exact description by looking at its design.
Heraldry developed in the Middle Ages throughout Europe as a coherent system of identification not only of people but also diacendenza lines (because the shield could be bequeathed and to express the degree of relation), making it a unique system in spite of all his time.
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