Hello friends, bloggers and visitors!
Here we are heading to the second round of be merry!Sintor I apologize to the bloggers, Katya, Chretien, Paoloz, Zelig, Famula, Mirmina, Richie, Vichiers, Pleauser19, Manlio Simo and why, today, I can not answer their questions about the Templars. But I have great news for you: the latest issue of the journal monographic The Mysteries of Hera ( newsstands on February ), there is an article of mine enigma of Rennes-le-Chateau, and particular, on the death of the curate Gelis. In addition to my contribution, you can read other articles grandi autori, tra cui Michael Baigent, e questo numero, ve lo posso garantire, è davvero molto interessante, affascinante e ben curato dall'ottima direzione editoriale di Hera. Non perdetevelo!
Ne approfitto anche per rendere pubblico un dato. Delle 1681 copie di ristampa della prima edizione di “ Dossier: i nuovi Templari ”, più di 790 sono state vendute in meno di un mese. Grazie a tutti coloro che mi seguono costantemente!
Quest’oggi, vi rendo partecipi di un’intervista che mi ha fatto il noto disk-jockey giapponese Sensei Myagushu, in occasione dell’imminente uscita del mio secondo libro dal titolo
“ Elvis e il Priorato di Sion ”.
Come avrete certamente capito, il nuovo libro, in uscita a metà marzo in tutte le librerie e le edicole d’Italia, punta ad analizzare aspetti inediti della più grande star della musica moderna, Elvis Presely e della più misteriosa società segreta di tutti i tempi, il Priorato di Sion .
Nella terra del Sol Levante, il Giappone, Elvis Presley è un vero fenomeno di culto. Lo stesso premier Kuizumi non perde occasione di dichiararsi un fan appassionato del cantante e, in Giappone, tutto ciò che riguarda Elvis ha un’eco particolarmente rivelante. Per questo motivo, dopo aver saputo dell’imminente uscita del libro, sono stato contattato da Sensei Myaguishu che, oltre ad essere un fan di Elvis, gestisce una rubrica radiofonica sull’esoterismo.
Ed eccovi l’intervista.
Sensei : Salve
Michele : Salve
Sensei : Michele, tu sei celebre in Italia per essere un apprezzato investigatore di fenomeni massmediatici o, meglio, come mi hai detto tu prima di andare in onda, un osservatore rigoroso e severo delle vicende del nostro tempo. Hai studiato e trattato il fenomeno del neotemplarismo militante, hai scovato i tentativi di revisionare la storia medievale, hai passato al setaccio le varie società segrete che hanno sempre accompagnato la storia dell’umanità. In cosa consiste il tuo metodo e quale finalità ti prefiggi?
Michele : Si, Sensei, hai detto molto bene. Il rigore è il mio metodo di fare indagine ma non solo. Prima di dichiarare vera un’informazione, e, quindi, di renderla pubblica, sono solito comparare le varie fonti sullo stesso argomento. Se dichiaro, per esempio, che i Templari sono stati sciolti per eresia, lo faccio solo quando sono certo che nessuna prova storica in senso contrario lo possa smentire. Le mie analisi sono sempre al di sopra degli interessi di parte. Quello che più conta per me è il rapporto con il pubblico che, da quattro years now, and numerous and participatory. The writer, in my opinion, should have the task of explaining, to dissect data and information, not to convince the public of an argument or another. Propaganda is always dangerous because it can bend the news to party interests. The writer has an advantage, let me say, it has the same problems as the journalist who is accountable to its editor, director, editor, financial groups that own the head and then, sometimes, can not say what he thinks. The writer is a craftsman, a worker who relies on his strength, its only reference to the public and, as I usually say, Truth. If so not the case, I would not write. This to me is a point of honor which I will always play everything!
Sensei: It 's worthy to hear about honor. It 'hard to hear a word uttered by a Westerner. We are ...
Michele Sorry if I interrupt you but we are writers, but very much committed me, even in Italy, who sacrifice their lives to illustrate the phenomena of very different thickness as those that stretch me, to explain giant deviation and criminality ... are not, therefore, the only Italian committed, the only writer to have a sense of honor and truth about this subject ... I wanted to tell you ... sorry if I interrupted ...
Sensei: This deepens .... Our audience has a thirst for knowledge of the phenomena that Italians seem very far from our mentality ... in the meantime, though, I wanted to ask Elvis, Elvis Presley, the king of rock which stretches into your new book. As you passed by the Templars to Elvis? What is the relationship between the two phenomena? The title of the book, I think, is: Elvis and the Priory of Sion . We have all seen and read the Da Vinci Code. What is the relationship between Elvis and the secret society that guards the lineage of Jesus?
Michele: I'm going order. Nearly twenty years ago, I went to Memphis in the U.S. state of Tennessee. I visited the home of Elvis and I was struck by how many people were there. It was December, a month died, I thought that there would be hundreds of people but I was wrong: there were thousands of people! Fans and curious, especially Japanese, English and Dutch. I made a great impression to pass between the rooms in which the king of rock had lived. They were, indeed are being used as kitsch in the '70s, and esoteric at the same time. I think, for example, the room of the Jungle, or that of meditation. I think to many objects and costumes that Elvis wore in the last eight years of concerts that are there on display as trophies. Well, one way or another, all these objects have a value esoteric brand of Eastern Europe. Then I discovered that Elvis had married in 1967 with a woman of French origin, Priscilla Beaulieu, his fortune and commercial art, but also coincided with an unusual year in the history of the Priory of Sion, that is 1956. As you may know, the Priory of Sion has its stronghold in France ... So, in short, the height of the Cold War, Elvis and the Priory of Sion are asserted on the international stage and their fates seem to cross. The Priory of Sion has a basic characteristic, as I could ascertain. This feature is that in the last two hundred or three hundred years, artists such as chose the Priory members, especially painters, musicians and singers. ...
Sensei: So, for your research, Elvis was an affiliate of the Priory of Sion? And what role do you think has played the singer in the Cold War, the struggle between the West and the Soviet empire?
Michele: My book offers important insights that are supported by documents and arguments that we Italians call to 360 °, ie, ranging over every aspect available to observation. Do not be too surprised if some artist belonged to a secret society elite. In fact America is not strange or sporadic. You know how many powerful men of politics, business, the entertainment world are affiliated with private organizations like the Freemasons, Skull & Bones , the Trilateral , the CFR, the Round Table and so on? Each company has reserved a single branch more or less directly, which is that of the French Knights Templar. Among the Priory of Sion and the Order of the Knights of the Temple there was a lot of similarities of views and men ... but not just an American phenomenon. When the Americans, then, have taken over the French in Indochina, Korea, Thailand, when the French have lost parts of their empire, the Americans have absorbed some of these esoteric groups. That's why There is a branch of the Priory of Sion that has developed in the USA. Elvis, for its part, has always led the way on his rings, his clothes, glasses on the seal of this American branch, the acronym TCB, where T stands for ... ... Templar
Sensei: In your book you talk a lot of Elvis' manager, Colonel Tom Parker, who has made Elvis the richest and most famous singer in the world. Who was Tom Parker?
Michele: I was reading some declassified FBI documents, I discovered that Tom Parker was not called so, was not American and did not make war. Indeed, he could not leave the country by the U.S., why Parker did not accept that Elvis never toured outside Italy, despite the offers were very good bags, coach of millions of dollars, so to speak. Parker could not leave the U.S. simply because he had no passport. Despite this, Parker was army colonel, without having done his military service, had been the company's business and had made friends, even close-knit, with the recording industry and film-time. He was so into the system to the unknown truck driver who had delivered twenty-one and sideburns with a tuft of four million dollars from the RCA, then the most important record label back in 1956. I wonder who acted on behalf of the colonel, who worked for and what was the purpose of raising a young poor of the South in goals never touched by anyone. Then I discovered that Parker was part of a special group, a group of "confidential" which was called the League of snowmen, the name might make you smile but not at all ... discovers that his father's wife worked at NATO and Elvis he was sent to do military service in the only divided country in two, Germany. You know how many articles against Elvis, the GDR secret service Stasi, East Germany, has had published against Elvis? According to Misha Wolff, Honecker's right hand, Elvis was the most powerful weapon American propaganda and the CIA against communism. A real danger to the empire of the East. With its music, stirred the masses of young people who were trying, in the east, Liberty!
Sensei: It 's amazing, Michael. There is new material and you provide proof of a culture that ranges from eclectic esoteric history, through music. You can say you've written a complete work ...
Michele: Yes, I could not do otherwise. However, it is an open work that closes, excuse the pun, with another scoop ... the finale of a TV special in 1977, mostly from CBS, the leading U.S. TV network, to Elvis, which shows the singer's father, Vernon, thanking all those who sent telegrams and flowers for her son's death. No one has ever noticed before, I will, and is a historical proof ... there is an image, or rather two, which flow back to the father ....
Sensei : Can you be more explicit?
Michele: You will know when the book will be released in Japan! In Italy, however, all Elvis fans will already know, starting in March.
Sensei: What about the death of the singer? They told me that in Italy there is a fortunate television program that has shed light on the contradictions of his death. Have been reported about the fact that Elvis is still alive, protected by the FBI, maybe in Hawaii or, perhaps, in Argentina ...
Michele: Yes, the transmission Voyager Raidue took the significant evidence in this sense . I can say that, almost unconsciously, we moved the same direction: whether Elvis was really dead or if it had been done away with for his work as a FBI special agent. There are hypotheses that would also killed in a war of spies ... you have a nice little saying that Elvis was a drug addict! He worked instead for the Department of Drugs State, for the Goddess, and was in touch with Richard Nixon, who was, at that time the U.S. president, to provide confidential information on the Grand Tour of drugs. Do you think that in confidential talks with Nixon, Elvis called himself colonel and a colonel ... Burrows Burrows, look at the event, bought a ticket for TWA to Hawaii August 17, the day after the death of Elvis. Burrows Who was that? Elvis himself? In the book I try to give answers to the most plausible and closer to historical truth.
Sensei: . ... Elvis esoteric. ... You can tell us?
Michele : Very! Elvis was a great scholar of esotericism, was interested Templar, the Holy Shroud, the Rosicrucians and the Hindu religion. His real mentor was Larry Geller, his personal hairdresser who introduced him in some esoteric circles. Elvis felt predestined, esotericism sought answers to its success. His music was an alchemy of genres, from country western to the rithm and blues, a real syncretism ... a final figure for this esoteric aspect of the personality of the singer who often carry the narrative in the book is that Elvis is crossed by the duplicity of the Templars, everything is double in him, from the fact that he had a twin ... and in private life he was introverted, extroverted in public, which had costumes Morigerati in his private life, that glorified sex in public life and so on ... surely one of the weapons that struck and fascinated those of the Priory of Sion was his sex drive and sensual, that channeled the youth rebellion of the fifties in a struggle without district against communism but even more against totalitarian regimes ...
Sensei : Who was it, then Elvis?
Michele : A rebellious spirit with sound fundamental values \u200b\u200bbut also was a generous philanthropist, a genius of the twentieth century ... over the head of which is wanted to play a dangerous game ...
Sensei: Thank you ... Oss
Michele : Oss
You can also visit the blog: http://elviseilpriorato.blogspot.com
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