If the shield accompagnato dai suoi ornamenti, è la rappresentazione grafica dello stemma, la blasonatura ne è la rappresentazione verbale.
Nata dalla pratica dei tornei, dagli araldi (che daranno il loro nome all'araldica) e dalla necessità di costituire degli annuari affidabili (gli stemmari) con la doppia funzione di raccolta di identità e di deposito di elementi esclusivi, in un'epoca in cui l'illustrazione, soprattutto a colori, è una impresa di grande impegno, la blasonatura si sviluppa in un vero linguaggio, con vocabolario e sintassi, sorprendente per rigore e precisione, che permette di descrivere rapidamente e senza ambiguità i blasoni più complessi.
Since the identification of heraldry has been limited for a long time only to the elements represented on the shield, the blazon is often reduced to describing just that. The ornaments have become important only later, and the full blazon had the task of integrating them.
This conceptual approach comes from the very origin of heraldry, whose name obviously derives from "herald", that is, one who had the task of recognizing a distance riders covered by metal plates, which also hides the face, based only about colors and designs on their shields, their horses on the mantle or on the banners raised.
The ability to recognize the growing number of individual brands - the aforementioned "arms" - could not rely on the availability of expensive and bulky Armorials, but was based on the composition and dissemination of descriptions that were made from the minimum possible number of words while maintaining the uniqueness of identification. Various messengers are exchanged, then, the descriptions - the "blazon" - using all one and the same set of rules that can provide them with the common language. This is also why heraldry is often referred to as the 'art of heraldry. "
In countries and periods in which the emblem has, or had, actual value of a unique item for the recognition of persons or institutions, the granting of a coat of arms and the drafting of its blazon are entrusted to bodies which have legal value and guaranteed by the state, so they are guaranteed by the state the names and surnames who, for all the same unique value of recognition. Present in the Italian, for example, the state no longer guarantees the individual and family heraldic system - as it was deemed directly related to the nobility which had been abolished by the republican constitution - but continues to provide a relevant office of the Presidency Council, the heraldry of civilian and military institutions which were granted a coat of arms.
Creation and Evolution of heraldry
The creation of the coat of arms Even though it was the beginning of their future owners, we have seen from the beginning, gave a more or less strict rules, in order to make effective identification: reading made easy by the use of sharp colors that stand out on each other, the reasons for large contours simplified and easily recognizable, unique and above all the coats of arms (often not complied with - out of ignorance rather than intention of plagiarism).
This desire for identity is also expressed in the use of symbols, ricordi di fatti notevoli o traduzione di tratti caratteristici legati al possessore ( armi alludenti), o anche rappresentazione del patronimico, senza esitare davanti all'approssimazione, perfino il gioco di parole (armi parlanti) (cfr. a fianco il «rebus» che costituiscono le armi di La Tour du Pin, comune dell'Isère).
Ma il blasone non è statico e può evolvere in funzione:
- di una alleanza, quando i blasoni degli alleati si riuniscono per formarne uno solo, unione codificata da regole che specificano il tipo di unione (vedi sotto «partizione») ;
- di una eredità, che talvolta requires an amendment to the heir (Break of a) the original coat of arms in the degree of kinship;
- an honorary distinction granted by a feudal lord, a vassal, which gives the right to add a crest on its distinctive trait from their (increased);
- or even disappear and be replaced by a coat of arms of replacement when the original coat of arms was "shamed" by a dishonorable action of its owner ... or an ancestor of the owner! (See Leone, Cowardly Lion, Vilen immaschito etc.).
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