Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,
passato il Santo Natale, ci accingiamo ad entrare nel nuovo Anno. Mi auguro che lo vivremo con più felicità ed allegria di quelle che abbiamo dimostrato fino ad ora. Negli ultimi tempi, infatti, l’atmosfera in Italia si è un po’ surriscaldata. Non è superfluo ricordare le sciocche aggressioni al capo del governo e al pontefice regnante da parte di persone squilibrate che sono il termometro di una situazione che, secondo me, è a dir poco inquietante.
Lo squilibrio mentale è particolarmente invasivo anche quando si tratta e si parla di Templari.
C’è chi a 75 anni si definisce, anzi si ritiene legittimo Gran Priore dell’Ordine del Tempio, c’è chi aspetta l’adunata cavallerizza per riconquistare Gerusalemme (ma non gli hanno detto se la riunione si terrà in quella terrestre o in quella celeste). C’è chi, messa in soffitta la divisa di generalissimo ed indossando il meno decorato mantello di Super-Neotemplare che è in vendita in via Lanza, con la stessa sicumera con la quale ha scritto in un sito che un funzionario dello Stato, condannato in via definitiva per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, è vittima dei giudici di Palermo (lui lo conosce bene, lui ci ha lavorato insieme gomito a gomito), afferma in internet che il popolo ebraico sarebbe in cerca della propria identità (!). Trovo scandalosa e offensiva questa affermazione. Ho chiesto autorevole parere ad un importante esponente della Comunità Ebraica che mi ha confermato la sconcezza di tale frase. Ma buttiamola sul ridere, sta arrivando l’anno nuovo, sarebbe inutile dare troppo peso ai mestatori di professione e agli ignoranti.
Come ho recentemente ribadito in una conferenza, Chancellor they remain the Chancellor, the Grand Cancellara, I can not explain why, but nine out of ten members of these associations neotemplari posing for Priority Orders or!
But there are not only those who do or do bombastic proclamations. Behind and above them there are bad teachers. In our case, are almost always well-integrat within groups living in harmony with the bad politics but I will not bore you too much with these speeches.
There are lots of new people who ask me on my next book on the Templars of heresy and some ask me why, when part of the Chinon parchment, which I write was "discovered", using quotation marks.
Ai primi dico che ci saranno molti argomenti interessanti e che saranno affrontati con dovizia di particolari, a partire del fatto che vi dimostrerò che il presunto ritrovamento della pergamena non ha come scopo la riabilitazione dei Templari bensì quella di Clemente V, una vera mistificazione della storia. Poi tratterò dell’eresia dei capi dell’Ordine (argomento che ho già esposto in varie trasmissioni televisive e radiofoniche), che è stata propria di quelle famiglie nobiliari europee che, imparentate tra di loro, costituirono la dinastia del Sang Real. Infine svelerò l’ubicazione di una piramide, in Europa, che è stata custodita dai nostri cavalieri dopo la Settima Crociata e di cui nessuno ha finora mai spoken.
brings me to the second argument, leaving you all this food for thought and anticipation of some extracts of my next book.
As we all know, September 13, 2001, Dr. Barbara Frale says he found in the funds of the Vatican Secret a document which, according to her, "r ivoluziona the history of the" . The document is called the "Parchment of Chinon," and in "Dossier: New Templars," I scored proven innocent.
The preamble is simple: it is an investigation carried out by three cardinals at the head of which was the eminence Frèdol, nephew of Pope Clement V. The three had Clement V sent to query the Grand Master de Molay and other dignitaries of the Temple prison in Chinon, to see if the charges brought by Philip to the Templars were more or less true.
E 'result that was true, especially the ritual of spitting on the cross, made at the time of initiation. Having humbly asked forgiveness of the Church and having invoked the papal absolution for having made these blasphemous acts, which were "committed with the mouth and not with the heart" and according to old traditions that existed in the Order, Clement V, as was use for the heretics who demanded the forgiveness of sins, granted to De Molay and the brothers longed acquittal. For this reason, were not burned at the stake but would spend in prison the rest of their lives. In essence, then, Clement V, in 1308, grants them the grace that they have repented.
Be well aware: do not say anywhere in that document or in subsequent documents, that the accusations of heresy are false or have a frame of the French king to take possession of property of the Templars (who later went to the Hospitallers). Indeed the opposite is true. The Bull of dissolution of the Order which is dated 1312, Clement V makes it clear what he thinks. He decides to affirm, instead, to reaffirm that Philip IV the Fair had moved against the Templars followed closely because its nature as a Christian king. But let's see what writes Pope Clement V in the preamble of bubble dissolution of the Templar Order:
" But then our dear son in Christ, Philip, the illustrious king of France, which were revealed the same crimes, not for fever of avarice, - not in fact had no intention of claiming or appropriating the property of the Templars, in his reign he neglected them, keeping away from this deal, but on the zeal of the true faith ... "
Despite Clement V had written in his own hand this historic document, the Dr Frale, insists, at times alternative, which the Templars were found innocent by Pope Clement and the process was assembled by King Philip as a matter of gluttony. Apart the fact that, as you have read, is the pope in person that "exonerates" Philip from this charge. And then, as I said, the document speaks of Chinon papal absolution after the dignitaries of the Temple had repented, that they had admitted their guilt.
But why, I wonder and I ask you, is a long way to a distorted reading of the historical facts?
Is there anything else I'd like to bring to your attention and which concerns the "discovery" of the Chinon document.
I have found that in 1888 the writer Leo Taxil, aka Gabriel Jogand Pagès, proposed the contents of that document in his monumental work "The Secret History of Freemasonry . Taxil So not only was aware of but had even read, was a protege of Pope Leo XIII.
Taxil writes on pages 787-788, in the late nineteenth century:
" [...] the mission of Clement istando not done to punish the guilty men, but to destroy a corrupt order, the Order wants to know the same questions and the Great teacher and principal graduated as the Grand Prior of the various provinces of France [...] and trasmarini countries. And those, whose age and infirmity are not allowed to come to him, makes them question the prelates nominated by him. We read each of these confessions made by accused because his coaccusati recognizes the truth or tell it what detestable passion could lead many Knights of the Temple to utter these calumnies against their order. But instead of contradicting all this out. Grand Master and Grand Priors and simple repeat riders everywhere the same confessions [...] have secretly confessed their crimes and they have asked for absolution. It begged the Sovereign Pontiff to reconcile with the Church .
In this step, as you can see, Taxila is explaining the Chinon document and reconnaissance made by Cardinal Frèdol spurred by Pope Clement V who wants to get some light on the deal Templars.
De Molay Grand Priors and confess, indeed, "confirm" to have practiced rites profane, the solemn ask forgiveness to Clement V, on time, arrived in 1308, although in 1312, as in his own right, has second thoughts and decides to abolish the Order, allowing its leaders to be burned at two years after burning as heretics who have not repented.
I ask the Dr. if Frale is aware that his revolutionary "discovery" is not a discovery?
And I also wonder why, if so convinced that the Templars were not heretics, wrote on August 21, 2008, in the pages of L'Osservatore Romano, plain meaning of the phrase " [...] but the Templars were not now heretics mass ". Then, according to Dr. Frale, one of them was?
is not the first time that the archivist, who works at the Vatican Secret Archives, exhibits two conflicting thoughts. I do not want the doctor, I'm not going to do with such a controversial personality but I must note that he also exhibited two conflicting thoughts Sunday, 19 July 2009, this time on the pages of the Republic, about the Cathars.
Dr. Frale writes: "The Cathars gathered around a group of ascetics (those perfect) who had undoubtedly heroic virtues, lived according to the ideal of evangelical poverty, chastity practiced absolute and long fasts to mortify the flesh is completely dedicated to preaching ... .
So far so good, all right, it's all true what they told Dr. Frale but then a few lines further on, the same writes: "The bishops that were passed to the Cathar doctrine had changed but without giving up the land, the horses and lots of rich benefices of their status as Catholic bishops, I believe the new lifted them of the long liturgies provided by Catholicism, the burden of visiting the diocese, to make fast, the nurturing of souls ... "As you can see
in the same article, there are two statements by Dr. Frale on the "fast" that contradict each other but not all.
Dr Frale perhaps forget that the Cathars called the Church of Rome "the Synagogue of Satan." At this point, I'd like to ask if, in his authoritative opinion, the Cathars were right or not to define in this way the Church of Rome, since, as she writes, lived according to the ideal of evangelical poverty and the fact that, I would add, they were destroyed by a Crusade by Pope Innocent III ...
What say you, friends, bloggers and visitors: Dr. Frale will give me the mad or throw against me busy during my conference?
Michael Allegri