Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,
passato il Santo Natale, ci accingiamo ad entrare nel nuovo Anno. Mi auguro che lo vivremo con più felicità ed allegria di quelle che abbiamo dimostrato fino ad ora. Negli ultimi tempi, infatti, l’atmosfera in Italia si è un po’ surriscaldata. Non è superfluo ricordare le sciocche aggressioni al capo del governo e al pontefice regnante da parte di persone squilibrate che sono il termometro di una situazione che, secondo me, è a dir poco inquietante.
Lo squilibrio mentale è particolarmente invasivo anche quando si tratta e si parla di Templari.
C’è chi a 75 anni si definisce, anzi si ritiene legittimo Gran Priore dell’Ordine del Tempio, c’è chi aspetta l’adunata cavallerizza per riconquistare Gerusalemme (ma non gli hanno detto se la riunione si terrà in quella terrestre o in quella celeste). C’è chi, messa in soffitta la divisa di generalissimo ed indossando il meno decorato mantello di Super-Neotemplare che è in vendita in via Lanza, con la stessa sicumera con la quale ha scritto in un sito che un funzionario dello Stato, condannato in via definitiva per concorso esterno in associazione mafiosa, è vittima dei giudici di Palermo (lui lo conosce bene, lui ci ha lavorato insieme gomito a gomito), afferma in internet che il popolo ebraico sarebbe in cerca della propria identità (!). Trovo scandalosa e offensiva questa affermazione. Ho chiesto autorevole parere ad un importante esponente della Comunità Ebraica che mi ha confermato la sconcezza di tale frase. Ma buttiamola sul ridere, sta arrivando l’anno nuovo, sarebbe inutile dare troppo peso ai mestatori di professione e agli ignoranti.
Come ho recentemente ribadito in una conferenza, Chancellor they remain the Chancellor, the Grand Cancellara, I can not explain why, but nine out of ten members of these associations neotemplari posing for Priority Orders or!
But there are not only those who do or do bombastic proclamations. Behind and above them there are bad teachers. In our case, are almost always well-integrat within groups living in harmony with the bad politics but I will not bore you too much with these speeches.
There are lots of new people who ask me on my next book on the Templars of heresy and some ask me why, when part of the Chinon parchment, which I write was "discovered", using quotation marks.
Ai primi dico che ci saranno molti argomenti interessanti e che saranno affrontati con dovizia di particolari, a partire del fatto che vi dimostrerò che il presunto ritrovamento della pergamena non ha come scopo la riabilitazione dei Templari bensì quella di Clemente V, una vera mistificazione della storia. Poi tratterò dell’eresia dei capi dell’Ordine (argomento che ho già esposto in varie trasmissioni televisive e radiofoniche), che è stata propria di quelle famiglie nobiliari europee che, imparentate tra di loro, costituirono la dinastia del Sang Real. Infine svelerò l’ubicazione di una piramide, in Europa, che è stata custodita dai nostri cavalieri dopo la Settima Crociata e di cui nessuno ha finora mai spoken.
brings me to the second argument, leaving you all this food for thought and anticipation of some extracts of my next book.
As we all know, September 13, 2001, Dr. Barbara Frale says he found in the funds of the Vatican Secret a document which, according to her, "r ivoluziona the history of the" . The document is called the "Parchment of Chinon," and in "Dossier: New Templars," I scored proven innocent.
The preamble is simple: it is an investigation carried out by three cardinals at the head of which was the eminence Frèdol, nephew of Pope Clement V. The three had Clement V sent to query the Grand Master de Molay and other dignitaries of the Temple prison in Chinon, to see if the charges brought by Philip to the Templars were more or less true.
E 'result that was true, especially the ritual of spitting on the cross, made at the time of initiation. Having humbly asked forgiveness of the Church and having invoked the papal absolution for having made these blasphemous acts, which were "committed with the mouth and not with the heart" and according to old traditions that existed in the Order, Clement V, as was use for the heretics who demanded the forgiveness of sins, granted to De Molay and the brothers longed acquittal. For this reason, were not burned at the stake but would spend in prison the rest of their lives. In essence, then, Clement V, in 1308, grants them the grace that they have repented.
Be well aware: do not say anywhere in that document or in subsequent documents, that the accusations of heresy are false or have a frame of the French king to take possession of property of the Templars (who later went to the Hospitallers). Indeed the opposite is true. The Bull of dissolution of the Order which is dated 1312, Clement V makes it clear what he thinks. He decides to affirm, instead, to reaffirm that Philip IV the Fair had moved against the Templars followed closely because its nature as a Christian king. But let's see what writes Pope Clement V in the preamble of bubble dissolution of the Templar Order:
" But then our dear son in Christ, Philip, the illustrious king of France, which were revealed the same crimes, not for fever of avarice, - not in fact had no intention of claiming or appropriating the property of the Templars, in his reign he neglected them, keeping away from this deal, but on the zeal of the true faith ... "
Despite Clement V had written in his own hand this historic document, the Dr Frale, insists, at times alternative, which the Templars were found innocent by Pope Clement and the process was assembled by King Philip as a matter of gluttony. Apart the fact that, as you have read, is the pope in person that "exonerates" Philip from this charge. And then, as I said, the document speaks of Chinon papal absolution after the dignitaries of the Temple had repented, that they had admitted their guilt.
But why, I wonder and I ask you, is a long way to a distorted reading of the historical facts?
Is there anything else I'd like to bring to your attention and which concerns the "discovery" of the Chinon document.
I have found that in 1888 the writer Leo Taxil, aka Gabriel Jogand Pagès, proposed the contents of that document in his monumental work "The Secret History of Freemasonry . Taxil So not only was aware of but had even read, was a protege of Pope Leo XIII.
Taxil writes on pages 787-788, in the late nineteenth century:
" [...] the mission of Clement istando not done to punish the guilty men, but to destroy a corrupt order, the Order wants to know the same questions and the Great teacher and principal graduated as the Grand Prior of the various provinces of France [...] and trasmarini countries. And those, whose age and infirmity are not allowed to come to him, makes them question the prelates nominated by him. We read each of these confessions made by accused because his coaccusati recognizes the truth or tell it what detestable passion could lead many Knights of the Temple to utter these calumnies against their order. But instead of contradicting all this out. Grand Master and Grand Priors and simple repeat riders everywhere the same confessions [...] have secretly confessed their crimes and they have asked for absolution. It begged the Sovereign Pontiff to reconcile with the Church .
In this step, as you can see, Taxila is explaining the Chinon document and reconnaissance made by Cardinal Frèdol spurred by Pope Clement V who wants to get some light on the deal Templars.
De Molay Grand Priors and confess, indeed, "confirm" to have practiced rites profane, the solemn ask forgiveness to Clement V, on time, arrived in 1308, although in 1312, as in his own right, has second thoughts and decides to abolish the Order, allowing its leaders to be burned at two years after burning as heretics who have not repented.
I ask the Dr. if Frale is aware that his revolutionary "discovery" is not a discovery?
And I also wonder why, if so convinced that the Templars were not heretics, wrote on August 21, 2008, in the pages of L'Osservatore Romano, plain meaning of the phrase " [...] but the Templars were not now heretics mass ". Then, according to Dr. Frale, one of them was?
is not the first time that the archivist, who works at the Vatican Secret Archives, exhibits two conflicting thoughts. I do not want the doctor, I'm not going to do with such a controversial personality but I must note that he also exhibited two conflicting thoughts Sunday, 19 July 2009, this time on the pages of the Republic, about the Cathars.
Dr. Frale writes: "The Cathars gathered around a group of ascetics (those perfect) who had undoubtedly heroic virtues, lived according to the ideal of evangelical poverty, chastity practiced absolute and long fasts to mortify the flesh is completely dedicated to preaching ... .
So far so good, all right, it's all true what they told Dr. Frale but then a few lines further on, the same writes: "The bishops that were passed to the Cathar doctrine had changed but without giving up the land, the horses and lots of rich benefices of their status as Catholic bishops, I believe the new lifted them of the long liturgies provided by Catholicism, the burden of visiting the diocese, to make fast, the nurturing of souls ... "As you can see
in the same article, there are two statements by Dr. Frale on the "fast" that contradict each other but not all.
Dr Frale perhaps forget that the Cathars called the Church of Rome "the Synagogue of Satan." At this point, I'd like to ask if, in his authoritative opinion, the Cathars were right or not to define in this way the Church of Rome, since, as she writes, lived according to the ideal of evangelical poverty and the fact that, I would add, they were destroyed by a Crusade by Pope Innocent III ...
What say you, friends, bloggers and visitors: Dr. Frale will give me the mad or throw against me busy during my conference?
Michael Allegri
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Where Can I Sell Old Clothes Vancouver
Four good laugh .... Still on the dissolution of natural
pick up the call and I share much of the Peyote willingly
Straker Puppa! Laughter guaranteed
Greetings, Marco
pick up the call and I share much of the Peyote willingly
Straker Puppa! Laughter guaranteed
Greetings, Marco
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My Dog Has A Big Growth On Mouth
Jeff Mangum is back with a cover
We interrupt our preparations for the holidays because we got the news today that caught us unprepared. Do not we expected, something was in the air but was not yet a fact. Let's face it, do not believe until proven otherwise. And here's the proof, directly from neutralmilkhotel.org .
The announced compilation dedicated to Chris Knox of Tall Dwarfs following his heart attack, fortunately not fatal, is now ready. Several American artists and New Zealand have made a series of cover songs in tribute: Stephin Merritt, Yo La Tengo, Lambchop, Lou Barlow and many others. The Merge has seen fit to collect them all in a compilation directly pre-ordered in various sizes from its site. It will be released later next February, but in the meantime you can buy the pieces in digital downloads.
Our Jeff has chosen to reinterpret "Sign the Dotted Line" of the Tall Dwarfs. For $ 1.24 we succeed we are cornered. We suggest you do the same, because it will only present the U.S. version of the compilation.
Jeff is alive, guys, let's hope this opportunity is Just push him to return the guitar and the desire to write at least another great album.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Replacing A Kitche Countertop Lam
heaps of saltmarsh
Report this most beautiful time-lapse video made by CANADIANENTROPY Mount Fairview in Canada. Besides the spectacular scenery taken up this video demonstrating once again the absolute nature of this phenomenon.
tankeroni do not see near or inside the clouds and there is no trace even of my namesake Ing Marco grandmaster of dissolution with the power of thought. Enjoy :)
tankeroni do not see near or inside the clouds and there is no trace even of my namesake Ing Marco grandmaster of dissolution with the power of thought. Enjoy :)
Thursday, December 3, 2009
How Much Does A Spray Tan At Hollywood Tans Cost?
we put the raisins
On Occasion of the Christmas and New Year just days away, we at Comely we thought a few suggestions for passionate readers. Tips for buying in short, Neutral Milk Hotel-style.
The news that Merge has reissued on 180g vinyl and On Avery Island In the Aeroplane Over the Sea might be an idea to do, or have done a great gift. Santa Claus will deliver a high quality LP so you do not see every day, right? You can order here: On Avery Island and In the Aeroplane Over the Sea .
For Anglophone readers, the best advice is surely Our Noise: The Story of Merge Records, the indie label Big and Stayed That Got Small ( http://www.ournoisethebook.com/ ).
The history of the label that brought us the Neutral Milk Hotel narrated by the founders. Rich in anecdotes, the book offers a section on Neutral Milk Hotel. For collectors, but there are interesting information for every good music fan, trust me.
Speaking of gifts, we want to leave something to wish you a Merry Christmas. No, unfortunately we can not ask Jeff Mangum playing Estragon for New Year, but if you settle for something you like definitely can be found.
Let's start with these videos, circulated recently on the Web A performance of 1998, the Knitting Factory in New York. Are excellent, considering the standard of shooting that are scattered throughout the ether. I strongly recommend you put aside these because they are treats for gourmets.
And after this tasting, we come to something far more juicy: http: / / e6live.com/video/nmh/live /
At this link you can find two DVDs available for free download of Neutral Milk Hotel, and a third movie sees Jeff Mangum committed to a Halloween party. We can not guarantee the eternal presence of the delicious goods on that site, so hurry!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, to us and obviously to the Neutral Milk Hotel!
The news that Merge has reissued on 180g vinyl and On Avery Island In the Aeroplane Over the Sea might be an idea to do, or have done a great gift. Santa Claus will deliver a high quality LP so you do not see every day, right? You can order here: On Avery Island and In the Aeroplane Over the Sea .
For Anglophone readers, the best advice is surely Our Noise: The Story of Merge Records, the indie label Big and Stayed That Got Small ( http://www.ournoisethebook.com/ ).
The history of the label that brought us the Neutral Milk Hotel narrated by the founders. Rich in anecdotes, the book offers a section on Neutral Milk Hotel. For collectors, but there are interesting information for every good music fan, trust me.
Speaking of gifts, we want to leave something to wish you a Merry Christmas. No, unfortunately we can not ask Jeff Mangum playing Estragon for New Year, but if you settle for something you like definitely can be found.
Let's start with these videos, circulated recently on the Web A performance of 1998, the Knitting Factory in New York. Are excellent, considering the standard of shooting that are scattered throughout the ether. I strongly recommend you put aside these because they are treats for gourmets.
And after this tasting, we come to something far more juicy: http: / / e6live.com/video/nmh/live /
At this link you can find two DVDs available for free download of Neutral Milk Hotel, and a third movie sees Jeff Mangum committed to a Halloween party. We can not guarantee the eternal presence of the delicious goods on that site, so hurry!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, to us and obviously to the Neutral Milk Hotel!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
How To Get Rid Of A Staph Infection
MANY NEW' IN THE TREE ... Graceland
Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,
ringrazio tutti coloro che mi chiedono di presentare le mie due ultime novità librarie, “ Elvis e il Priorato di Sion ” e “ Io sono ciò che mangio ”. Ho constatato che c’è un vivo interesse per questi due argomenti, anche da parte di persone che hanno difficoltà ad arrivare alla fine del mese e alle quali va il mio pensiero solidale. Per questo motivo, in accordo con la casa editrice, ho disposto l’applicazione di un forte sconto durante le presentazioni dei libri e tramite la vendita diretta dal sito dell’editore:
Hurry, then, to buy them because the first editions are going to end.
By the way, meet hundreds of readers at conferences, receive letters of appreciation even from Australia, Britain, the USA and even journalists from the island of Malta, fills my heart with joy. The contact with the public is always significant for the writer but my strength and my financial resources, alas, is rather limited and therefore will not be present wherever I may be required. To overcome these difficulties, by popular demand, soon you will see me in the early evening ... the comfort of your sofa in your home ... :-)
are also many people who ask me when will come new on the Order of the Temple. I anticipate that some day I finished writing a new work that meets the many requests I've had. I did not want to deal with topics that are pleasant laughter sbellicare the general public, such as the discovery of traces of the rotten tails pangas on the cloth of the Shroud with the writings of Latin-greek-Arabic-Chinese fishmonger who ensured that they were fresh. I leave to those ridiculous readings of Legionella Legionnaires!
In my new book will, however, lean and light exposure on the nature of the Templars of heresy but there is more. Reveal to the general public a place linked to the Order of the Temple and the Priory of Sion which no one has ever spoken before.
I give the news that a major national newspaper, I devoted an entire page of his newspaper, highlighting my significant success in Italy. It 's a nice recognition!
I know that there are some people who, bound together by a thin thread crumpled, trying with all means to undermine but I would like to remind these "good" people that their action is ineffective and will always be on my side because I that all those who care about the truth. Later, I will publish the entire article.
Visto che sono entrato nel vivo di questo argomento, ne approfitto per salutare l’ottimo Maurizio Decollanz, giornalista di punta di Odeon tv e celebre conduttore della trasmissione Rebus - Questioni di conoscenza. Decollanz, che nelle sue inchieste si muove solo alla ricerca della Verità, qualunque essa sia, ha voluto darmi una testimonianza concreta del suo sostegno attraverso il suo blog dedicato al suo progetto Nautilus, che invito tutti voi a visitare. Le puntate di Rebus, dedicate ai Templari e agli Ospitalieri, mi hanno dato modo di spiegare che la Storia non può essere piegata ad interessi di parte e so che il pubblico ha più che apprezzato questa mia posizione.
Ci sono altre novità gustose. Ne ricordo brevemente due. E’ for sale to the best of the Templars hypermarkets Wine produced by some farmers of Lucania. I've tasted and it is very good.
a new template, however, tells me to open a brewery dedicated to the Order, I think in central Italy. It will be opened next month by an actor of the parish name "Old Goliarda", a former theatrical with false beard and a future far less bright Cancellaro neotemplare Association of yet.
He and his friends my deepest Prosit!
last note of service. This blog, as you well know, is not a newspaper, and on which there are always and only my interventions in the form of posts in the coming days, will be modified to form.
meantime I send you a big hug.
Michael Allegri
Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,
ringrazio tutti coloro che mi chiedono di presentare le mie due ultime novità librarie, “ Elvis e il Priorato di Sion ” e “ Io sono ciò che mangio ”. Ho constatato che c’è un vivo interesse per questi due argomenti, anche da parte di persone che hanno difficoltà ad arrivare alla fine del mese e alle quali va il mio pensiero solidale. Per questo motivo, in accordo con la casa editrice, ho disposto l’applicazione di un forte sconto durante le presentazioni dei libri e tramite la vendita diretta dal sito dell’editore:
Hurry, then, to buy them because the first editions are going to end.
By the way, meet hundreds of readers at conferences, receive letters of appreciation even from Australia, Britain, the USA and even journalists from the island of Malta, fills my heart with joy. The contact with the public is always significant for the writer but my strength and my financial resources, alas, is rather limited and therefore will not be present wherever I may be required. To overcome these difficulties, by popular demand, soon you will see me in the early evening ... the comfort of your sofa in your home ... :-)
are also many people who ask me when will come new on the Order of the Temple. I anticipate that some day I finished writing a new work that meets the many requests I've had. I did not want to deal with topics that are pleasant laughter sbellicare the general public, such as the discovery of traces of the rotten tails pangas on the cloth of the Shroud with the writings of Latin-greek-Arabic-Chinese fishmonger who ensured that they were fresh. I leave to those ridiculous readings of Legionella Legionnaires!
In my new book will, however, lean and light exposure on the nature of the Templars of heresy but there is more. Reveal to the general public a place linked to the Order of the Temple and the Priory of Sion which no one has ever spoken before.
I give the news that a major national newspaper, I devoted an entire page of his newspaper, highlighting my significant success in Italy. It 's a nice recognition!
I know that there are some people who, bound together by a thin thread crumpled, trying with all means to undermine but I would like to remind these "good" people that their action is ineffective and will always be on my side because I that all those who care about the truth. Later, I will publish the entire article.
Visto che sono entrato nel vivo di questo argomento, ne approfitto per salutare l’ottimo Maurizio Decollanz, giornalista di punta di Odeon tv e celebre conduttore della trasmissione Rebus - Questioni di conoscenza. Decollanz, che nelle sue inchieste si muove solo alla ricerca della Verità, qualunque essa sia, ha voluto darmi una testimonianza concreta del suo sostegno attraverso il suo blog dedicato al suo progetto Nautilus, che invito tutti voi a visitare. Le puntate di Rebus, dedicate ai Templari e agli Ospitalieri, mi hanno dato modo di spiegare che la Storia non può essere piegata ad interessi di parte e so che il pubblico ha più che apprezzato questa mia posizione.
Ci sono altre novità gustose. Ne ricordo brevemente due. E’ for sale to the best of the Templars hypermarkets Wine produced by some farmers of Lucania. I've tasted and it is very good.
a new template, however, tells me to open a brewery dedicated to the Order, I think in central Italy. It will be opened next month by an actor of the parish name "Old Goliarda", a former theatrical with false beard and a future far less bright Cancellaro neotemplare Association of yet.
He and his friends my deepest Prosit!
last note of service. This blog, as you well know, is not a newspaper, and on which there are always and only my interventions in the form of posts in the coming days, will be modified to form.
meantime I send you a big hug.
Michael Allegri
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Creda Cooker Wiring Diagram
-dreaming: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
We report now published, a text found by chance while surfing the net. The author, commandax , holds an amazing blog of art criticism and called Erratic Phenomena and, speaking of art, hath been focused on a post talking about the artwork of airplanes. Here are his thoughts about it. Original article in the June 14, 2008: Dreaming Awake: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea .
The other day, talking with some colleagues who are concerned with art as I do, I noticed many of them share a passion for an album released 10 years ago: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Neutral Milk Hotel. I think one of the reasons why we all love so much this album is that it represents the consideration of which we are music lovers of art itself - emotional, symbolic, surreal, mysterious, enigmatic, disturbing, passionate, evocative. If you qualify as a musical masterpiece of surrealism pop (or magical realism or neo-romanticism phantasmagoric, or if you prefer), then In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is certainly the seminal albums in the genre.
will not talk about music, because it is spoken everywhere in blogs, and has also been explored at length in the book series 33 1 / 3 [Album of Kim Cooper's book, ndt]. Anyone universal need for an additional explanation of the immensity of this album, can be found here , here and here .
last decade, Aeroplane has sent more than a music critic ecstatic poetry, complete with revelations and epiphanies wet with tears. In addition, Aeroplane contributed heavily to create Devendra Banhart and the whole freak-folk scene, sowing also a breeding ground for revolutionary bands like Arcade Fire and Decembrists.
( If you are not already converted, at this point, hurry up and download , being careful to play the album in gapless mode )
To put it to Kevin Barnes, of Montreal " the greatness of the songs of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is that, although they are impregnated pain, confusion and madness, do not ever lead in self-pity or in self-indulgence. Never become commonplace. It seems to me that the voice of Jeff Mangum in that album was a portal through which the dying animal and the manic joy of the human spirit have found universal amplification. "
I think these words explain everything there is to say in this regard.
Since this is a blog about art, I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about the artwork of the album, before going to dig in more esoteric fields. Surely every true fan of NMH has already examined every detail of ' art that accompanies this album, hoping to find some cryptic revelation. The first design was created for the album "Flying Victoria" by Brian Dewan . Brian, who is also a musician who makes musical instruments by hand (and is a dear friend), had already made some drawings for another Elephant 6 band, the Music Tapes , then the frontman of NMH Jeff Mangum, soon contacted him to see if he was interested in designing something for Aeroplane.
Brian also designed a "Magic Radio" Mangum, but did not arrive sull'artwork album ever, but you can see on the book 33 1 / 3, in case you decide to take it. It 's the design of an old radio that spits out items including a fish, an airplane, musical notes, a clock with wings and an angel playing a trumpet.
sull'artwork Here are some other revelations from the album 33 1 / 3
" Brian Poole, another member of Elephant 6, Jeff points out that 'loved that imaginary magical time gone, almost circus-, early-century arcade games from the past, 'examples of which were in shops with little money during his travels. Among the things that Jeff brought to graphic designers Chris Bilheimer, figurava una vecchia cartolina europea raffigurante dei bagnanti al mare, e questa fu l'immagine che Chris - lavorando a stretto contatto con Jeff - tagliò e alterò vagamente per creare la copertina di Aeroplane. Altre fonti di materiale includevano un libro di poster circensi storici , un libro con foto artistiche di formazioni nuvolose, il logo dell'Elephant 6 di Will Hart e la vista aerea su città di Brian Dewan.
Sebbene Chris Bilheimer lavori principalmente al computer, la sua estetica è più analogica che digitale. Le immagini disparate scelte per il design dell'album passavano dal nuovissimo disegno di Brian Dewan alla vecchia cartolina semi-sporca. Com'era possibile dare un'immagine visivamente coesa a tutti questi elementi? Chris risolse il problema scannerizzando la parte posteriore della cartolina, e usando questa carta ingiallita, segnata e sporca come sfondo in cui proiettare tutte le altre immagini. In questo modo, tutte le immagini sembravano essere più o meno della stessa epoca e stampate su carta simile, con un complessivo effetto di lenta decadenza ."
Molti aficionados dei Neutral Milk Hotel sognano ancora il giorno in cui Jeff Mangum tornerà dal suo auto-imposto esilio per registrare un altro beautiful album like this, even if in fact it seems rather unlikely.
When I read this interview to Mangum in 1998, his description of the images you see in the lucid dreaming made me think that these visions could become very interesting of the paintings - and that the pursuit of a much more solitary ( than music, ndt) career as a painter might be less painful for a person's temperament as sensitive. (However, after reviewing his plans , I decided that visual art is not his forte, after all.)
Here is the description of one of his visions, that he brings to a line from Holland 1945 ("How strange it is to be anything at all"):
" I wake up every morning completely panicked by the fact of being inside my body. Any dream face, always has something to do with being completely in panic for being in my body, and generally get up in shock ... It also has to do with all the incredible lucid dreaming I do. I have every hallucination kind of crazy, and it is very strange. I open my eyes and I see things. I have seen ghosts around the walls. I saw a vortex approaching through the wall. I've seen, through the window, small balls of light amorphous saltellare per tutto il giardino. Ho visto insetti giganti sul pavimento. Ero in una stanza d'hotel ad Amarillo, in Texas, e tutto quello che ricordo è che me ne stavo sul letto, e vedevo l'intera parete di fronte a me piena di luci che scoppiettavano come popcorn fuori dal muro. Poi mi sveglio e faccio: 'wow, stavo sul letto a fissare la parete '."
Queste visioni fatte da una persona che non si droga... non c'è da stupirsi che la vita sia diventata un pelo troppo intensa per lui dopo che Aeroplane lo spinse tra le braccia di una folla di fan assatanati ed adoranti. A sentirlo parlare, sembra che viva su un altro piano dell'esistenza.
" Ghost began to write the song that 'ghost, ghost I know you live Within Me' because we thought we had a ghost in the house, who lived in the bathroom. So I locked the door and begins to sing to the ghost in the bathroom. Over time, all became a little 'how to sing the ghost that we thought the same whistling in the next room, and he kept waking up, and as a result of a ghost that could live inside me.
Many of the songs on this album is dedicated to Anne Frank. The record is not necessarily set in the Holocaust period - more than anything else is a reflection of how I see the time. Among other things, I'm not even sure that time is linear and it all goes in one direction. The world is incredibly out of focus in this absurd dream my way stumbling
Many of the songs for me from Aeroplane impanicato, it took other people around me that makes me feel comfortable with them, I got to see that it was right to sing about those things, and do not close them inside. Because it was all just too intense. "
" Aeroplane After, I felt the need to look at life harder, and that is what I did [...] And try to address the suffering of the brutality of life and the joys of life. I'm trying to find world peace, as it is. I feel as if my soul slowly undressing, like layers of an onion. I'm starting to see through all these small structures that have been imposed on me by the company and they tell me how I should see life and the world. What should I consider important and what is not. Sometimes we see through so clearly that you'd be only a leaf carried by the wind. "
Friday, November 13, 2009
Notebook Auto Power Adapter Sp8ii
Ghost Ghost, ghost I know you live within me Feel as you fly In thunderclouds above the city Into one that I Loved with all that was left within me Until we tore in two Now wings and rings and there's so many Waiting here for you And she was born in a bottle rocket, 1929 With wings that ring around a socket Right between her spine All drenched in milk and holy water Pouring from the sky I know that she will live for ever She won't ever die She goes and now she knows she'll never be afraid To watch the morning paper blow Into a hole where no one can escape Dee, de de de de... And one day in New York City baby A girl fell from the sky From the top of a burning apartment building Fourteen stories high And when her spirit left her body How it split the sun I know that she will live for ever All goes on and on and on and She goes and now she knows she'll never be afraid To watch the morning paper blow Into a hole where no one can escape Dee, de de de de... | | Fantasma Fantasma, fantasma so che vivi inside me [1] it's like you volassi in storm clouds over the city in a I loved you with all that was left within me Until we torn in two Now wings and rings and are waiting for you here so many It came in a bottle-rocket in 1929 [2] with wings that turn around to a plug right in the middle of his spine soaked milk and holy water falling from the sky I know that (she) will live forever, that will never die [3] (You) Go, and now knows that there will be no fear to watch the morning paper burst through a hole from which no one can escape of of of of of .... And one day in New York City, lovely, a girl fell from the sky [4] from a burning apartment fourteen storeys high And when her spirit left his body oh divided as the sun I know that (she) will live forever and everything goes on and on and on ... (You) Go, and now knows that it will not afraid to look at the morning paper burst through a hole from which no one can escape of of of of of .... |
[ 1] "When I started writing Ghost [...] we thought we had a ghost in the house, who lived in the bathroom. So I locked the door and begins to sing to the ghost in the bathroom. Over time, all became a little 'how to sing ghost that we thought the same whistling in the next room, and he kept waking up, and as a result of a ghost that could live inside of me . And then it ended up being a reference to Anne Frank. " (McGonigal, 1998, p. 21)
[2] clear reference to Anne Frank, born in 1929 in fact.
[3] These verses seem to fulfill this wish Anna repeatedly expressed in his diary, that is not to be lived in vain and leave a trace species in the immortal world ( Transience and Transcendence Max Heath).
[4] It is not clear to whom it refers here Mangum, but it is certainly clear parallels between Anna and this modern girl who died jumping from a skyscraper in flames (from Transience and Transcendence Max Heath).
Sunday, November 8, 2009
How To Make A Poptropica Cake
Phantom Works in progress ... Oh
Hello, readers old and new!
First I want to apologize for the inactivity of Comely in the past two months, we had problems and personal changes that have prevented us from devoting the time needed for translation and research interesting articles on Neutral Milk Hotel. Now things seem to have been settled, so we hope to return soon with new material on Jeff and his Neutral Milk Hotel.
In the meantime, we are delighted to have seen that you continue to consistently, and as always we ask you to send text messages or articles you would like to see translated (or that you have translated!) Here at Comely.
In short, we will return soon in full swing, so stay tuned , and soon!
Giulia and Manuel
Hello, readers old and new!
First I want to apologize for the inactivity of Comely in the past two months, we had problems and personal changes that have prevented us from devoting the time needed for translation and research interesting articles on Neutral Milk Hotel. Now things seem to have been settled, so we hope to return soon with new material on Jeff and his Neutral Milk Hotel.
In the meantime, we are delighted to have seen that you continue to consistently, and as always we ask you to send text messages or articles you would like to see translated (or that you have translated!) Here at Comely.
In short, we will return soon in full swing, so stay tuned , and soon!
Giulia and Manuel
Friday, October 16, 2009
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what's new ...
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
I am come to take stock of the situation, as many had asked me.
I enjoyed reading your contributions to last post. If you want me to have the answers to your questions, do not forget, though, to write to templarcenter@libero.it
a new template, for example, asked me if it remains even today the excommunication of Pope Clement V in respect of those who wear the dress and carries the name of the Templars, as provided by the Bull Vox in Excelso .
The answer is yes, the excommunication remains. I have been confirmed by authoritative university professors of ecclesiastical law. Fact:
" Excommunication is provided in the current Canon Law, promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983. This code replaces the previous Codex of 1917. All institutions of criminal law also apply in relation to the canonical penalty of excommunication .
If someone wants to be a good Catholic, and then, or stop using the clothes or you should refrain from receiving the sacraments, or celebration, where is a priest!
Monday, October 12, in the largest theater in Milan, I was invited to be an important gathering of scholars (the editor of a monthly magazine of history and a university professor), to commemorate the date 13 October 1307.
E 'was an important opportunity to show everyone, with papers in hand, as the Order of the Temple has been abolished by the will of Pope Clement heresy because living there from the beginning. The speakers have agreed with me that the Templars, spitting on the cross, the soldiers could not be considered ready to give their lives for Christ, as some revisionist historians would have us believe.
With the Chinon document, In fact, we now know that the accusations of heresy by King Philip moves against the Order of the Temple were true. In fact, the Master De Molay was to confess to Cardinal Frèdol that tradition of the Order was spitting on the crucifix at the time of the Temple . The idol that the Templars worshiped, the bearded head and that horrible "was budding trees, is another aspect of the pagan religion and totems which was celebrated in the secrecy of the chapters. The Bafomet has nothing to do with the Holy Shroud, and that linen cloth, which was manufactured in the Middle Ages, as was confirmed in 1988 by Cardinal Balestrate, is not the image Jesus
However, everyone is free to formulate a theory.
For those wishing to explore this aspect, can be found on the web the intervention of the outstanding professor. Luciano Canfora, the leading expert in classical philology in Italy, which suppresses the hypothesis that the Shroud can be traced back to a period prior to 70 AD to present
I'm Elvis and the Priory of Sion in a television talk show. There are interesting questions and I will try to clarify many obscure aspects of this ancient secret society and the many mysteries surrounding the life of the singer.
I will keep you informed on all the interviews that come out. Meanwhile, the book has almost finished its first edition. Even
"I am what I eat" is very good. Private clubs and public institutions to invite me to appear on and down the country. If possible, try to please everyone.
As always, thank you. Your
Michael Allegri
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
I am come to take stock of the situation, as many had asked me.
I enjoyed reading your contributions to last post. If you want me to have the answers to your questions, do not forget, though, to write to templarcenter@libero.it
a new template, for example, asked me if it remains even today the excommunication of Pope Clement V in respect of those who wear the dress and carries the name of the Templars, as provided by the Bull Vox in Excelso .
The answer is yes, the excommunication remains. I have been confirmed by authoritative university professors of ecclesiastical law. Fact:
" Excommunication is provided in the current Canon Law, promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983. This code replaces the previous Codex of 1917. All institutions of criminal law also apply in relation to the canonical penalty of excommunication .
If someone wants to be a good Catholic, and then, or stop using the clothes or you should refrain from receiving the sacraments, or celebration, where is a priest!
Monday, October 12, in the largest theater in Milan, I was invited to be an important gathering of scholars (the editor of a monthly magazine of history and a university professor), to commemorate the date 13 October 1307.
E 'was an important opportunity to show everyone, with papers in hand, as the Order of the Temple has been abolished by the will of Pope Clement heresy because living there from the beginning. The speakers have agreed with me that the Templars, spitting on the cross, the soldiers could not be considered ready to give their lives for Christ, as some revisionist historians would have us believe.
With the Chinon document, In fact, we now know that the accusations of heresy by King Philip moves against the Order of the Temple were true. In fact, the Master De Molay was to confess to Cardinal Frèdol that tradition of the Order was spitting on the crucifix at the time of the Temple . The idol that the Templars worshiped, the bearded head and that horrible "was budding trees, is another aspect of the pagan religion and totems which was celebrated in the secrecy of the chapters. The Bafomet has nothing to do with the Holy Shroud, and that linen cloth, which was manufactured in the Middle Ages, as was confirmed in 1988 by Cardinal Balestrate, is not the image Jesus
However, everyone is free to formulate a theory.
For those wishing to explore this aspect, can be found on the web the intervention of the outstanding professor. Luciano Canfora, the leading expert in classical philology in Italy, which suppresses the hypothesis that the Shroud can be traced back to a period prior to 70 AD to present
I'm Elvis and the Priory of Sion in a television talk show. There are interesting questions and I will try to clarify many obscure aspects of this ancient secret society and the many mysteries surrounding the life of the singer.
I will keep you informed on all the interviews that come out. Meanwhile, the book has almost finished its first edition. Even
"I am what I eat" is very good. Private clubs and public institutions to invite me to appear on and down the country. If possible, try to please everyone.
As always, thank you. Your
Michael Allegri
Monday, October 12, 2009
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Yesterday mangiatona beautiful day at sea with fish, white wine and of course the healthy spotting on takeoffs from Marco Polo Airport in Venice .... all paid by SMOM ..
Some shots (click for full size):
Some shots (click for full size):
Air France Airbus A320-211 F- GFKP
Windjet Airbus A320-211 F-GJVC
Jet2 Boeing 737-377 G- celu
Netjets Europe Falcon 2000 CS-DNS
Clickair Airbus A320-214 EC- HQJ
Alitalia MD-82 I-Danh
Windjet Airbus A320-211 F-GJVC
Jet2 Boeing 737-377 G- celu
Netjets Europe Falcon 2000 CS-DNS
Clickair Airbus A320-214 EC- HQJ
Alitalia MD-82 I-Danh
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Do You Get Lots Of Cm Before Period?
How do we know the reality that surrounds us? as you can see and recognize objects that interact with us from the outside and especially how we can be aware of our moods?
All this happens through the mechanism of perception that deals with the development, organization and reprocess the stimuli from within and outside of our body. It works through the sense organs (primarily sight for us humans) and is intended to give meaning and order to the reality. The perception is distinct from the first sensation, which is a simple and immediate impression of a change in the environment.
However, what we perceive every day, from smells to colors to finish the forms, is absolutely not a true reflection of the objective reality around us: for example, take the UV rays or radio waves, but we can not see that objectively exist. Similarly, we can not see heat, which they do many animals, although many things in nature, starting with the living beings, are sources of it, not to mention the world famous optical illusions that we can find every day online or in newspapers.
How do we know then, for example, that red is really red? There is a spectrum of the human race perceptions are broadly similar among all of us (for example, we all share the same spectrum of colors, no one will ever see the ultraviolet) that allow us to share in principle with each other our perceptual experiences .
Over the years, many scholars are passionate about the phenomenon, theorized many models to explain the functioning of perception. Scholars of the current New Look, for example, stated that perceptions related to emotions, and then all forms that we perceive has a sentimental value for us, personally and socially. The perception of forms is therefore influenced by the social context and personal experience of each of us and can vary, it is not innate, from one person to another. To be clear, the perception of a cross for a person of the Christian religion has a very different importance that a person is Muslim or Buddhist.
a different opinion are current students of Gestalt, Kohler and Wertheimer assume that a set of predefined rules that perception follows when interacting with the environment around us, claiming that the innate character of this function, which operates according to well-defined rules based on the separation of figure from background. These rules are
1) Good shape (the perceived structure is always the easiest)
2) Proximity (items are grouped according to the distance)
3) Similarity (tendency to group the similar elements)
4) Good continuation (All items are perceived as belonging to a coherent and continuous)
5) Common Destiny (if the elements are in motion, are grouped with those of a shift consistent).
6) Figure-ground (all parts of an area can be interpreted both as object and as a background).
7) Movement induced (a frame of reference consists of some structures that allows the perception of objects).
8) pregnancy (if the stimuli are ambiguous, the perception will be good based on information taken from the retina).
Beyond the two theories and all others who come through over the years, the only shared conviction is that perception is an indispensable tool for understanding the reality and that is the only way that allows us to be in contact with each other and with our world inner
Monday, September 28, 2009
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Perception Anxiety and Anxiety
We hear so often talk about anxiety and distress, most often these words have even entered the language. Anyone of us before a job interview will ever say, "that anxiety," or to exclaim: "What anguish!" before an exam.
At first sight, the two words look the same, but from the psychological point of view is not so.
start first of all to define clearly what we mean by the word ANSI. Anxiety is a general activation of both mental and physical resources of a person who is confronted with a task that requires attention. Very often make the mistake of attributing the anxiety to una situazione negativa o in ogni caso spiacevole, ma non è cosi: i complessi meccanismi di attivazione che utilizziamo servono all'organismo a massimizzare le sue prestazioni in caso di pericolo o di compiti particolarmente difficili. Dal punto di vista fisico, ad esempio, l'ansia si manifesta con un aumento del battito cardiaco che permette un maggior pompaggio di sangue al cervello, in modo che esso sia più ossigenato e che quindi mantenga un nutrimento maggiore, in modo da funzionare al meglio.
Bisogna, quindi, distinguere essenzialmente tra ANSIA SEGNALE, ovvero un'ansia che si attiva in risposta ad uno stimolo esterno (es.vedo un leone, ovviamente la mia psiche e il mio corpo reagiscono di conseguenza) e ANSIA AUTOMATICA, ossia anxiety that appears free, not tied to a particular event.
This particular type of anxiety, then that is pathological in most cases, can take an even more serious a source of anxiety, anxiety or "increased", exacerbated, in many cases can be observed in disorders such as' panic attack, with his terrible sense of suffocation and fear of dying devastating. The mechanisms that trigger anxiety "inappropriate" is a great deal of literature, however, the etiology is to be found mainly in traumatic events of our past lives in this event in some way linked to painful situations or not fully developed. We will have the opportunity to discuss of this later, for now I choose to remain an introductory level!
We hear so often talk about anxiety and distress, most often these words have even entered the language. Anyone of us before a job interview will ever say, "that anxiety," or to exclaim: "What anguish!" before an exam.
At first sight, the two words look the same, but from the psychological point of view is not so.
start first of all to define clearly what we mean by the word ANSI. Anxiety is a general activation of both mental and physical resources of a person who is confronted with a task that requires attention. Very often make the mistake of attributing the anxiety to una situazione negativa o in ogni caso spiacevole, ma non è cosi: i complessi meccanismi di attivazione che utilizziamo servono all'organismo a massimizzare le sue prestazioni in caso di pericolo o di compiti particolarmente difficili. Dal punto di vista fisico, ad esempio, l'ansia si manifesta con un aumento del battito cardiaco che permette un maggior pompaggio di sangue al cervello, in modo che esso sia più ossigenato e che quindi mantenga un nutrimento maggiore, in modo da funzionare al meglio.
Bisogna, quindi, distinguere essenzialmente tra ANSIA SEGNALE, ovvero un'ansia che si attiva in risposta ad uno stimolo esterno (es.vedo un leone, ovviamente la mia psiche e il mio corpo reagiscono di conseguenza) e ANSIA AUTOMATICA, ossia anxiety that appears free, not tied to a particular event.
This particular type of anxiety, then that is pathological in most cases, can take an even more serious a source of anxiety, anxiety or "increased", exacerbated, in many cases can be observed in disorders such as' panic attack, with his terrible sense of suffocation and fear of dying devastating. The mechanisms that trigger anxiety "inappropriate" is a great deal of literature, however, the etiology is to be found mainly in traumatic events of our past lives in this event in some way linked to painful situations or not fully developed. We will have the opportunity to discuss of this later, for now I choose to remain an introductory level!
Friday, September 25, 2009
How Do Projectors Project Black
The beginning
Welcome to the first post of my blog dedicated exclusively to the disciplines of psychology and psychotherapy in particular to the current defined. Before, however, expose the motivations that led me to create this virtual platform, it is good that I present.
My name is Joseph Caserta, is a psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, existential psychotherapy. At the time, military activity in the city of Perugia.
Opening a blog devoted to psychotherapy, or the power of psychology and psychiatry, which assumes that all that occurs mainly in the mental and unconscious forces and permanent movements in opposition to each other (we shall talk about it!) comes from my eternal curiosity towards the human soul.
Sigmund Freud said that human history there had been three great humiliations: the first, the work of Copernicus, the man claimed that he was no longer the center of creation, but rather in an area peripheral to it and "painfully "normal. The second, through the pen of Charles Darwin, likening the man, considered until then a perfect being, for one of many animal species. The third, finally, it was by the Viennese neurologist, as he demonstrated with his works che la razionalità, che tanto veniva sbandierata in epoca positivista come unica leva del comportamento umano, non fosse in realtà che la sola punta di un iceberg, la cui parte sommersa comprendeva la gran parte della nostra vita psichica.
Mi sembra assolutamente stimolante e illuminante come concezione! Non possiamo, infatti, non fare appello alle oscure forze che agiscono dentro di noi per tentare di spiegare tutti i terribili fatti di cronaca che avvengono attorno a noi, dalle devastanti psicosi depressive post partum, alla bizzarria apparentemente senza significato dei deliri, fino a quegli attimi di tristezza senza motivo o di rabbia indecifrabile che a volte accadono al nostro interno.
Spero che per voi questo viaggio sarà at least it will be as enjoyable for me.
you soon!
Welcome to the first post of my blog dedicated exclusively to the disciplines of psychology and psychotherapy in particular to the current defined. Before, however, expose the motivations that led me to create this virtual platform, it is good that I present.
My name is Joseph Caserta, is a psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, existential psychotherapy. At the time, military activity in the city of Perugia.
Opening a blog devoted to psychotherapy, or the power of psychology and psychiatry, which assumes that all that occurs mainly in the mental and unconscious forces and permanent movements in opposition to each other (we shall talk about it!) comes from my eternal curiosity towards the human soul.
Sigmund Freud said that human history there had been three great humiliations: the first, the work of Copernicus, the man claimed that he was no longer the center of creation, but rather in an area peripheral to it and "painfully "normal. The second, through the pen of Charles Darwin, likening the man, considered until then a perfect being, for one of many animal species. The third, finally, it was by the Viennese neurologist, as he demonstrated with his works che la razionalità, che tanto veniva sbandierata in epoca positivista come unica leva del comportamento umano, non fosse in realtà che la sola punta di un iceberg, la cui parte sommersa comprendeva la gran parte della nostra vita psichica.
Mi sembra assolutamente stimolante e illuminante come concezione! Non possiamo, infatti, non fare appello alle oscure forze che agiscono dentro di noi per tentare di spiegare tutti i terribili fatti di cronaca che avvengono attorno a noi, dalle devastanti psicosi depressive post partum, alla bizzarria apparentemente senza significato dei deliri, fino a quegli attimi di tristezza senza motivo o di rabbia indecifrabile che a volte accadono al nostro interno.
Spero che per voi questo viaggio sarà at least it will be as enjoyable for me.
you soon!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
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Freemasonry is an organization " initiatory character and mutual aid " present in almost every country in the world, even in Castro's Cuba, an island that boasts the presence of 250 lodges.
The lodge is the basic step of the Masonic structure. Collects no less than thirty and not more than forty brothers divided into three levels: apprentice, fellow teachers and art. It is chaired by the Worshipful Master and meets in a temple, decorated according to traditional rules.
The sum of the logge of a given nation as a Grand Lodge, which is governed by a Grand Master. Typically, each nation has only one Grand Lodge. But there are exceptions. In Italy, for example, there are three Grand Lodges in: the Grand Orient of Italy, the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Italy.
To join Masonry must be submitted by a mason who has the rank of master, or be the son of a mason, and have completed the twenty-first birthday. The layman "who knocks on the door of the Temple", as defined person making the application for admission in a lodge, Freemasonry asks to have some basic requirements: belief in a Supreme Being and to be a "free person and good morals." The layman is then "tile" on him the older brothers of the lodge conduct an investigation and asked the brother who has presented details of his past life experiences and his political and religious and philosophical views of life. At the end of this survey, there is a first vote that decides whether to admit the candidate to three interviews. Through these meetings, the Masonic candidate to probe the availability of non-profit organization if it were allowed to check their knowledge of the history of Freemasonry and its ability to meet the annual capitation (Registration fee). During these confrontations, also, Masons shall ensure the preparation of the candidate in the discussions on esoteric and philosophical, to be inspired by a personal vision of open, able to take into account the opinions of others. After three interviews, there is a second vote. Masons of the lodge must decide unanimously for the admission of "bussante. If it is accepted, the aspirant Mason joins the structure through a fascinating initiation ritual, which is preceded by the establishment of a spiritual testament in which the candidate, closed in the cabinet of reflection "and placed in front of a skull, a hourglass in the salt and the drawing of a rooster, answers three questions relating to its duties to the Supreme Being, the country and himself. At the end of the ceremony, the candidate pledges "to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe" not to betray the ideals of Freemasonry, the secret initiation and help the brothers who are in difficulties. In
lodge is strictly forbidden to discuss politics and religion, are generally preferred arguments that would morally elevate the members of the lodge and esoteric subjects that are the origin of man and symbols.
The Mason who wishes to leave the brotherhood, he can "get to sleep." He does not lose its characteristics or its initiatory degrees, but only stopped work to attend the lodge, which are held once or twice a month. Outside the lodge, the Masons meet in convivial dinners that call agapes rituals or white.
The Mason who has attained the rank of master and desire perfection in masonry can participate in certain rites of Perfection. The most common in the world are the York Rite and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The latter speaks Dan Brown in his new book.
The Scottish Rite is structured in a hierarchical pyramid of 33 degrees. Represents what was the old Scottish Freemasonry, created in 1307 by Some Templars escaping from France who arrived in Scotland, the prince helped Robert the Bruce defeated the British at the Battle of Bannockburn. The Scottish Rite recalls his martyrdom on the 30th of the last Grand Master of the Temple, De Molay, who died at the stake "at the hands of King Philip IV and Pope Clement V". The coordination structure of the Scottish Rite is located in the U.S. and the world is divided into North and South District latter, which is based in Washington, is known Mother of the world (as regards the rite) and its members were the majority of U.S. presidents, like Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior.
In the world there are two types of Freemasonry. The first is called Circuit Obediences dogmatic, accepts only male people, headed by the United Grand Lodge of England, defined Mother of the World Order (the basic structure of Freemasonry, the first three grades Masonic), represented by its Grand Master the Duke of Kent, cousin of the Queen. The second, however, is defined circuit of obedience dogmatic, accepting relationships with women and lodges is part of the Grand Orient of France, the largest Masonic continental Europe, which claimed to be part of some senior members of the Governo francese.
In tutto il mondo si contano circa 5 milioni di massoni.
La data di nascita ufficiale della Massoneria speculativa è il 24 giugno del 1717, giorno del solstizio d’estate e di San Giovanni Battista. Fu il reverendo inglese Anderson a riunire le quattro logge di Londra e a redigere, nel 1723, le Costituzioni dell’Ordine, nelle quali fece riferimento a un’origine antichissima della Massoneria.
Freemasonry has absorbed many pagan cults and heretics of the past, becoming the bearer of a universal vision of the religious spirit. Live in it's outpouring of Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism, the Orphic cults, heresy Giovanni, mystery traditions of the ancient Egyptians, misteriosofia of the Templars. Because of this, his followers were excommunicated by several popes since April 28, 1738, that is, when Pope Clement XII wrote the encyclical In Leading and ordered the bishops to proceed against the Masons as suspects di eresia. La condanna della Chiesa cattolica non è mutata nel tempo, tanto che l’attuale papa, Benedetto XVI, quando ebbe l’incarico di Custode dell’ortodossia della fede, affermò che i massoni sono in stato di peccato grave e non possono accostarsi ai sacramenti.
La Massoneria ha giocato un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del pensiero moderno e nell’affermazione della democrazia, attraverso la propugnazione degli ideali di Libertà e di Uguaglianza. Ha ispirato numerose riforme nel Regno inglese, è stata vicina ad alcuni despoti illuminati del 1700 e massoni come Benjamin Franklin e George Washington hanno pianificato e realizzato la Rivoluzione Americana. Si può dire anche che abbia played a key role in our national revolutions of the Risorgimento and the countries of South Asia. According to some historians (but the issue is still debated) Freemasonry has also given a significant boost to the early events of the French Revolution, as Mirabeau and Danton two brothers of the lodge.
Among the most famous Freemasons of the past include Voltaire, Mozart, Garibaldi, Napoleon, Walt Disney, astronaut Armstrong, Toto, Enrico Fermi, Sybelius, Salvatore Quasimodo, Salvador Allende and President Roosevelt.
Michael Allegri
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
I inform you that my last two books are going well and not just the sales figures to tell me: are undergo many to contact me for questions, and propose topics for further comments. As many have realized, are books that speak to people, are alive and give a new impetus to learn and improve and broaden their perspectives.
add a technical note, someone told me that the book Elvis and the Priory of Sion is often found in the music department and non-esoteric non-fiction history & mysteries. Indeed so, some booksellers prefer to place it in the music department and then you find there.
Today I want to take inspiration from a talk I gave recently. From the audience's questions revealed a considerable curiosity about Freemasonry because, as you know, coming out in Italy the new novel by Dan Brown, The lost symbol.
In this post I will then outline the history of Freemasonry and its characteristics main, which many are interested in knowing, feeling a guide impartial and objective.
I inform you that my last two books are going well and not just the sales figures to tell me: are undergo many to contact me for questions, and propose topics for further comments. As many have realized, are books that speak to people, are alive and give a new impetus to learn and improve and broaden their perspectives.
add a technical note, someone told me that the book Elvis and the Priory of Sion is often found in the music department and non-esoteric non-fiction history & mysteries. Indeed so, some booksellers prefer to place it in the music department and then you find there.
Today I want to take inspiration from a talk I gave recently. From the audience's questions revealed a considerable curiosity about Freemasonry because, as you know, coming out in Italy the new novel by Dan Brown, The lost symbol.
In this post I will then outline the history of Freemasonry and its characteristics main, which many are interested in knowing, feeling a guide impartial and objective.
Freemasonry is an organization " initiatory character and mutual aid " present in almost every country in the world, even in Castro's Cuba, an island that boasts the presence of 250 lodges.
The lodge is the basic step of the Masonic structure. Collects no less than thirty and not more than forty brothers divided into three levels: apprentice, fellow teachers and art. It is chaired by the Worshipful Master and meets in a temple, decorated according to traditional rules.
The sum of the logge of a given nation as a Grand Lodge, which is governed by a Grand Master. Typically, each nation has only one Grand Lodge. But there are exceptions. In Italy, for example, there are three Grand Lodges in: the Grand Orient of Italy, the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Italy.
To join Masonry must be submitted by a mason who has the rank of master, or be the son of a mason, and have completed the twenty-first birthday. The layman "who knocks on the door of the Temple", as defined person making the application for admission in a lodge, Freemasonry asks to have some basic requirements: belief in a Supreme Being and to be a "free person and good morals." The layman is then "tile" on him the older brothers of the lodge conduct an investigation and asked the brother who has presented details of his past life experiences and his political and religious and philosophical views of life. At the end of this survey, there is a first vote that decides whether to admit the candidate to three interviews. Through these meetings, the Masonic candidate to probe the availability of non-profit organization if it were allowed to check their knowledge of the history of Freemasonry and its ability to meet the annual capitation (Registration fee). During these confrontations, also, Masons shall ensure the preparation of the candidate in the discussions on esoteric and philosophical, to be inspired by a personal vision of open, able to take into account the opinions of others. After three interviews, there is a second vote. Masons of the lodge must decide unanimously for the admission of "bussante. If it is accepted, the aspirant Mason joins the structure through a fascinating initiation ritual, which is preceded by the establishment of a spiritual testament in which the candidate, closed in the cabinet of reflection "and placed in front of a skull, a hourglass in the salt and the drawing of a rooster, answers three questions relating to its duties to the Supreme Being, the country and himself. At the end of the ceremony, the candidate pledges "to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe" not to betray the ideals of Freemasonry, the secret initiation and help the brothers who are in difficulties. In
lodge is strictly forbidden to discuss politics and religion, are generally preferred arguments that would morally elevate the members of the lodge and esoteric subjects that are the origin of man and symbols.
The Mason who wishes to leave the brotherhood, he can "get to sleep." He does not lose its characteristics or its initiatory degrees, but only stopped work to attend the lodge, which are held once or twice a month. Outside the lodge, the Masons meet in convivial dinners that call agapes rituals or white.
The Mason who has attained the rank of master and desire perfection in masonry can participate in certain rites of Perfection. The most common in the world are the York Rite and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The latter speaks Dan Brown in his new book.
The Scottish Rite is structured in a hierarchical pyramid of 33 degrees. Represents what was the old Scottish Freemasonry, created in 1307 by Some Templars escaping from France who arrived in Scotland, the prince helped Robert the Bruce defeated the British at the Battle of Bannockburn. The Scottish Rite recalls his martyrdom on the 30th of the last Grand Master of the Temple, De Molay, who died at the stake "at the hands of King Philip IV and Pope Clement V". The coordination structure of the Scottish Rite is located in the U.S. and the world is divided into North and South District latter, which is based in Washington, is known Mother of the world (as regards the rite) and its members were the majority of U.S. presidents, like Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior.
In the world there are two types of Freemasonry. The first is called Circuit Obediences dogmatic, accepts only male people, headed by the United Grand Lodge of England, defined Mother of the World Order (the basic structure of Freemasonry, the first three grades Masonic), represented by its Grand Master the Duke of Kent, cousin of the Queen. The second, however, is defined circuit of obedience dogmatic, accepting relationships with women and lodges is part of the Grand Orient of France, the largest Masonic continental Europe, which claimed to be part of some senior members of the Governo francese.
In tutto il mondo si contano circa 5 milioni di massoni.
La data di nascita ufficiale della Massoneria speculativa è il 24 giugno del 1717, giorno del solstizio d’estate e di San Giovanni Battista. Fu il reverendo inglese Anderson a riunire le quattro logge di Londra e a redigere, nel 1723, le Costituzioni dell’Ordine, nelle quali fece riferimento a un’origine antichissima della Massoneria.
In effetti, il simbolismo massonico con la squadra, il compasso, il triangolo con l’occhio al centro e l’uso di paramenti quali i grembiulini, i guanti bianchi e il maglietto del Maestro Venerabile, fanno pensare ad una paternità Medieval Masonic Institution. It is in fact symbols and ornaments used by the Franks (ie free) bricklayers, members of the Guilds of masons and stone cutters who, between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, they built churches and cathedrals throughout Europe. Prime contractor of these great works of architecture, in which elements are visible allegorical and symbolic meaning is often obscure, was the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, since 1130, established a close contact with this "working horse". This relationship is well demonstrated by the Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, which was built in 1450 by the noble Templar William de St Clair. Inside, as recently recalled Stuart Beattie, the guardian of the chapel, both symbols appear together Treasure (smudged crosses, two knights riding on one horse) and Masonic (teams and calipers, five-pointed stars). They also both mythic and Boaz Jackin columns, present in every Masonic temple, which refer to the biblical account of the construction of Solomon's Temple. Both the medieval operative Masonry is the one speculative era of the Enlightenment, in fact, preserve the memory of the history of the Temple, which would have guarded the Ark of the Covenant. As the Bible says, Solomon decided to build the temple in Jerusalem largest that had ever existed. The task of designing and building was entrusted to the architect Hiram, who employed nine thousand between workers and construction workers. According to medieval legend, three bad companions, who wanted to know the secrets of the master Hiram, hid in the yard of the Temple, where the architect used to walk at noon, and they attacked him in an attempt to make him talk. Hiram refused to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry, and they shot him three times with working tools: the first hit him in the throat with a row of iron, the second to the heart with a team and the third on the forehead with a mallet . Hiram died, the three, known as "abominable" and buried in a field and an acacia tree sprang up from the earth.
Even today Masons wear the crown of the jacket is a pin with a leaf acacia, to remember this myth and recognize each other.
Freemasonry has absorbed many pagan cults and heretics of the past, becoming the bearer of a universal vision of the religious spirit. Live in it's outpouring of Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism, the Orphic cults, heresy Giovanni, mystery traditions of the ancient Egyptians, misteriosofia of the Templars. Because of this, his followers were excommunicated by several popes since April 28, 1738, that is, when Pope Clement XII wrote the encyclical In Leading and ordered the bishops to proceed against the Masons as suspects di eresia. La condanna della Chiesa cattolica non è mutata nel tempo, tanto che l’attuale papa, Benedetto XVI, quando ebbe l’incarico di Custode dell’ortodossia della fede, affermò che i massoni sono in stato di peccato grave e non possono accostarsi ai sacramenti.
La Massoneria ha giocato un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del pensiero moderno e nell’affermazione della democrazia, attraverso la propugnazione degli ideali di Libertà e di Uguaglianza. Ha ispirato numerose riforme nel Regno inglese, è stata vicina ad alcuni despoti illuminati del 1700 e massoni come Benjamin Franklin e George Washington hanno pianificato e realizzato la Rivoluzione Americana. Si può dire anche che abbia played a key role in our national revolutions of the Risorgimento and the countries of South Asia. According to some historians (but the issue is still debated) Freemasonry has also given a significant boost to the early events of the French Revolution, as Mirabeau and Danton two brothers of the lodge.
Among the most famous Freemasons of the past include Voltaire, Mozart, Garibaldi, Napoleon, Walt Disney, astronaut Armstrong, Toto, Enrico Fermi, Sybelius, Salvatore Quasimodo, Salvador Allende and President Roosevelt.
Michael Allegri
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Volkwagon Buggydimensions
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Painted Bathroom Vanity
censorship continues Tankerenemy .....( Agg.to August 7) \u200b\u200bThe Cirrus
attack on New video of Nico Murdock that expose the bad faith of Straker ... I invite you to read the article directly from his blog:
http://nico-murdock.blogspot.com/2009/08/ here it is-new-to-the-fascist-straker.html
reiterate my full support to all those who are cowardly attack as they can show the true face of this sad character.
Update August 7: The Fox
Sanremo also attacks Wiki. More details in the blog Orsovolante ( here) and Vibradito ( here ).
attack on New video of Nico Murdock that expose the bad faith of Straker ... I invite you to read the article directly from his blog:
http://nico-murdock.blogspot.com/2009/08/ here it is-new-to-the-fascist-straker.html
reiterate my full support to all those who are cowardly attack as they can show the true face of this sad character.
Update August 7: The Fox
Sanremo also attacks Wiki. More details in the blog Orsovolante ( here) and Vibradito ( here ).
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Paddle Boat Online Games
has-been ... READ!
Dear friends, bloggers and just curious,
I am writing to thank everyone who gave me compliments for my work on television about the Templars. I had occasion to speak of their heresy, their mission and intelligence of their mysterious origin, tied to some noble French families. These topics, among others, will be the subject of my next book about the Templars ... but I'll get ahead!
I want to thank all of you who are reading my two new books, ELVIS AND THE PRIORY OF SION and I am that 'EATING , and I thank them also for me the questions that are already putting.
For your convenience, I remind you that within each book is the address to which you can read news and write to me and say:
http://elviseilpriorato.blogspot.com - elvis.priorato @ gmail.com
http:// kronoalimentazione.blogspot.com - kronoalimentazione@alice.it
In relation to I AM THAT 'eating, there are many who wonder why on some systems the text appears with a name different from mine and that is Happy Grotto.
I confirm that THIS IS NOT AN MY ALIAS because the book is signed by me personally, this is instead of an error caused by an editorial practices.
The publisher had to communicate with great anticipation to this new release and distribution at the time the card is an incorrect name appeared!
If any bookseller should have a doubt, tell him also that it is me!
For the summer, among other things, it's a good read, because the heat that surrounds us is better to eat right foods low glycemic index ... And drink lots of water!
So I leave you with fresh and healthy recipes with the mystery of Elvis ...
Michael Allegri
Dear friends, bloggers and just curious,
I am writing to thank everyone who gave me compliments for my work on television about the Templars. I had occasion to speak of their heresy, their mission and intelligence of their mysterious origin, tied to some noble French families. These topics, among others, will be the subject of my next book about the Templars ... but I'll get ahead!
I want to thank all of you who are reading my two new books, ELVIS AND THE PRIORY OF SION and I am that 'EATING , and I thank them also for me the questions that are already putting.
For your convenience, I remind you that within each book is the address to which you can read news and write to me and say:
http://elviseilpriorato.blogspot.com - elvis.priorato @ gmail.com
http:// kronoalimentazione.blogspot.com - kronoalimentazione@alice.it
In relation to I AM THAT 'eating, there are many who wonder why on some systems the text appears with a name different from mine and that is Happy Grotto.
I confirm that THIS IS NOT AN MY ALIAS because the book is signed by me personally, this is instead of an error caused by an editorial practices.
The publisher had to communicate with great anticipation to this new release and distribution at the time the card is an incorrect name appeared!
If any bookseller should have a doubt, tell him also that it is me!
For the summer, among other things, it's a good read, because the heat that surrounds us is better to eat right foods low glycemic index ... And drink lots of water!
So I leave you with fresh and healthy recipes with the mystery of Elvis ...
Michael Allegri
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Terrier Poodle Mix Info
there but there is no basis of disinformation
From the site NASA Earth Observatory reports this interesting spectroradiometer MODIS satellite made which allows you to measure the radiation in the visible and infrared. The comparison of the two images is the presence of a very large formation of cirrus clouds detected only in the spectrum of 'Infrared and therefore not identifiable to the naked eye. The cirrus with these characteristics are called "sub-visible cirrus" or invisible cirrus clouds.
These areas, with no observation of clouds as invisible, are potentially favorable to the formation of persistent contrails for aircraft crossing the understanding that the temperature in the atmosphere is sufficiently low.
yet another demonstration that the simple observation alas not enough .....
yet another demonstration that the simple observation alas not enough .....
Monday, June 29, 2009
What Does Briggs And Stratton Govenor Look Like
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
we arrived at the expected time: July 9 you found in libraries " Elvis and the Priory of Sion " and " I am what I eat " self-defense and self-study manual for all consumers to understand the esoteric value and biochemistry of all foods we eat day. Even in small everyday actions like eating, in fact, Knowledge is the key to living well and to avoid the scam and adulteration. As the Romans said, DISC AUT AUT DISCEDE , learn or perish.
Dossier new Templars "," Elvis and the Priory of Sion "and" I am what I eat "are three books that have questo comune denominatore: LA CONOSCENZA DELLA VERITA’ .
Il libro su Elvis è divenuto improvvisamente di estrema attualità e in molti mi stanno interpellando per cercare di comprendere le cause e le circostanze della recente e dolorosa scomparsa di Michael Jackson, il Re del Pop. I giornali di tutto il mondo stanno tracciando un parallelismo tra la morte di Elvis e quella di Michael Jackson e la stessa “dietrologia” si sta ripresentando.
Persino L’Osservatore Romano, sorprendentemente, ha posto la domanda: “ Michael Jakson sarà veramente morto ?”, domanda che io stesso, insieme a milioni di fans, mi sono posto nel mio book about Elvis.
There are, in fact, many, many, characteristics shared by the King of Rock and the King of Pop: the humble birth, an extraordinary talent and a unique ability to capture the hearts and minds of the people, the use of a regal pomp and Dionysian movement onstage, surrounded by a veritable "short" and finding oneself, even at a young age (42 years Elvis and Michael Jackson 50) alone and sad to resort to higher and higher doses of medication.
What drugs then? According to rumors, Elvis would die for a cocktail of drugs in the predominantly Demerol. After more than 30 years, the same drug can be found at the scene of the death of Jackson.
Both died in the summer before a major tour.
Another strange thing: as with Elvis, even for Michael Jackson talking about heavy debts, despite their standard of living before the death was certainly not modest. (Newspapers around the world is today the declaration of the "nanny" of Jackson, who says he paid all his living expenses with personal credit card!).
Finally, not everyone knows, perhaps, that are related to Jackson and Presley, Michael has in fact married the daughter of Elvis, Lisa Marie.
With the book "Elvis and the Priory of Sion" I tried to capture and explain the background of a modern myth, in its rise and its output scene. All the news on the 1977 Elvis, I quoted extensively, we could compare with what you are reading today on the Jackson case.
Soon we will inform you in more details about "I am what I eat," which is already attracting a huge interest, even for the summer ... which calls for read and eat better!
notice for all fans of Templars do not think that he abandoned the argument! There are big things to come for you, history fans!
For now thank you and send you a warm greeting.
Michael Allegri
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
we arrived at the expected time: July 9 you found in libraries " Elvis and the Priory of Sion " and " I am what I eat " self-defense and self-study manual for all consumers to understand the esoteric value and biochemistry of all foods we eat day. Even in small everyday actions like eating, in fact, Knowledge is the key to living well and to avoid the scam and adulteration. As the Romans said, DISC AUT AUT DISCEDE , learn or perish.
Dossier new Templars "," Elvis and the Priory of Sion "and" I am what I eat "are three books that have questo comune denominatore: LA CONOSCENZA DELLA VERITA’ .
Il libro su Elvis è divenuto improvvisamente di estrema attualità e in molti mi stanno interpellando per cercare di comprendere le cause e le circostanze della recente e dolorosa scomparsa di Michael Jackson, il Re del Pop. I giornali di tutto il mondo stanno tracciando un parallelismo tra la morte di Elvis e quella di Michael Jackson e la stessa “dietrologia” si sta ripresentando.
Persino L’Osservatore Romano, sorprendentemente, ha posto la domanda: “ Michael Jakson sarà veramente morto ?”, domanda che io stesso, insieme a milioni di fans, mi sono posto nel mio book about Elvis.
There are, in fact, many, many, characteristics shared by the King of Rock and the King of Pop: the humble birth, an extraordinary talent and a unique ability to capture the hearts and minds of the people, the use of a regal pomp and Dionysian movement onstage, surrounded by a veritable "short" and finding oneself, even at a young age (42 years Elvis and Michael Jackson 50) alone and sad to resort to higher and higher doses of medication.
What drugs then? According to rumors, Elvis would die for a cocktail of drugs in the predominantly Demerol. After more than 30 years, the same drug can be found at the scene of the death of Jackson.
Both died in the summer before a major tour.
Another strange thing: as with Elvis, even for Michael Jackson talking about heavy debts, despite their standard of living before the death was certainly not modest. (Newspapers around the world is today the declaration of the "nanny" of Jackson, who says he paid all his living expenses with personal credit card!).
Finally, not everyone knows, perhaps, that are related to Jackson and Presley, Michael has in fact married the daughter of Elvis, Lisa Marie.
With the book "Elvis and the Priory of Sion" I tried to capture and explain the background of a modern myth, in its rise and its output scene. All the news on the 1977 Elvis, I quoted extensively, we could compare with what you are reading today on the Jackson case.
Soon we will inform you in more details about "I am what I eat," which is already attracting a huge interest, even for the summer ... which calls for read and eat better!
notice for all fans of Templars do not think that he abandoned the argument! There are big things to come for you, history fans!
For now thank you and send you a warm greeting.
Michael Allegri
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dune Buggy Blueprints.com
In some exclusive shots which testify to the existence of a basis of disinformation hired in a secret location in the Northeast:
In some exclusive shots which testify to the existence of a basis of disinformation hired in a secret location in the Northeast:
continuous patrolling in pairs of two in training I militare.Naturalmente immediately pointed the binoculars to the two planes.
This gate leaves no doubt about the hierarchy of the base ...
Note the middle and especially the quality of the supplies essential for the survival of disinformation
Ducks (Arne) MKULTRA on patrol even this strictly in pairs of two.
This is undoubtedly one of the secret lairs of "Peyote" where, according to rumors, sciachimisti you eat for breakfast!
Ducks (Arne) MKULTRA on patrol even this strictly in pairs of two.
This is undoubtedly one of the secret lairs of "Peyote" where, according to rumors, sciachimisti you eat for breakfast!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Does My Newborn Know Me
The natural dissolution Lies and heaps of bad faith
In response to this video that would demonstrate the artificial destruction heaps of work for chemical air I propose the following sequence of about 5 minutes instead of witnessing the complete normality of the phenomenon. For a discussion of more specific please read the articles on blogs and Orsovolante Nico .
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Bushnell Trophy Trs-25 Opinion
few weeks ago, Rosario Marciano (Straker) Nico Murdock has openly accused of having opened a fake facebook group .... the same group until yesterday, however, showed the same Mark is clearly not responsible for .... something back and it does not take a graduate course (not real tarot as Straker) to understand that this episode is yet another demonstration of the fallacy of this person.
Decollanz and company singing Wake up !!!!!
I invite you to read the article that explains the story of Nico Blog:
Decollanz and company singing Wake up !!!!!
I invite you to read the article that explains the story of Nico Blog:
http://nico-murdock.blogspot.com/2009/05/rosario-marciano-sei-solo- a-grande.html
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How Many Calories Are In Homemade Pizza?
really rewards the patience ... In fact, if you still have the goodness to wait a few days, you will find in library books and my 2 1!
The reason the wait is the fact that they crossed the frantic preparations for both works.
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors ,
really rewards the patience ... In fact, if you still have the goodness to wait a few days, you will find in library books and my 2 1!
The reason the wait is the fact that they crossed the frantic preparations for both works.
Soon I will give you news of the newcomer, do not worry!
I thank you all and I greet you cordially :-)
Michael Allegri
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