Friday, September 25, 2009

How Do Projectors Project Black

The beginning

Welcome to the first post of my blog dedicated exclusively to the disciplines of psychology and psychotherapy in particular to the current defined. Before, however, expose the motivations that led me to create this virtual platform, it is good that I present.

My name is Joseph Caserta, is a psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, existential psychotherapy. At the time, military activity in the city of Perugia.

Opening a blog devoted to psychotherapy, or the power of psychology and psychiatry, which assumes that all that occurs mainly in the mental and unconscious forces and permanent movements in opposition to each other (we shall talk about it!) comes from my eternal curiosity towards the human soul.

Sigmund Freud said that human history there had been three great humiliations: the first, the work of Copernicus, the man claimed that he was no longer the center of creation, but rather in an area peripheral to it and "painfully "normal. The second, through the pen of Charles Darwin, likening the man, considered until then a perfect being, for one of many animal species. The third, finally, it was by the Viennese neurologist, as he demonstrated with his works che la razionalità, che tanto veniva sbandierata in epoca positivista come unica leva del comportamento umano, non fosse in realtà che la sola punta di un iceberg, la cui parte sommersa comprendeva la gran parte della nostra vita psichica.

Mi sembra assolutamente stimolante e illuminante come concezione! Non possiamo, infatti, non fare appello alle oscure forze che agiscono dentro di noi per tentare di spiegare tutti i terribili fatti di cronaca che avvengono attorno a noi, dalle devastanti psicosi depressive post partum, alla bizzarria apparentemente senza significato dei deliri, fino a quegli attimi di tristezza senza motivo o di rabbia indecifrabile che a volte accadono al nostro interno.

Spero che per voi questo viaggio sarà at least it will be as enjoyable for me.
you soon!


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