Perception Anxiety and Anxiety
We hear so often talk about anxiety and distress, most often these words have even entered the language. Anyone of us before a job interview will ever say, "that anxiety," or to exclaim: "What anguish!" before an exam.
At first sight, the two words look the same, but from the psychological point of view is not so.
start first of all to define clearly what we mean by the word ANSI. Anxiety is a general activation of both mental and physical resources of a person who is confronted with a task that requires attention. Very often make the mistake of attributing the anxiety to una situazione negativa o in ogni caso spiacevole, ma non è cosi: i complessi meccanismi di attivazione che utilizziamo servono all'organismo a massimizzare le sue prestazioni in caso di pericolo o di compiti particolarmente difficili. Dal punto di vista fisico, ad esempio, l'ansia si manifesta con un aumento del battito cardiaco che permette un maggior pompaggio di sangue al cervello, in modo che esso sia più ossigenato e che quindi mantenga un nutrimento maggiore, in modo da funzionare al meglio.
Bisogna, quindi, distinguere essenzialmente tra ANSIA SEGNALE, ovvero un'ansia che si attiva in risposta ad uno stimolo esterno (es.vedo un leone, ovviamente la mia psiche e il mio corpo reagiscono di conseguenza) e ANSIA AUTOMATICA, ossia anxiety that appears free, not tied to a particular event.
This particular type of anxiety, then that is pathological in most cases, can take an even more serious a source of anxiety, anxiety or "increased", exacerbated, in many cases can be observed in disorders such as' panic attack, with his terrible sense of suffocation and fear of dying devastating. The mechanisms that trigger anxiety "inappropriate" is a great deal of literature, however, the etiology is to be found mainly in traumatic events of our past lives in this event in some way linked to painful situations or not fully developed. We will have the opportunity to discuss of this later, for now I choose to remain an introductory level!
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