Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,
ringrazio tutti coloro che mi chiedono di presentare le mie due ultime novità librarie, “ Elvis e il Priorato di Sion ” e “ Io sono ciò che mangio ”. Ho constatato che c’è un vivo interesse per questi due argomenti, anche da parte di persone che hanno difficoltà ad arrivare alla fine del mese e alle quali va il mio pensiero solidale. Per questo motivo, in accordo con la casa editrice, ho disposto l’applicazione di un forte sconto durante le presentazioni dei libri e tramite la vendita diretta dal sito dell’editore:
Hurry, then, to buy them because the first editions are going to end.
By the way, meet hundreds of readers at conferences, receive letters of appreciation even from Australia, Britain, the USA and even journalists from the island of Malta, fills my heart with joy. The contact with the public is always significant for the writer but my strength and my financial resources, alas, is rather limited and therefore will not be present wherever I may be required. To overcome these difficulties, by popular demand, soon you will see me in the early evening ... the comfort of your sofa in your home ... :-)
are also many people who ask me when will come new on the Order of the Temple. I anticipate that some day I finished writing a new work that meets the many requests I've had. I did not want to deal with topics that are pleasant laughter sbellicare the general public, such as the discovery of traces of the rotten tails pangas on the cloth of the Shroud with the writings of Latin-greek-Arabic-Chinese fishmonger who ensured that they were fresh. I leave to those ridiculous readings of Legionella Legionnaires!
In my new book will, however, lean and light exposure on the nature of the Templars of heresy but there is more. Reveal to the general public a place linked to the Order of the Temple and the Priory of Sion which no one has ever spoken before.
I give the news that a major national newspaper, I devoted an entire page of his newspaper, highlighting my significant success in Italy. It 's a nice recognition!
I know that there are some people who, bound together by a thin thread crumpled, trying with all means to undermine but I would like to remind these "good" people that their action is ineffective and will always be on my side because I that all those who care about the truth. Later, I will publish the entire article.
Visto che sono entrato nel vivo di questo argomento, ne approfitto per salutare l’ottimo Maurizio Decollanz, giornalista di punta di Odeon tv e celebre conduttore della trasmissione Rebus - Questioni di conoscenza. Decollanz, che nelle sue inchieste si muove solo alla ricerca della Verità, qualunque essa sia, ha voluto darmi una testimonianza concreta del suo sostegno attraverso il suo blog dedicato al suo progetto Nautilus, che invito tutti voi a visitare. Le puntate di Rebus, dedicate ai Templari e agli Ospitalieri, mi hanno dato modo di spiegare che la Storia non può essere piegata ad interessi di parte e so che il pubblico ha più che apprezzato questa mia posizione.
Ci sono altre novità gustose. Ne ricordo brevemente due. E’ for sale to the best of the Templars hypermarkets Wine produced by some farmers of Lucania. I've tasted and it is very good.
a new template, however, tells me to open a brewery dedicated to the Order, I think in central Italy. It will be opened next month by an actor of the parish name "Old Goliarda", a former theatrical with false beard and a future far less bright Cancellaro neotemplare Association of yet.
He and his friends my deepest Prosit!
last note of service. This blog, as you well know, is not a newspaper, and on which there are always and only my interventions in the form of posts in the coming days, will be modified to form.
meantime I send you a big hug.
Michael Allegri
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