Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
I could not dedicate a post to the traditional Celtic Halloween celebration, yet this year, will be celebrated at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. In past editions has seen more than 200,000 people celebrate with singing, dancing, drinking mead in the company of fairies, witches flying on brooms, fauns, Sylphs, sirenotte, fairies, werewolves, skulls and cross bones, blazing stars, crosses deburred Templars, Rosicrucians and silver moons red :-)... lacked only the demon ... Ashmadaeva
one time, in Northern Europe, the Celts celebrated a long night that ran from October 31 to November 2. The Celts, like the Etruscans, considered the Beyond the realm of the dead, like a magical place, a-temporal, of peace, but not negative.
The Celts believed that during Halloween night, it opened a door, Janua underworld and those who inhabit the realm of the most, as they say, go back, in our world, to be celebrated by the "live" to which , the dead, or rather their ghosts, made some little joke. But the Celts non erano i soli ad avere questa credenza. Anche i Germani credevano all’esistenza di questo regno immortale, dove vivevano i morti e lo chiamavano Hel (Hell in inglese significa inferno, stessa radice di Hall-oween).
Gli Egizi davano una grande importanza al viaggio che conduceva verso il Regno degli esseri immortali che loro chiamavano Agert (che ha la stessa radice del mitico e sotterraneo Regno di Agarthi).
Le popolazioni di Haiti e di Cuba, ancora oggi, hanno come religione principale quella del Vudù e degli Zombie, ossia i morti che tornano in vita. Simbolo preminente della Festa celtica di Halloween, come sapete, è la simpatica zucca magica con tanto di occhi, naso e bocca, mentre il tema centrale dei festeggiamenti revolves around the arrival of the dead returning to life, which are regenerated and become new, like the observation of nature teaches us that prehistoric man had learned to respect the cycles of life and death.
The theme of the immortality of the bodies we find in the literature of the Grail, who, before becoming, in Christianity, the cup of the Last Supper of Jesus, was once, in the religion of the Celts, the magic cauldron in which they died and reborn heroes and knights, and in which the women of Northern Europe experienced their medical concoctions.
You should know that the "tradition" of noble families Templar, from Lusignan to Hautpoul exudes all this pagan Celtic symbol of the Dominican Catholic Sant'Inquisizione encounters, with proof in hand, after the confessions of many of the knights of the temple back in 1307. As you know, in fact, the Halloween pumpkins are a playful representation of the most famous and macabre skulls that the Templars worshiped in secret chapters, which were conducted specially locked forever in castles and mansions, to give an appearance at the ritual ' environment and the abyss of hell to which the riders were particularly attached, so as to have a positive outlook.
After all, the "wonderful" underground world, full of earth energies and streams, awoke in the drive knights idea of \u200b\u200bchildish rebellion against the staus quo represented by the temporal power of the Catholic Church, so that the apex of the initiation rite temple culminates with the "spit on the crucifix" (which, as stated in the document Chinon but not only, was used by the Order of the Temple according to the Tradition, ie since 1118). Caves, tunnels, streams of warm waters, seabed, the same moon, for example, reminded the Templars, but not limited to them, some of the archetypes of the powers of Nature stepmother, benevolent and malevolent that manifested itself in the worship of the famous Black Madonnas (black as the ground) very common in France (one of esse è presente in Italia, a Loreto, per precisione).Un altro aspetto particolarmente sacrale per i Templari, di sicura derivazione pagano- celtica, era il sangue, fluido vitale per antonomasia che lega le generazioni del passato con quelle del presente. Il sangue, un tempo, era materialmente presente nella festa dei morti, così come nei momenti più salienti delle religioni politeiste e monoteiste, proprio quando si compivano i sacrifici in onore dei defunti o delle divinità. Il sangue, con la sua componente sacrale, compare, ancora una volta, nella letteratura del ciclo del Santo Graal, inteso come Sang Rèal, ossia come Vero Sangue, Puro Sangue (la Sangria, il vino tinto spagnolo che è sempre presente nei rites and Agapi neotemplari).
The theme of the journey to the parallel world, the theme of the double, the mirror image of life after death, the underground world of blood, the forces of irrationality, magic and fantasy are present, together even in the Priory of Sion misteriosofia it shares with the Templars thought and religion of the Celts and Gauls. The Order of Zyon affiliated particularly artists who praised the insurgency in the search for the celebrity who makes immortal. To name at least three, remember: Jules Verne (whose tomb was sculpted body of the writer in the act of "resuscitate"), Oscar Wilde (the famous for the portrait of Dorian Gray aging and abbruttisce instead of the protagonist) and Jean Cocteau. The latter was a painter "rebel", lived in the Riviera, was a friend of Picasso but also was Grand Nocchiero the Priory of Sion, at least until the early fifties, a period in which it becomes an admirer of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe ( born in 1955, the Warsaw Pact). How Much Nocchiero, referring to the mythical Charon (who, in Greek mythology, on board his ship, sull'Acheronte, accompanied the deceased to reach the beyond), Cocteau, who was an ardent esoteric, Jesus did not consider Humanity as the true Messiah (as seen in many of his paintings) nor believed in the European tradition of the Christian religion. As a good follower of the tradition of magical religion pagan Gallo-Celtic, but especially the Greek (as Nicolas Poussins), indeed, was inclined to exalt in his representations of the Greek gods of the irrationality of the drives and the deep, which Dionysus and Poseidon, so that, next to his grave was placed a metal trident (the legendary instrument of the power of the Abyss, with whom Poseidon, the first king of Atlantis, causing the tidal waves). That trident that the Catholic iconography, when Christianity designed to sweep away the militant paganism, assigned to the devil, lo stesso che si vide attribuire anche un paio di corna, un tempo doppia protuberanza presente sulla testa del mitico dio pagano greco Pan, quello che scorazzava nella Regione dell’Arcadia, tanto per intenderci.Inoltre, il fleur du Lys , il Giglio francese, ben rappresentava per Cocteau, ancora una volta, il simbolo del mitico regno degli abissi e dell’oscurità, Ys, un’isola sprofondata nelle profondità dell’Oceano, nella notte dei tempi, simile all’Atlantide di Platone, composta, come quella del racconto greco, da una razza di superiori eletti, tecnologicamente avanzati ma che “vivono immortali, nascosti agli occhi degli uomini della superficie”. Infine, come da disposizione Testament, the dandy French painter he inserted into the lid of his coffin a mirror a little 'kitsch. What should or should not reflect the mirror? You ask. Cocteau's obsession with the myth of the double, the mirror images can be explained in reference to the vampire mythology, Romania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia on the peninsula, well-spread among the people of the Pyrenees, especially in that of Rennes Le Chateau ( where the Priory of Sion had a base of operations) and that, for centuries, attracts a stream of artists, not least, the late American singer Michael Jackson (see video-clip of Thriller). As you know very well, the vampire mythology is similar, and in some ways, è identica a “quella dei morti che tornano in vita” della festa di Halloween. Questa leggenda
“Riguarda quell’essere che si nutre di sangue, che non ha ombra né si riflette negli specchi, che dorme nella bara, che è immortale, che si muove nella notte e si trasforma in pipistrello o in lupo mannaro, a suo piacimento…"
Ai confini della Realtà, nella Twilight Zone ma non troppo…
See you in the next Few months!
Happy Halloween!
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