this post will be dedicated in particular to the way the unconscious to express its needs, how to stop this expression of the ego and the way in which you want to develop in our psyche.
The id, as we have seen before, is full of "objects" that could be called acceptable, very powerful, often at odds with the moral principles of our conscious ego. These needs, not being inert, are trying in every way to reach the threshold of consciousness to receive satisfaction and above all to ensure that I will become aware.
So, you say, what's wrong with that one is aware of any sexual desire or a special need that may not be accepted da chi ci sta intorno? Nulla, ma il punto è che l'Es non cerca soltanto di far affiorare in modo impulsivo e violento del materiale alla coscienza, ma prova anche ad agire il desiderio, ovvero a realizzarlo in maniera disorganizzata ed edonistica. Vi sono alcune tipologie particolari di desiderio che sono molto osteggiate dal nostro Io, ma di questo discuteremo oltre, per il momento vi basti sapere che è proprio la paura della coscienza che questi desideri vengano attuati a relegare alcuni vissuti e alcune voglie nella sfera di non consapevolezza.
Ma come fa la psiche a esprimere un bisogno? Freud e i suoi successori coniarono e perfezionarono la teoria delle Pulsioni: secondo il neurologo Vienna, states of arousal which then led to perform actions arise within the body and have the pleasure as a destination mainly through interaction with an "external object" (more often a person on which we are conscious and unconscious fantasies) . These drives, which could be compared to what is known as motivation, are guided by libido, or a "psychic energy" immeasurable Freud believed that (in my view is incomplete, as also Jung) of a sexual nature. Libido that would guide our desires and instincts to allow the meeting. For example, it is as if it were a highway drive and libido the flow of cars.
However, as mentioned before, I sometimes just do not like some instinctual drives, and implement the defenses that are multiple, and often depend on the personality structure of the subject. Usually, in most people is the defense Prince Removal, or the "apparent oversight" of certain details, ideas, desires, which are moved by conscience to Ex. A very practical example is that of victims of violence who can not remember the face of their tormentor: of course they have seen repeatedly in the face and close the aggressor, but they are not able to remember the details because the vision of that face is too painful e potente per poter essere evocata. Ecco perchè l'Io rimuove il ricordo e lo relega nell'Inconscio, dove può però essere recuperato dalla psicoterapia e dove, lungi dall'essere inattivo, continua a condizionare la nostra vita, apparendo spesso in forma simbolica in sogni o paure. Quest'ultimo meccanismo di difesa, chiamato Spostamento , va a braccetto con la rimozione e permette alla mente di "dislocare" la carica emotiva di un oggetto X originario su un'altro collegato in qualche modo all'originale (spesso inconsapevolmente) ma più innocuo e gestibile.
Il meccanismo tipico è quindi questo:

The most observant among you will already have realized that this speech is essential to understand some illnesses such as anxiety disorders. For this week we finished, the next we will try to understand the working mechanism of dreams, which is closely tied to the theme of this post. See you soon!
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