
At this point, to celebrate this day so special for me, I would publish a post quite unusual! If so far on these pages have always made their appearances works by me, but today I would like to give space to create two magnificent works for me!

The Steampunk is a genre that has just won my heart (thanks to a recent mix of Oscar and Sherlock Holmes ) deviando fortemente il mio immaginario fantastico; di conseguenza non ho potuto fare a meno di restare senza fiato di fronte a un gioiellino di questo tipo!!!

Questo Lumacofono di creta invece è opera del mio fratellino Andrea! Oltre a essere una fedele riproduzione in scala 1:1 del tipico telefono di One Piece , è anche un praticissimo porta nastro adesivo!
Mio fratello frequenta il primo anno del liceo scientifico ma modella la creta definitely much better than me when I was his age and attended the first year at art school!
As is the idea that the best gift is one made with the heart, there are already two years that I paid tribute to one of his creations! Last year it had fallen to pika -pencil!

One day, by chance, while he was on the phone with Antony , I told him that there was a comic that I liked a lot, but I had only read the first number, then the series was reprinted in fine version, and so, because limited funds, interrupted reading.
Then, unexpected things in my life many master it, one of them was faced with a morning my friend Antony holding an old black briefcase that says to me
"this is my gift!"
When I opened it, I could not believe my eyes! Inside was the 'full range of Priest !
conclude thanking all those who are remembered to this day, I had never received so many cards (thanks to Facebook ; D)
"... I hope to travel more and more ambitious routes, the last hour of this new beginning! "
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