
Con oggi, Domenica 21 Febbraio, inizia il periodo liturgico della Quaresima.
Perché questa notizia?! Perché oggi ha visto la luce il mio ultimo lavoro realizzato per la F.O.M. (Fondazione Oratori Milanese) che consiste in sei piccole illustrazioni raffiguranti i sei brani di Vangelo of the period.
The product was launched across the diocese of Milan and is targeted to kids who, by attending various functions, week by week receive a dowel to be inserted in a cross of plexiglass. On the back of each tile is set in a nice way inspiration for reflection on the Gospel passage.

this morning that " Pioch " of Don Fausto (which has also bought him the cross to be distributed to the children) without my knowledge, during the Mass, he called upon the altar to present all my work, what represents and how it works ...
So, I can say that he also "opened" my product before the community Tainese , adding that a showman must always be ready for anything, just before you sit in the shadow of a column and the next moment you find yourself improvise a speech on stage.
As someone said " estote wallpaper!
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