The Crossroads Artist
Con oggi, Domenica 21 Febbraio, inizia il periodo liturgico della Quaresima.
Perché questa notizia?! Perché oggi ha visto la luce il mio ultimo lavoro realizzato per la F.O.M. (Fondazione Oratori Milanese) che consiste in sei piccole illustrazioni raffiguranti i sei brani di Vangelo of the period.
The product was launched across the diocese of Milan and is targeted to kids who, by attending various functions, week by week receive a dowel to be inserted in a cross of plexiglass. On the back of each tile is set in a nice way inspiration for reflection on the Gospel passage.
this morning that " Pioch " of Don Fausto (which has also bought him the cross to be distributed to the children) without my knowledge, during the Mass, he called upon the altar to present all my work, what represents and how it works ...
So, I can say that he also "opened" my product before the community Tainese , adding that a showman must always be ready for anything, just before you sit in the shadow of a column and the next moment you find yourself improvise a speech on stage.
As someone said " estote wallpaper!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
My Right Ovary Hurts Pregnancy
Gifts for Twentytwo 3
... and today I am already 22! As time runs!
At this point, to celebrate this day so special for me, I would publish a post quite unusual! If so far on these pages have always made their appearances works by me, but today I would like to give space to create two magnificent works for me!
What you see above is a beautiful pendant made by my girlfriend Judith faithfully reproduces a style gem Steampunk ! (Even the box theme is his work!)
The Steampunk is a genre that has just won my heart (thanks to a recent mix of Oscar and Sherlock Holmes ) deviando fortemente il mio immaginario fantastico; di conseguenza non ho potuto fare a meno di restare senza fiato di fronte a un gioiellino di questo tipo!!!
Questo Lumacofono di creta invece è opera del mio fratellino Andrea! Oltre a essere una fedele riproduzione in scala 1:1 del tipico telefono di One Piece , è anche un praticissimo porta nastro adesivo!
Mio fratello frequenta il primo anno del liceo scientifico ma modella la creta definitely much better than me when I was his age and attended the first year at art school!
As is the idea that the best gift is one made with the heart, there are already two years that I paid tribute to one of his creations! Last year it had fallen to pika -pencil!
One day, by chance, while he was on the phone with Antony , I told him that there was a comic that I liked a lot, but I had only read the first number, then the series was reprinted in fine version, and so, because limited funds, interrupted reading.
Then, unexpected things in my life many master it, one of them was faced with a morning my friend Antony holding an old black briefcase that says to me
"this is my gift!"
When I opened it, I could not believe my eyes! Inside was the 'full range of Priest !
conclude thanking all those who are remembered to this day, I had never received so many cards (thanks to Facebook ; D)
"... I hope to travel more and more ambitious routes, the last hour of this new beginning! "
... and today I am already 22! As time runs!
At this point, to celebrate this day so special for me, I would publish a post quite unusual! If so far on these pages have always made their appearances works by me, but today I would like to give space to create two magnificent works for me!
What you see above is a beautiful pendant made by my girlfriend Judith faithfully reproduces a style gem Steampunk ! (Even the box theme is his work!)
The Steampunk is a genre that has just won my heart (thanks to a recent mix of Oscar and Sherlock Holmes ) deviando fortemente il mio immaginario fantastico; di conseguenza non ho potuto fare a meno di restare senza fiato di fronte a un gioiellino di questo tipo!!!
Questo Lumacofono di creta invece è opera del mio fratellino Andrea! Oltre a essere una fedele riproduzione in scala 1:1 del tipico telefono di One Piece , è anche un praticissimo porta nastro adesivo!
Mio fratello frequenta il primo anno del liceo scientifico ma modella la creta definitely much better than me when I was his age and attended the first year at art school!
As is the idea that the best gift is one made with the heart, there are already two years that I paid tribute to one of his creations! Last year it had fallen to pika -pencil!
One day, by chance, while he was on the phone with Antony , I told him that there was a comic that I liked a lot, but I had only read the first number, then the series was reprinted in fine version, and so, because limited funds, interrupted reading.
Then, unexpected things in my life many master it, one of them was faced with a morning my friend Antony holding an old black briefcase that says to me
"this is my gift!"
When I opened it, I could not believe my eyes! Inside was the 'full range of Priest !
conclude thanking all those who are remembered to this day, I had never received so many cards (thanks to Facebook ; D)
"... I hope to travel more and more ambitious routes, the last hour of this new beginning! "
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Japanese Full Mask Diving
Will Robinson Sheff says Aeroplane
reported today a review of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Will Robinson Sheff, leader of Okkervil River. More than a critical review, this is an act of love. Find the original version here .
When the dust shall rest, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Neutral Milk Hotel will not only be recognized as one of the best albums of the 90, but as one of the best ever. I am not saying haughtily cause those who have never heard the obscure group, and certainly not tell her to hit the ego of frontman Jeff Mangum, frightened from the tasting of quasi-fame took him to the point of preferring imprisonment in contact with the outside world just to let them know you may not ever be another album by Neutral Milk Hotel. I say this because it is one of the few things in music that I truly believe and feel, strongly and somewhat 'naive, that if everyone had a copy of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea magically become the world a better place.
I'm not the only one to think so. In fact, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea di solito ispira reazioni del genere nelle persone (reazioni che, casualmente, terrorizzano il suo creatore). Nonostante faccia parte di un gruppo poco noto, Jeff Mangum ha generato un livello di devozione simile a quello ispirato da figure letterarie come William Blake e Walt Whitman. Come Blake, Mangum utilizza una mitologia profondamente personale che veicola un immaginario surreale in un realismo emotivo ed è costruita su tematiche mistiche come la reincarnazione, esseri da altri pianeti e la sacralità di mostri ed emarginati. Come Whitman, le parole di Mangum sono un flusso estasiato di righe e righe. E come entrambi gli scrittori, il lavoro di Mangum è composto in egual misura di un'avvolgente compassione per la gente e the horror of hatred and violence.
One of the most extraordinary aircraft and that is so ambitious that it should have been a total failure on which to laugh. Using an acoustic guitar, percussion, bass, heavily distorted, a banjo played with a bow, a theremin, bagpipes and trumpets and trombones of the Salvation Army, Mangum and company have created a concept and psychedelic epic, midway between folk and punk , life and death of Anne Frank, and the next reincarnation through the art of her diary, which causes the player to create an elaborate fantasy in which he will protect Anna after being reborn as his Siamese twin. And it works. Mangum sings of dead dogs that fade and disappear, semen stains the mountain tops, bridges exploding, and writhe, ghosts hidden with pink eyes that look at a comet orbiting the earth, tapping of fetuses in the bottle fingers on the cans, with hearts full of needles that sing, couples' rooms in the afternoon sun with your fingers in one's mouth, through the grooves of the spine, through their souls. It all sounds ridiculous, but it is terribly and indescribably moving, because Mangum is singing about the horror and beauty in the world, and how to transcend the horror of beauty annihilated. She sings of love, but a greater love than that between a boy and a girl; sings of love for the world around us and also for those who try, succeed, destroy us. And singing is also something else, difficult to describe in words, but that is true, vivid and moving through his surreal imagery and its carpet of sound, more and more light at every listening.
Everyone I know have this album and guard it like a treasure. It has helped some of my friends to cope with their depression, they have been to weddings where Aeroplane songs were used as first dance, I know people who would want played at your funeral. I understand why Mangum, empathically humble and reserved, is so terrified by the level of devotion inspired from this collection of songs, but I also understand the devotion. In a world that constantly seems rough, poor and miserable, where cynicism is the dominant philosophy and sarcasm the dominant behavior, where what has demonstrated its ability to buy, where the most popular TV programs encourage us to laugh at people who volunteer become frightened and humiliated in public for money, this album shows us the world of shimmering beauty, transparent, round, able to redeem or to destroy the basis of how much love you feel for him, and finally sacred.
-Will Robinson Sheff
Friday, February 5, 2010
Driver Radeon 9000uvista
Motty and revitalization of the area!
2010 has started now for a month and here I am again to report the news that this year has brought me: 2010 year already started for me with three publications ! But not so fast, and we see one thing at a time: Opened the new year so this blog with a great article: The presentation official Motty 3!
Motty 3, special issue because for the first v olta comics not only promote the top of the Mottarone but widen its horizons in what are the surrounding land, making it a means of promoting regional of tut ta the area of \u200b\u200bthe VCO !
Tuesday February 4, at the " Technopark" in Verbaia , we held the press that sees the protagonist as the little blue turtleneck with his grandfather down to look around the valleys around Mottarone ; from Arona to Stresa, passing through the islands of Lake Maggiore, Verbania, Mergozo and Omegna , Orta to return to the foot of the world you. At the conference we talked about the potential the area and how to promote it and run it to the fullest.
Below, however, as usual, the service of TG VCO.
end the article by citing a series of "gifts" that I thought about other designers that I admire very much and always supporting me in what I do and this is my small way to rigraziarli of their support, especially in times of difficulty ! the nice thing is that I am not even have to strain to do this, the situations in front of me Paravano naturally, almost as if the page itself to say "here we would well that particular design." Except for
Cusio Woman Fabrizio, of which I have already mentioned above, other references are to the details of my girlfriend colored mushrooms Giudy and Futurist label wine made by my friend Antony .
2010 has started now for a month and here I am again to report the news that this year has brought me: 2010 year already started for me with three publications ! But not so fast, and we see one thing at a time: Opened the new year so this blog with a great article: The presentation official Motty 3!
Motty 3, special issue because for the first v olta comics not only promote the top of the Mottarone but widen its horizons in what are the surrounding land, making it a means of promoting regional of tut ta the area of \u200b\u200bthe VCO !
Tuesday February 4, at the " Technopark" in Verbaia , we held the press that sees the protagonist as the little blue turtleneck with his grandfather down to look around the valleys around Mottarone ; from Arona to Stresa, passing through the islands of Lake Maggiore, Verbania, Mergozo and Omegna , Orta to return to the foot of the world you. At the conference we talked about the potential the area and how to promote it and run it to the fullest.
Pictured at the conference hall of "Technopark ", from left: Motty (mascot Mottarone ) Maurizio Falzone ( Association President ViviMottarone ) Guidina Sal Sasso (County Councillor for Sport and Tourism VCO) and Stefano Sappa (Resp nsabile of Mottarone of and S4 ', the company that operates plants)
But we are now in the comics: as usual, scripted by David Ballerini, designed and colored by me and realized by " Vivacomunicazione "of Angera .
14 plates of which we are very satisfied, so much so that I would publish all 14 in this article, and comment on each them. To read the comic instead, click on the link in the left bar of the Blog, or head to the Mottarone !
14 plates of which we are very satisfied, so much so that I would publish all 14 in this article, and comment on each them. To read the comic instead, click on the link in the left bar of the Blog, or head to the Mottarone !
In this issue we used the trick of the diary, in which Motty write their own adventures, past and future, not for anything even the cover of the book has a graphic reminiscent the cover of a "travel diary . The boards are dedicated to opening and then at the very pages of the diary of Motty. I enjoyed to make a style scarabocchiato " per rappresentare i disegni fatti da Motty . Anche la colorazione che sembra fatta a pennarello mi sembra azzeccata!
Qui compare per la prima volta Nonno Lupone , di cui fino a ora si era solo sentito parlare.
Per la favola raccontata dal nonno si è pensato a uno stile "Indiana Jones "!
Qui cominciano le "tavole panoramiche" in cui dovevano comparire tutti i luoghi visitati durante il viaggio. Che dire se non che è stato parecchio impegnativo realizzare tutti i monumenti e le piazze richieste, soprattutto nei tempi di produzione sempre più brevi!!!
Qui compare per la prima volta la ragazza di cui si è innamorato Motty ; l'idea di fare una ragazzina umana e non una "lupetta" è stata mia, e con mio gran stupore è stata approvata!
D'altronde, a pensarci bene non è nulla di nuovo, basti pensare alla coppia di Roger e Jessica Rabbit !
Devo dire che realizzando questo fumetto ho scoperto parecchie cose interessanti sulla mia zona; metà dei posti che ho disegnato non li conoscevo minimamente, e ora, son davvero molto curioso to see them! There also appears " Cusio Woman" superhero drawn by Fabrizio de Fabritiis and mascot of the "Feast of St. Vitus's Omegna .
Quest ' summer I've been to the feast of St. Vitus dance and see my girlfriend at the same show with "Pine and antibodies and found that Motty and Cusio Woman were drawn together on the same manifest in honor of the holiday. course, none of the two authors had been warned about this ...
Here we have two very colorful pages, although that serve only as a "fitting" in history, I find them very compelling.
grand finale, with New Year's celebration at Mottarone ! In this holiday Motty invites all her friends (real or not) to celebrate the snow! At the end of this adventure grandfather Lupone Motty salutes and go home.
... and now finally, we see a little 'behind the scenes of the comic! The idea of \u200b\u200bputting the "cameo " within Motty is not new, and this number has not been denied: in fact, are placed between the pages of comics Stefano Sappa ( responsible S4) Paul Vallero (ski school instructor), Merina (cousin Motty and mascot Alpe Mera) which we hope to see his adventures in a comic day! also find my classic cameo staff, " Cusio Woman ( already mentioned above) and the appearance of the statue of San Carlo Borromeo, which I found to be already represented in a comic In the first episode of " Arona. I wonder if the patron saint of our area, in his time knew it would its appearance more than once in the pages of comics! Qui compare per la prima volta Nonno Lupone , di cui fino a ora si era solo sentito parlare.
Per la favola raccontata dal nonno si è pensato a uno stile "Indiana Jones "!
Qui cominciano le "tavole panoramiche" in cui dovevano comparire tutti i luoghi visitati durante il viaggio. Che dire se non che è stato parecchio impegnativo realizzare tutti i monumenti e le piazze richieste, soprattutto nei tempi di produzione sempre più brevi!!!
Qui compare per la prima volta la ragazza di cui si è innamorato Motty ; l'idea di fare una ragazzina umana e non una "lupetta" è stata mia, e con mio gran stupore è stata approvata!
D'altronde, a pensarci bene non è nulla di nuovo, basti pensare alla coppia di Roger e Jessica Rabbit !
Devo dire che realizzando questo fumetto ho scoperto parecchie cose interessanti sulla mia zona; metà dei posti che ho disegnato non li conoscevo minimamente, e ora, son davvero molto curioso to see them! There also appears " Cusio Woman" superhero drawn by Fabrizio de Fabritiis and mascot of the "Feast of St. Vitus's Omegna .
Quest ' summer I've been to the feast of St. Vitus dance and see my girlfriend at the same show with "Pine and antibodies and found that Motty and Cusio Woman were drawn together on the same manifest in honor of the holiday. course, none of the two authors had been warned about this ...
Here we have two very colorful pages, although that serve only as a "fitting" in history, I find them very compelling.
grand finale, with New Year's celebration at Mottarone ! In this holiday Motty invites all her friends (real or not) to celebrate the snow! At the end of this adventure grandfather Lupone Motty salutes and go home.
end the article by citing a series of "gifts" that I thought about other designers that I admire very much and always supporting me in what I do and this is my small way to rigraziarli of their support, especially in times of difficulty ! the nice thing is that I am not even have to strain to do this, the situations in front of me Paravano naturally, almost as if the page itself to say "here we would well that particular design." Except for
Cusio Woman Fabrizio, of which I have already mentioned above, other references are to the details of my girlfriend colored mushrooms Giudy and Futurist label wine made by my friend Antony .
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