Perception Anxiety and Anxiety
We hear so often talk about anxiety and distress, most often these words have even entered the language. Anyone of us before a job interview will ever say, "that anxiety," or to exclaim: "What anguish!" before an exam.
At first sight, the two words look the same, but from the psychological point of view is not so.
start first of all to define clearly what we mean by the word ANSI. Anxiety is a general activation of both mental and physical resources of a person who is confronted with a task that requires attention. Very often make the mistake of attributing the anxiety to una situazione negativa o in ogni caso spiacevole, ma non è cosi: i complessi meccanismi di attivazione che utilizziamo servono all'organismo a massimizzare le sue prestazioni in caso di pericolo o di compiti particolarmente difficili. Dal punto di vista fisico, ad esempio, l'ansia si manifesta con un aumento del battito cardiaco che permette un maggior pompaggio di sangue al cervello, in modo che esso sia più ossigenato e che quindi mantenga un nutrimento maggiore, in modo da funzionare al meglio.
Bisogna, quindi, distinguere essenzialmente tra ANSIA SEGNALE, ovvero un'ansia che si attiva in risposta ad uno stimolo esterno (es.vedo un leone, ovviamente la mia psiche e il mio corpo reagiscono di conseguenza) e ANSIA AUTOMATICA, ossia anxiety that appears free, not tied to a particular event.
This particular type of anxiety, then that is pathological in most cases, can take an even more serious a source of anxiety, anxiety or "increased", exacerbated, in many cases can be observed in disorders such as' panic attack, with his terrible sense of suffocation and fear of dying devastating. The mechanisms that trigger anxiety "inappropriate" is a great deal of literature, however, the etiology is to be found mainly in traumatic events of our past lives in this event in some way linked to painful situations or not fully developed. We will have the opportunity to discuss of this later, for now I choose to remain an introductory level!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
How Do Projectors Project Black
The beginning
Welcome to the first post of my blog dedicated exclusively to the disciplines of psychology and psychotherapy in particular to the current defined. Before, however, expose the motivations that led me to create this virtual platform, it is good that I present.
My name is Joseph Caserta, is a psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, existential psychotherapy. At the time, military activity in the city of Perugia.
Opening a blog devoted to psychotherapy, or the power of psychology and psychiatry, which assumes that all that occurs mainly in the mental and unconscious forces and permanent movements in opposition to each other (we shall talk about it!) comes from my eternal curiosity towards the human soul.
Sigmund Freud said that human history there had been three great humiliations: the first, the work of Copernicus, the man claimed that he was no longer the center of creation, but rather in an area peripheral to it and "painfully "normal. The second, through the pen of Charles Darwin, likening the man, considered until then a perfect being, for one of many animal species. The third, finally, it was by the Viennese neurologist, as he demonstrated with his works che la razionalità, che tanto veniva sbandierata in epoca positivista come unica leva del comportamento umano, non fosse in realtà che la sola punta di un iceberg, la cui parte sommersa comprendeva la gran parte della nostra vita psichica.
Mi sembra assolutamente stimolante e illuminante come concezione! Non possiamo, infatti, non fare appello alle oscure forze che agiscono dentro di noi per tentare di spiegare tutti i terribili fatti di cronaca che avvengono attorno a noi, dalle devastanti psicosi depressive post partum, alla bizzarria apparentemente senza significato dei deliri, fino a quegli attimi di tristezza senza motivo o di rabbia indecifrabile che a volte accadono al nostro interno.
Spero che per voi questo viaggio sarà at least it will be as enjoyable for me.
you soon!
Welcome to the first post of my blog dedicated exclusively to the disciplines of psychology and psychotherapy in particular to the current defined. Before, however, expose the motivations that led me to create this virtual platform, it is good that I present.
My name is Joseph Caserta, is a psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, existential psychotherapy. At the time, military activity in the city of Perugia.
Opening a blog devoted to psychotherapy, or the power of psychology and psychiatry, which assumes that all that occurs mainly in the mental and unconscious forces and permanent movements in opposition to each other (we shall talk about it!) comes from my eternal curiosity towards the human soul.
Sigmund Freud said that human history there had been three great humiliations: the first, the work of Copernicus, the man claimed that he was no longer the center of creation, but rather in an area peripheral to it and "painfully "normal. The second, through the pen of Charles Darwin, likening the man, considered until then a perfect being, for one of many animal species. The third, finally, it was by the Viennese neurologist, as he demonstrated with his works che la razionalità, che tanto veniva sbandierata in epoca positivista come unica leva del comportamento umano, non fosse in realtà che la sola punta di un iceberg, la cui parte sommersa comprendeva la gran parte della nostra vita psichica.
Mi sembra assolutamente stimolante e illuminante come concezione! Non possiamo, infatti, non fare appello alle oscure forze che agiscono dentro di noi per tentare di spiegare tutti i terribili fatti di cronaca che avvengono attorno a noi, dalle devastanti psicosi depressive post partum, alla bizzarria apparentemente senza significato dei deliri, fino a quegli attimi di tristezza senza motivo o di rabbia indecifrabile che a volte accadono al nostro interno.
Spero che per voi questo viaggio sarà at least it will be as enjoyable for me.
you soon!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Lebanese Congratulations Messages For Wedding
Freemasonry is an organization " initiatory character and mutual aid " present in almost every country in the world, even in Castro's Cuba, an island that boasts the presence of 250 lodges.
The lodge is the basic step of the Masonic structure. Collects no less than thirty and not more than forty brothers divided into three levels: apprentice, fellow teachers and art. It is chaired by the Worshipful Master and meets in a temple, decorated according to traditional rules.
The sum of the logge of a given nation as a Grand Lodge, which is governed by a Grand Master. Typically, each nation has only one Grand Lodge. But there are exceptions. In Italy, for example, there are three Grand Lodges in: the Grand Orient of Italy, the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Italy.
To join Masonry must be submitted by a mason who has the rank of master, or be the son of a mason, and have completed the twenty-first birthday. The layman "who knocks on the door of the Temple", as defined person making the application for admission in a lodge, Freemasonry asks to have some basic requirements: belief in a Supreme Being and to be a "free person and good morals." The layman is then "tile" on him the older brothers of the lodge conduct an investigation and asked the brother who has presented details of his past life experiences and his political and religious and philosophical views of life. At the end of this survey, there is a first vote that decides whether to admit the candidate to three interviews. Through these meetings, the Masonic candidate to probe the availability of non-profit organization if it were allowed to check their knowledge of the history of Freemasonry and its ability to meet the annual capitation (Registration fee). During these confrontations, also, Masons shall ensure the preparation of the candidate in the discussions on esoteric and philosophical, to be inspired by a personal vision of open, able to take into account the opinions of others. After three interviews, there is a second vote. Masons of the lodge must decide unanimously for the admission of "bussante. If it is accepted, the aspirant Mason joins the structure through a fascinating initiation ritual, which is preceded by the establishment of a spiritual testament in which the candidate, closed in the cabinet of reflection "and placed in front of a skull, a hourglass in the salt and the drawing of a rooster, answers three questions relating to its duties to the Supreme Being, the country and himself. At the end of the ceremony, the candidate pledges "to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe" not to betray the ideals of Freemasonry, the secret initiation and help the brothers who are in difficulties. In
lodge is strictly forbidden to discuss politics and religion, are generally preferred arguments that would morally elevate the members of the lodge and esoteric subjects that are the origin of man and symbols.
The Mason who wishes to leave the brotherhood, he can "get to sleep." He does not lose its characteristics or its initiatory degrees, but only stopped work to attend the lodge, which are held once or twice a month. Outside the lodge, the Masons meet in convivial dinners that call agapes rituals or white.
The Mason who has attained the rank of master and desire perfection in masonry can participate in certain rites of Perfection. The most common in the world are the York Rite and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The latter speaks Dan Brown in his new book.
The Scottish Rite is structured in a hierarchical pyramid of 33 degrees. Represents what was the old Scottish Freemasonry, created in 1307 by Some Templars escaping from France who arrived in Scotland, the prince helped Robert the Bruce defeated the British at the Battle of Bannockburn. The Scottish Rite recalls his martyrdom on the 30th of the last Grand Master of the Temple, De Molay, who died at the stake "at the hands of King Philip IV and Pope Clement V". The coordination structure of the Scottish Rite is located in the U.S. and the world is divided into North and South District latter, which is based in Washington, is known Mother of the world (as regards the rite) and its members were the majority of U.S. presidents, like Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior.
In the world there are two types of Freemasonry. The first is called Circuit Obediences dogmatic, accepts only male people, headed by the United Grand Lodge of England, defined Mother of the World Order (the basic structure of Freemasonry, the first three grades Masonic), represented by its Grand Master the Duke of Kent, cousin of the Queen. The second, however, is defined circuit of obedience dogmatic, accepting relationships with women and lodges is part of the Grand Orient of France, the largest Masonic continental Europe, which claimed to be part of some senior members of the Governo francese.
In tutto il mondo si contano circa 5 milioni di massoni.
La data di nascita ufficiale della Massoneria speculativa è il 24 giugno del 1717, giorno del solstizio d’estate e di San Giovanni Battista. Fu il reverendo inglese Anderson a riunire le quattro logge di Londra e a redigere, nel 1723, le Costituzioni dell’Ordine, nelle quali fece riferimento a un’origine antichissima della Massoneria.
Freemasonry has absorbed many pagan cults and heretics of the past, becoming the bearer of a universal vision of the religious spirit. Live in it's outpouring of Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism, the Orphic cults, heresy Giovanni, mystery traditions of the ancient Egyptians, misteriosofia of the Templars. Because of this, his followers were excommunicated by several popes since April 28, 1738, that is, when Pope Clement XII wrote the encyclical In Leading and ordered the bishops to proceed against the Masons as suspects di eresia. La condanna della Chiesa cattolica non è mutata nel tempo, tanto che l’attuale papa, Benedetto XVI, quando ebbe l’incarico di Custode dell’ortodossia della fede, affermò che i massoni sono in stato di peccato grave e non possono accostarsi ai sacramenti.
La Massoneria ha giocato un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del pensiero moderno e nell’affermazione della democrazia, attraverso la propugnazione degli ideali di Libertà e di Uguaglianza. Ha ispirato numerose riforme nel Regno inglese, è stata vicina ad alcuni despoti illuminati del 1700 e massoni come Benjamin Franklin e George Washington hanno pianificato e realizzato la Rivoluzione Americana. Si può dire anche che abbia played a key role in our national revolutions of the Risorgimento and the countries of South Asia. According to some historians (but the issue is still debated) Freemasonry has also given a significant boost to the early events of the French Revolution, as Mirabeau and Danton two brothers of the lodge.
Among the most famous Freemasons of the past include Voltaire, Mozart, Garibaldi, Napoleon, Walt Disney, astronaut Armstrong, Toto, Enrico Fermi, Sybelius, Salvatore Quasimodo, Salvador Allende and President Roosevelt.
Michael Allegri

Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
I inform you that my last two books are going well and not just the sales figures to tell me: are undergo many to contact me for questions, and propose topics for further comments. As many have realized, are books that speak to people, are alive and give a new impetus to learn and improve and broaden their perspectives.
add a technical note, someone told me that the book Elvis and the Priory of Sion is often found in the music department and non-esoteric non-fiction history & mysteries. Indeed so, some booksellers prefer to place it in the music department and then you find there.
Today I want to take inspiration from a talk I gave recently. From the audience's questions revealed a considerable curiosity about Freemasonry because, as you know, coming out in Italy the new novel by Dan Brown, The lost symbol.
In this post I will then outline the history of Freemasonry and its characteristics main, which many are interested in knowing, feeling a guide impartial and objective.
I inform you that my last two books are going well and not just the sales figures to tell me: are undergo many to contact me for questions, and propose topics for further comments. As many have realized, are books that speak to people, are alive and give a new impetus to learn and improve and broaden their perspectives.
add a technical note, someone told me that the book Elvis and the Priory of Sion is often found in the music department and non-esoteric non-fiction history & mysteries. Indeed so, some booksellers prefer to place it in the music department and then you find there.
Today I want to take inspiration from a talk I gave recently. From the audience's questions revealed a considerable curiosity about Freemasonry because, as you know, coming out in Italy the new novel by Dan Brown, The lost symbol.
In this post I will then outline the history of Freemasonry and its characteristics main, which many are interested in knowing, feeling a guide impartial and objective.
Freemasonry is an organization " initiatory character and mutual aid " present in almost every country in the world, even in Castro's Cuba, an island that boasts the presence of 250 lodges.
The lodge is the basic step of the Masonic structure. Collects no less than thirty and not more than forty brothers divided into three levels: apprentice, fellow teachers and art. It is chaired by the Worshipful Master and meets in a temple, decorated according to traditional rules.
The sum of the logge of a given nation as a Grand Lodge, which is governed by a Grand Master. Typically, each nation has only one Grand Lodge. But there are exceptions. In Italy, for example, there are three Grand Lodges in: the Grand Orient of Italy, the Grand Lodge of Italy and the Grand Lodge of Italy.
To join Masonry must be submitted by a mason who has the rank of master, or be the son of a mason, and have completed the twenty-first birthday. The layman "who knocks on the door of the Temple", as defined person making the application for admission in a lodge, Freemasonry asks to have some basic requirements: belief in a Supreme Being and to be a "free person and good morals." The layman is then "tile" on him the older brothers of the lodge conduct an investigation and asked the brother who has presented details of his past life experiences and his political and religious and philosophical views of life. At the end of this survey, there is a first vote that decides whether to admit the candidate to three interviews. Through these meetings, the Masonic candidate to probe the availability of non-profit organization if it were allowed to check their knowledge of the history of Freemasonry and its ability to meet the annual capitation (Registration fee). During these confrontations, also, Masons shall ensure the preparation of the candidate in the discussions on esoteric and philosophical, to be inspired by a personal vision of open, able to take into account the opinions of others. After three interviews, there is a second vote. Masons of the lodge must decide unanimously for the admission of "bussante. If it is accepted, the aspirant Mason joins the structure through a fascinating initiation ritual, which is preceded by the establishment of a spiritual testament in which the candidate, closed in the cabinet of reflection "and placed in front of a skull, a hourglass in the salt and the drawing of a rooster, answers three questions relating to its duties to the Supreme Being, the country and himself. At the end of the ceremony, the candidate pledges "to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe" not to betray the ideals of Freemasonry, the secret initiation and help the brothers who are in difficulties. In
lodge is strictly forbidden to discuss politics and religion, are generally preferred arguments that would morally elevate the members of the lodge and esoteric subjects that are the origin of man and symbols.
The Mason who wishes to leave the brotherhood, he can "get to sleep." He does not lose its characteristics or its initiatory degrees, but only stopped work to attend the lodge, which are held once or twice a month. Outside the lodge, the Masons meet in convivial dinners that call agapes rituals or white.
The Mason who has attained the rank of master and desire perfection in masonry can participate in certain rites of Perfection. The most common in the world are the York Rite and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The latter speaks Dan Brown in his new book.
The Scottish Rite is structured in a hierarchical pyramid of 33 degrees. Represents what was the old Scottish Freemasonry, created in 1307 by Some Templars escaping from France who arrived in Scotland, the prince helped Robert the Bruce defeated the British at the Battle of Bannockburn. The Scottish Rite recalls his martyrdom on the 30th of the last Grand Master of the Temple, De Molay, who died at the stake "at the hands of King Philip IV and Pope Clement V". The coordination structure of the Scottish Rite is located in the U.S. and the world is divided into North and South District latter, which is based in Washington, is known Mother of the world (as regards the rite) and its members were the majority of U.S. presidents, like Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush senior.
In the world there are two types of Freemasonry. The first is called Circuit Obediences dogmatic, accepts only male people, headed by the United Grand Lodge of England, defined Mother of the World Order (the basic structure of Freemasonry, the first three grades Masonic), represented by its Grand Master the Duke of Kent, cousin of the Queen. The second, however, is defined circuit of obedience dogmatic, accepting relationships with women and lodges is part of the Grand Orient of France, the largest Masonic continental Europe, which claimed to be part of some senior members of the Governo francese.
In tutto il mondo si contano circa 5 milioni di massoni.
La data di nascita ufficiale della Massoneria speculativa è il 24 giugno del 1717, giorno del solstizio d’estate e di San Giovanni Battista. Fu il reverendo inglese Anderson a riunire le quattro logge di Londra e a redigere, nel 1723, le Costituzioni dell’Ordine, nelle quali fece riferimento a un’origine antichissima della Massoneria.
In effetti, il simbolismo massonico con la squadra, il compasso, il triangolo con l’occhio al centro e l’uso di paramenti quali i grembiulini, i guanti bianchi e il maglietto del Maestro Venerabile, fanno pensare ad una paternità Medieval Masonic Institution. It is in fact symbols and ornaments used by the Franks (ie free) bricklayers, members of the Guilds of masons and stone cutters who, between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, they built churches and cathedrals throughout Europe. Prime contractor of these great works of architecture, in which elements are visible allegorical and symbolic meaning is often obscure, was the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, since 1130, established a close contact with this "working horse". This relationship is well demonstrated by the Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, which was built in 1450 by the noble Templar William de St Clair. Inside, as recently recalled Stuart Beattie, the guardian of the chapel, both symbols appear together Treasure (smudged crosses, two knights riding on one horse) and Masonic (teams and calipers, five-pointed stars). They also both mythic and Boaz Jackin columns, present in every Masonic temple, which refer to the biblical account of the construction of Solomon's Temple. Both the medieval operative Masonry is the one speculative era of the Enlightenment, in fact, preserve the memory of the history of the Temple, which would have guarded the Ark of the Covenant. As the Bible says, Solomon decided to build the temple in Jerusalem largest that had ever existed. The task of designing and building was entrusted to the architect Hiram, who employed nine thousand between workers and construction workers. According to medieval legend, three bad companions, who wanted to know the secrets of the master Hiram, hid in the yard of the Temple, where the architect used to walk at noon, and they attacked him in an attempt to make him talk. Hiram refused to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry, and they shot him three times with working tools: the first hit him in the throat with a row of iron, the second to the heart with a team and the third on the forehead with a mallet . Hiram died, the three, known as "abominable" and buried in a field and an acacia tree sprang up from the earth.
Even today Masons wear the crown of the jacket is a pin with a leaf acacia, to remember this myth and recognize each other.
Freemasonry has absorbed many pagan cults and heretics of the past, becoming the bearer of a universal vision of the religious spirit. Live in it's outpouring of Gnosticism, Zoroastrianism, the Orphic cults, heresy Giovanni, mystery traditions of the ancient Egyptians, misteriosofia of the Templars. Because of this, his followers were excommunicated by several popes since April 28, 1738, that is, when Pope Clement XII wrote the encyclical In Leading and ordered the bishops to proceed against the Masons as suspects di eresia. La condanna della Chiesa cattolica non è mutata nel tempo, tanto che l’attuale papa, Benedetto XVI, quando ebbe l’incarico di Custode dell’ortodossia della fede, affermò che i massoni sono in stato di peccato grave e non possono accostarsi ai sacramenti.
La Massoneria ha giocato un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del pensiero moderno e nell’affermazione della democrazia, attraverso la propugnazione degli ideali di Libertà e di Uguaglianza. Ha ispirato numerose riforme nel Regno inglese, è stata vicina ad alcuni despoti illuminati del 1700 e massoni come Benjamin Franklin e George Washington hanno pianificato e realizzato la Rivoluzione Americana. Si può dire anche che abbia played a key role in our national revolutions of the Risorgimento and the countries of South Asia. According to some historians (but the issue is still debated) Freemasonry has also given a significant boost to the early events of the French Revolution, as Mirabeau and Danton two brothers of the lodge.
Among the most famous Freemasons of the past include Voltaire, Mozart, Garibaldi, Napoleon, Walt Disney, astronaut Armstrong, Toto, Enrico Fermi, Sybelius, Salvatore Quasimodo, Salvador Allende and President Roosevelt.
Michael Allegri
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Volkwagon Buggydimensions
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