
Alle ore 00.00 di Sabato 12 giugno 2010, presso il parco della biblioteca di Laveno Mombello, in occasione della seconda edizione dell'evento "Fuori chi legge!", è stato per la prima volta proiettato in pubblico il cortometragio "A Words ' World ", il nuovo lavoro realizzato della MadMirror Productions .
Il video ha riscosso parecchio successo tra le persone presenti alla manifestazione nonché tra gli organizzatori e i giornalisti.
Fate Click QUI per vedere un piccolo promo del lavoro
che racchiude un po' any way short of . Instead
click HERE to see behind the scenes of this crazy new adventure!
che racchiude un po' any way short of . Instead
click HERE to see behind the scenes of this crazy new adventure!
In fact, this was the first screening for the public, because a week before the video was presented to journalists in a special press conference which was held in the palace of the province of Varese . During the conference in which he talked about the event in general, has been given a space where to project the video preview and answer questions from reporters.

Above representation of staff in the operating room of the neo-classical building in the province of Varese

But here I'm here with my face that I was smarter, intent on explaining the journalists who had just watched the video. Next to me, the inevitable Ema who oversaw part of the shooting, editing and special effects!
And finally, a sampling of articles and reviews on our outputs short film).
"Even a year after the completion of the film of Captain fantastic the" MadMirror Production s "back on track with a new short film commissioned by" lakes library system "in the province Varese, to promote the second edition of "Out of the reader ." The idea is simple and elegant! The movie, in fact, consists of 5 trailer, which can also be viewed separately but, when seen together, make up the whole movie! Other than Tarantino with his two volumes Kill Bill!
The main theme is the world of books. The small Gabriele is looking for letters from his book and only escaped by living the fantastic adventures of his business succeed!
After all, the books are made of dreams of who writes them, but also of those who read them ... and letters are the raw material that makes up the world of dreams contained in books.
Fable, horror, adventure, science fiction and yellow are the backdrop for 5 trailer forming a film made of magic ... the magic that only MadMirror can give you!
And no matter what the director Luca Baggio to do just to get to its destination, whether to risk a frostbite or break a child's neck in an abandoned factory ... no, he will arrive at the end of filming, whatever the cost!
I have only one regret in seeing the new work of the great Baggio ... not being able to participate!
I have only one regret in seeing the new work of the great Baggio ... not being able to participate!
For all new or future projects, do not forget to watch the channel of MadMirror Productions! "
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