Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
thank all those who have written to me after seeing me host the live on TV in "real time".
A Mark (who says he is a sincere League) say that, as a patriot and sincere Democrat as I am, I could not remember, in transmission, that the Catholic Church opposed the unification of Italy, for a variety of reasons. Of course the fathers of the Fatherland as Garibaldi, Mazzini and Cavour would never have predicted that our poor Italy was eaten, in fact, devoured by the mafia and lobby, to be honest, it is fair to recall that the main "political issues" Italy and its moral decay coincide with the arrival in the field of so-called political movements and parties "of Christian inspiration" ... and here, for the moment, I stop!
Every morning this summer, we open a newspaper or watch a news program that talks about Bargain, secret groups that affect the lives of the nation, this so-called P3, although the Masons pare non c’entri nulla (questo non esclude che molti degli indagati facciano o abbiano fatto parte di logge più o meno regolari, più o meno segrete).
Beh, la P2 di Licio Gelli era ben altra cosa: aveva dalla sua parte l’appoggio incondizionato di settori politici americani e dell’ intelligence atlantica, godeva dell’aiuto sostanziale di qualche illustre e potentissimo democristiano, flirtava con molti cardinali e vescovi della curia romana, aveva ramificazione per ogni dove… ma c’era un cemento, un collante che faceva finire tutto sotto il tappeto, affari e porcherie comprese. Questo cemento, anzi questa excusatio, si chiamava “lotta al comunismo internazionale”! After the fall of the Berlin Wall fell and the so-called "red menace", each new edition of that kind of research lobby can be only spasmodic and unconditional power for its own sake, without justification, without moral.
Let me add something. During the same show I was asked what are the similarities between Freemasonry and Opus Dei. There are similarities between the two organizations, but there are also many differences, starting with the fact that the Work is a diocese of the diocese, so if there is a problem of secrecy, as many have pointed out, you should apply directly to the Vatican to Read something more. The Vatican, These days, however, lives other very serious difficulties, because of the many cases of pedophilia which involves his priests, his bishops, his cardinals, and for the appearance of the offense is directly committed by its clergy for cover and benefits made by the various eminences and excellence in the past.
There are a large group of mostly repentant and unrepentant, former numeraries and former numerary, indicating the Opus Dei as a real cult!
A little 'less branched Opus Dei, but always attentive to the management of power and close relationship with politics is a Fraternity of Communion and Liberation commonly called CL, whose annual meeting in Rimini, it was discovered recently, is funded by the Lombardy region governor Roberto Formigoni CL to the sound of hundreds of thousands of euro.
And what, finally, the new Knights Templar? What, besides what I've always said?
There is something for everyone: people seeking a spiritual new age, magnons all'hosteria, organizers of meetings and false fencing tournaments, vendors and smears of medieval cloaks, vendors false orders of chivalry, but not all: there are those who appropriated the symbols and names of known Satanists, are considering building a power structure, there are those who think to regain the Holy Land (sic) and there are those who even founded political parties.
neoammantellati All these should remember that the Templars do not exist anymore, that will never exist and that, putting uniform and cape, not only are automatically excommunicated from the church (but this does not give a damn about anyone can argue their lords), but most importantly make people laugh and smile who would meet in a church or while parading fairs, Palios of the districts of their cities (this fact affects many for decency, at least). Ma 'sti quattro cavalieri, con relative dame da passeggio, non sanno che i Templari, dichiarati eretici nella bolla Vox in Excelso, morirono bruciati sul rogo proprio per volontà del Pontefice regnante del tempo, al secolo Clemente V e del re di Francia, il cristianissimo Filippo IV il Bello?
Diversamente da costoro, il blogger Marco, il leghista, ne è al corrente, come è al corrente che un certo ex generale della Guardia di Finanza, ora in pensione, neotemplare di primo piano di Roma e vice-presidente di un piccolissimo partito politico (che fa molti meeting con onorevoli del centro destra e al quale aderisce un notissimo gran priore neotemplare de Roma, un ex alto dirigente ministeriale che tuona contro judges ...) has recently and publicly launched its fulminations against Radio Padania Libera, the radio of the Northern League, the political movement to which it belongs Interior Minister Roberto Maroni and the well-known on. Umberto Bossi, in the world, the senatùr. I wonder, I wonder if these politicians are aware of the North 's external neotemplare former general ...
Well, I tell you dear bloggers, there is nothing new in politics, and many many neotemplari neotemplari have worn or wear a uniform, who belonged to the Armed Forces and who to the police. It 's true, it is true .... but it is also true that this former senior official does not know the history of the Jews (as per note reached me by a member of that community), who does not know Latin, do not even know that a drop of Templar history or medieval. Reading that article, but frankly, I do not see much of a provocation against the League's Bossi. If anything, there is a trivial externalization of childishness expressed dressed in an Italian macaroni and sauce with such carelessness of sword and spit. On the other hand are those whose views and policies can be regarded as childish, to me, disgusted by party politics, not interested at all.
Mine is not a defense motion quell'ammantellato of, God forbid, it is only an observation. How is a statement noted that former senior officers or former directors of ministerial brand neotemplare throw themselves headlong into politics, so much that it gave rise to reasonable suspicion that they have lived, even dabbled in that milieu that has allowed them to achieve these professional goals which, by virtue of their forces, would never have been able to achieve. Just look at what and how many gelding say in relation to the Order's history to realize what is the rate of their neurons!
Moreover, the recommendations in the State who makes political if not the duty or rather, come è sotto gli occhi di tutti, i vari politici che compongono le varie P3 che, da sempre, inquinano la vita della Nazione? Ma non scandalizzatevi, questo costume tutto nostrano è stato ereditato dai regnanti borbonici…
Saverio, invece, mi ha fatto leggere un articolo tratto dal settimanale l’Espresso, intitolato “Gelli, tangenti, amici e trame” di Lirio Abbate e Paolo Biondani, nel quale si fa riferimento ad un’indagine della magistratura di Verbania nei confronti di un gran priore neotemplare, un colonnello della Guardia di Finanza (che è stato inquisito per associazione a delinquere) che stava costituendo un gruppo occulto e di potere in grado di condizionare la vita democratica del Paese e che era in stretto contatto con il notorio ex capo della P2.
In questo gruppo neotemplare, si legge nelle carte dell’istruttoria, “erano radunati militari, politici, dirigenti ministeriali, direttori di banca, magistrati, industriali” e gli immancabili faccendieri di turno. Ma guarda un po’…
Ma perché vi stupite, ancora, cari bloggers? Non sapete che le lobby sono un patrimonio culturale, politico e sociale delle democrazie liberali, come disse un celebre faccendiere italo-americano nel 2006 (già inquisito per associazione segreta)???
Ma che almeno siano palesi e legali…queste lobby… così mi verrebbe da dire, pensando di interpretare il pensiero di tutti i blogger che amano l’onestà e la Verità.
Degli altri non sappiamo che farcene, vadano pure ad indossare un mantello di carnevale e si ubriachino in qualche osteria con vino di quart’ordine ma per favore, che evitino di parlare e di straparlare di sospensioni templari, di regole latine e francesi, di comparsate televisive di pseudo-esperte templari, dei vari Ego Kaghitto e via dicendo…che già i templari, quelli veri, al solo sentirli strombazzare, si rivoltano nella tomba!
Buona summer to all!
Michael Allegri