Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,
sono reduce da un tour de force . Quattordici presentazioni dei miei libri, la maggior parte delle quali sono state dedicated to " Elvis and the Priory of Sion ", which saw a large audience participation, active and sensitive to the lively debates that have concluded the meetings. There were also a couple of conferences most restricted, placed on the history of the Order of the Temple, with friends and special guests.
The keen interest that is around my research has led a well-known international institutions to get in touch with me. I was offered the opportunity to be present at a meeting with diplomatic representatives of 160 world nations.
In all likelihood, the meeting will be held in an EU country I'll be the only writer present. Organizers want me to do a detailed report to establish the link between the Order of the Temple and the Priory of Sion, two persons who, as you know, are the focus of my studies for decades. The organizers will rely heavily on my work.
inform you also that I shut up the National Festival of gastronomic literature, with the presentation of the book "I am what I eat " but not only.
There are other huge news regarding my fourth book ... do not rush to read it, I, meanwhile, I'm writing the fifth
... I will keep you informed!
Greetings to you all that I always follow with keen interest.
Michael Allegri
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