THE TRUTH' is bad for you know ...
Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi, caro pubblico!
Questo è l’ultimo post prima dell’uscita del mio nuovo libro e della seconda edizione aggiornata di Dossier: i nuovi Templari.
Per questo post non ci saranno commenti.
Intervengo per segnalare a tutti voi un fatto curioso, forse inquietante, che è accaduto in un blog che tratta di criminologia, sètte, movimenti religiosi e soprattutto di movimenti neotemplari.
E 'success in the course of a discussion in which he alluded to my book, a blogger who calls himself Guiscard, and also claims to speak the name of others, wrote that, with others, is preparing for a writer / Doctor " a little surprise", a "firework " from which will be released " with broken bones," with " reputation" destroyed. The "dear writer " is defined as a "braggart , which must be a" hiding "because it is threatening to cause harm, physical and moral.
Guiscard is not it ironic, is not playing, use, in a blog that is not his, a violent language, to challenge, invites the writer to apologize because it "probably saved . But he is saved from what?
from an attack, I have to ask?
Well, if it gives me so much, the " writer" in question, the " doctor" who has to think
" to save his reputation," since it comes Dossier: New Templars, are just I, Michele Cheer up!
But the blog in question is full of curiosity, I want you to know details. So let's move on.
After an operation in which it was added a nickname to name Guiscard, preceded by the name Roberto, this is no longer spoken, probably because he understood, but only at the time, that was identified with a certain individual, a neotemplare who says computer scientist, computer, and that of ID, although it is not even graduate, was recently presented at a Lions Club with the credentials of the Tuscan town, so it is written in a web page.
It is a nickname that has to do with the underworld and that the above uses for friends and to intervene in many forums.
The same individual is known by all the observances neotemplari which, from time in time, or asked to cooperate or has applied to enter and, for all I know, some large priori Lombard and Roman kept him from a distance.
The same thing I did when, for the first time, sent an e-mail to presenting himself as the head of a group of young neotemplari that moved in a mysterious Priory, whose initials remembered ( or remember) clumsily the Priory of Sion.
After much flattery and appreciation of my test, that he asked me over the phone to meet me in person, because he could give me first-hand information on many Italian neotemplari that he knew who had attended. I just wanted to know where the above going with this, I was quite nervous and I left, as they say, confused in its stock, cutting short the conversation.
Once I even wrote that his thinking was confused and contradictory, because in the morning I wrote exalting, made common cause in the evening, in his blog with another character, who is also well known that using a nickname and English, giving me heretical writer of science fiction,
hack ... So many times I enjoyed with neotemplare in question to play with him in his blog, only because he had done in my three years ago, trying to mock my work, only because I gave a lot of space all'Osmth Compliance Atlantica. Already at that time, instigated by the subject that he acted with the English nickname, which is then signed RSDM or RDSM (spelling: R Robert, Sergio S, D to Domodossola, M of Mantua).
On the other hand, you could only play with one that is taken seriously, he truly believes to be the bearer of a mission to restore World Order Templar, through the unification of the various movements neotemplari. He who, in the second, it defines the Gnostic Catholic or not sure, despite him having said many times that the two positions are irreconcilable. Gnosticism is a heresy!
I'm sorry that this has found a "bad teacher", who for a long time lo ha usato, dandogli motivazioni ideologiche che non hanno contatto con la realtà storica.
Io non c’è l’ho su con il giovane neotemplare. Sono contento se si diverte a giocare, a criticarmi, a sbeffeggiarmi, lo sono meno quando si passa il limite e si fanno minacce e ricatti velati.
Veniamo al punto: perché sono preso di mira?
Vi spiego l’architrave di questo progetto.
Il mio libro, Dossier: i nuovi Templari, ha colto nel segno.
La gente ha letto, ha imparato tante cose, ha confrontato tante posizioni pro e contro, ha avuto gli strumenti per valutare certi fatti storici e dell’attualità. Noi non abbiamo messo parti della storia sotto il tappeto notionally to win one side or another. Our work was impeccable and impartial, our data are all plausible and that is why that is triggering this and other reactions.
By perpetrated this blog, what do they want?
They want to discredit me as a writer to discredit what I write, because the sponsors of this know full well that what I write is true, is what you badly. It will say so many balls on me, will be fabricated many false proof: from here on out, watch and hear the lies they read on the net and keep me informed on everything.
The principals know that the book has sold, was successful, that the public pays attention to my actions and my thoughts and you are frightened because I am about to publish a second book.
Well, you know that I am preparing three more!
The instigators and perpetrators should be prepared to read my new books! They should welcome with open mind that I will carry the new data, get out of the usual readings dall'orticello stale and outdated by the new hermeneutic investigations! To learn that the research also moves through the inductive method and not just barrel documentucci slyly pulled out for any event of emergency!
And most importantly, the principals, not from loading crank naive and inexperienced performers, per poi lasciarli da soli col cero in mano quando sono scoperti. Imparino a prendersi le proprie responsabilità, cominciando col mettere il proprio NOME e COGNOME nero su bianco, come faccio io quando firmo le mie affermazioni.
Grazie a tutti,
Il vostro Michele Allegri
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