Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brazilian Bikini Waxing

THE TRUTH' is bad for you know ...

Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi, caro pubblico!

Questo è l’ultimo post prima dell’uscita del mio nuovo libro e della seconda edizione aggiornata di Dossier: i nuovi Templari.
Per questo post non ci saranno commenti.
Intervengo per segnalare a tutti voi un fatto curioso, forse inquietante, che è accaduto in un blog che tratta di criminologia, sètte, movimenti religiosi e soprattutto di movimenti neotemplari.
E 'success in the course of a discussion in which he alluded to my book, a blogger who calls himself Guiscard, and also claims to speak the name of others, wrote that, with others, is preparing for a writer / Doctor " a little surprise", a "firework " from which will be released " with broken bones," with " reputation" destroyed. The "dear writer " is defined as a "braggart , which must be a" hiding "because it is threatening to cause harm, physical and moral.
Guiscard is not it ironic, is not playing, use, in a blog that is not his, a violent language, to challenge, invites the writer to apologize because it "probably saved . But he is saved from what?
from an attack, I have to ask?
Well, if it gives me so much, the " writer" in question, the " doctor" who has to think
" to save his reputation," since it comes Dossier: New Templars, are just I, Michele Cheer up!
But the blog in question is full of curiosity, I want you to know details. So let's move on.
After an operation in which it was added a nickname to name Guiscard, preceded by the name Roberto, this is no longer spoken, probably because he understood, but only at the time, that was identified with a certain individual, a neotemplare who says computer scientist, computer, and that of ID, although it is not even graduate, was recently presented at a Lions Club with the credentials of the Tuscan town, so it is written in a web page.
It is a nickname that has to do with the underworld and that the above uses for friends and to intervene in many forums.
The same individual is known by all the observances neotemplari which, from time in time, or asked to cooperate or has applied to enter and, for all I know, some large priori Lombard and Roman kept him from a distance.
The same thing I did when, for the first time, sent an e-mail to templarcenter@libero.it presenting himself as the head of a group of young neotemplari that moved in a mysterious Priory, whose initials remembered ( or remember) clumsily the Priory of Sion.
After much flattery and appreciation of my test, that he asked me over the phone to meet me in person, because he could give me first-hand information on many Italian neotemplari that he knew who had attended. I just wanted to know where the above going with this, I was quite nervous and I left, as they say, confused in its stock, cutting short the conversation.
Once I even wrote that his thinking was confused and contradictory, because in the morning I wrote exalting, made common cause in the evening, in his blog with another character, who is also well known that using a nickname and English, giving me heretical writer of science fiction,
hack ... So many times I enjoyed with neotemplare in question to play with him in his blog, only because he had done in my three years ago, trying to mock my work, only because I gave a lot of space all'Osmth Compliance Atlantica. Already at that time, instigated by the subject that he acted with the English nickname, which is then signed RSDM or RDSM (spelling: R Robert, Sergio S, D to Domodossola, M of Mantua).
On the other hand, you could only play with one that is taken seriously, he truly believes to be the bearer of a mission to restore World Order Templar, through the unification of the various movements neotemplari. He who, in the second, it defines the Gnostic Catholic or not sure, despite him having said many times that the two positions are irreconcilable. Gnosticism is a heresy!
I'm sorry that this has found a "bad teacher", who for a long time lo ha usato, dandogli motivazioni ideologiche che non hanno contatto con la realtà storica.
Io non c’è l’ho su con il giovane neotemplare. Sono contento se si diverte a giocare, a criticarmi, a sbeffeggiarmi, lo sono meno quando si passa il limite e si fanno minacce e ricatti velati.
Veniamo al punto: perché sono preso di mira?
Vi spiego l’architrave di questo progetto.
Il mio libro, Dossier: i nuovi Templari, ha colto nel segno.
La gente ha letto, ha imparato tante cose, ha confrontato tante posizioni pro e contro, ha avuto gli strumenti per valutare certi fatti storici e dell’attualità. Noi non abbiamo messo parti della storia sotto il tappeto notionally to win one side or another. Our work was impeccable and impartial, our data are all plausible and that is why that is triggering this and other reactions.
By perpetrated this blog, what do they want?
They want to discredit me as a writer to discredit what I write, because the sponsors of this know full well that what I write is true, is what you badly. It will say so many balls on me, will be fabricated many false proof: from here on out, watch and hear the lies they read on the net and keep me informed on everything.
The principals know that the book has sold, was successful, that the public pays attention to my actions and my thoughts and you are frightened because I am about to publish a second book.
Well, you know that I am preparing three more!
The instigators and perpetrators should be prepared to read my new books! They should welcome with open mind that I will carry the new data, get out of the usual readings dall'orticello stale and outdated by the new hermeneutic investigations! To learn that the research also moves through the inductive method and not just barrel documentucci slyly pulled out for any event of emergency!
And most importantly, the principals, not from loading crank naive and inexperienced performers, per poi lasciarli da soli col cero in mano quando sono scoperti. Imparino a prendersi le proprie responsabilità, cominciando col mettere il proprio NOME e COGNOME nero su bianco, come faccio io quando firmo le mie affermazioni.

Grazie a tutti,

Il vostro Michele Allegri

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dressy Petite Top Pink

17 October 1307-17 October 2008: HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF!

Cari amici, bloggers e semplici curiosi,

come vedete, sono tornato a dialogare con voi in questo spazio e lo faccio, come ben sapete, più che volentieri. Come sempre, in tanti mi avete scritto e mi stupisce, questa volta, che quattro nuovi Templari mi abbiano comunicato il loro apprezzamento e mi abbiano chiesto di cercare di rispondere loro su alcune considerazioni e questioni che, di seguito, affronteremo.
Un paio di neotemplari mi hanno comunicato, inoltre, che l’ambiente neotemplare italiano versa sempre più in condizioni disperate. Ci sono “ continue lotte per i posti più visibili ”, continue schermaglie e scaramucce tra Osservanze ma soprattutto ci sono scissioni, l’ultima delle quali riguarda l’Osmth di Venceslai, che ha visto fuoriuscire un nutritissimo ed affiatato gruppo di cavalieri alla cui testa sta il dott. Corona, che ha fondato l’ennesima associazione neotemplare italiana. Al di là dello sbandierato concetto di unità e fratellanza templare, ci sembra di capire che ogni neotemplare, in cuor suo, coltiva un sogno Independence and obedience only to itself or you could talk about the ideological dictatorship of some great advance that they do not know what is democracy.
Finally, I have been reported across a range of behaviors already widely stigmatized on this blog: neotemplari that do not do anything extraordinary, who only get together to overeat at dinner with " junk food", so to speak on estimated in terms of their imaginary projects, which stretch from time to time, some heap of € to be housed in a church of the city where the so-called investiture takes place, rather, I should say pseudo-investiture, as the observances are neotemplari apparently chivalric or religious orders and, in truth, are not recognized either by the Italian State or by the Holy See. Since only the non-recognized associations, I wonder why they have to do with a lot of knightly investiture broadsword rotisserie and why not explain that the degrees conferred at the time, Knight, Commander or magistrate, are simply charged for internal use goliardic association.
There are, in fact, neotemplari who report their degree curricula that attached to the competitions, like a decoration or a legal recognition that makes scoring.
Noto, looking at the reference sites, which, improperly, some priori known largely from our own, as if they were in charge of orders of chivalry legally recognized, they invite their members to the military, police or police officers in uniform to put in chapters or church ceremonies, and to wear over the uniform, their blue band officers and their appropriate decorations of merit or service.
In my opinion, the uniforms of the noble defenders of the Italian Republic and parliamentary democracy should not mix with mantle goliardic for meetings and outings outside the door.
However, everyone is free to act and to govern as it sees fit ...

specially choose this day, this event, to resume the thread of some topics I started to deal with, making a lucid observation on the zoom I have submitted some neotemplari.
Today is October 13, a day which marks the anniversary of the end of the Order of the Temple, which occurred 701 years ago.
On 13 October 1307, in fact, at seven o'clock in the morning, the main headquarters of the Templars on French soil, including the headquarters in Paris where he was the Master de Molay, were violated by the troops of King Philip IV, which, to enter by fraud, used the pretext of an ordinary tax audit when, in fact, concealed its intention to stop during the night most of the riders. For
condurre a termine quest’operazione manu militari, Re Filippo IV aveva dovuto ottenere il benestare da parte di Papa Clemente V, sia perché le sedi dell’Ordine, grazie alle speciali garanzie e prerogative concesse dalla Chiesa, erano, sulla carta, inviolabili e ritenute extra-territoriali
(come le sedi diplomatiche) sia perché nessun laico e nemmeno un re poteva mettere le mani su dei monaci senza il consenso del potere ecclesiastico. E siccome l’Ordine del Tempio era composto da monaci e dipendeva gerarchicamente dal Papa, e solo da lui, solamente il Pontefice poteva dare l’autorizzazione all’arresto.
Il declino dei banchieri di Dio iniziò in quel giorno e, come nei corsi e ricorsi della storia Giambattista Vico, today, as then, on this same day, global finance, banks and their model junkie to make money and speculation finally come into crisis. As then, the powerful get together and ask what solutions are to be made in this financial crisis that is unprecedented in recent history.
But back to the Templars.
As you know, nine French knights of noble families, in 1118-1119, had decided to travel to the Holy Land to protect pilgrims on their way to the Holy Sepulchre to gain indulgences for the salvation of their souls. The nine knights established their stronghold in Palestine, in Jerusalem, on the ruins of Solomon's Temple. From there the name of Militia of the Temple, ten years before being recognized by the Church of Rome.
In reality, however, the nine founders had come to Jerusalem with the specific task, or mandate, to recover under the ruins of the Temple of Solomon is a quid, something extremely valuable that could disrupt the story as we know it.
This research, or these, in the words of the Grail romances, is the subject of live debates by historians, writers and journalists, the fact that in ten years of appropriation on the ruins of the Temple is not known battles or business those conducted by the Templars to the defense of Christians. On the other hand, how could 9, 10, 11 Templar defend the pilgrims from the assaults of thousands and thousands of Muslims?
It follows, therefore, that the Templars started an other, a job, as has been described by us in the Dossier, by archaeologists before its time. Those Templars did, in fact, many excavations beneath the foundations of the Temple of Solomon. But to find something, and we ask, the more we wonder: who were sent on a mission?
According to some historians, the British and Americans, an organization far more powerful once ruled from behind the scenes of the Order. For some it would be the ever-present Order of the Priory of Sion, which had its headquarters in Mount Zion and the initials P and S can be seen in the rose window of the church dedicated Sulpice in Paris to the bishop, the holy city of Bourges, France esoteric navel in which each of you can visit the old sixteenth-century buildings dedicated to the mysterious alchemy and Rosicrucians.
The purpose of that 'organization that would be hidden behind the Templars was to use this Christian militia to shoot undisturbed in the Holy Land and to receive funding from governments and kings in order to pay the local workers to help identify the nine Templars precious relics, perhaps the Holy Grail, perhaps the Ark of the Covenant. Perhaps more likely, what those noble nine Templars were sent to find were traces of the presence of something strange in the subsoil of the area.
In the Temple of Solomon, in fact, as Rennes le Chateau, branch out a series of tunnels, caves and tunnels where you can visit the remains of buried cities that lead to an even more in depth and a treasure Do not panic ...
fabulous friends! Il Corriere della Sera Tuesday, September 30 published an article on "Secret Italy, a journey into the underground from Turin to Palermo, census of 1099 more cavities that would be, that's incredible, still inhabited.
The streets that run beneath the Temple dedicated to Solomon were also flown by many people in the past that celebrate certain cerimonie.
Per chi non lo sa o per chi non ha avuto mai l’occasione di leggere la Bibbia (l’Antico Testamento), Salomone fu un re ebraico che, alla fine dei suoi giorni, abbandonò il culto del dio Adonai o Jahvè, lo stesso dei cristiani, per tornare ad adorare l’antico dio fenicio, degli Ammoniti e dei Tirii, Baal o Moloch, il genio del fuoco che potremmo paragonare all’idolo templare Bafomet, il dio sincretista che ha gli attributi di Pan, il dio Tutto dei Greci che, con le corna, la barbetta, le orecchie a punta e le zampe da capra, scorazzava per la regione dell’Arcadia suonando il flauto.
Lo stesso comportamento di re Salomone, di un ritorno alle origini, fu adottato anche da Aronne, brother of Moses, when the Prophet went to get by Yahweh, "the jealous god," the boards with the law, took the opportunity to build, with the consent of all the Jewish people, a large golden calf to worship as god. The golden calf is a symbol of opulence but also of some pagan that the Jewish people have always cultivated, having had as a reference of Baal, Moloch and Astarte.
The Church of Rome, from medieval times forward, took it upon himself to fight paganism and idolatry still living in the countryside, transforming the pagan gods Baal and Astarte in the eastern and demons as the Baalzebub or Astaroth. Evidently, in the middle of the 1300 cult degli dei pagani non erano affatto scomparsi.
Mutatis mutandis, questa lotta al mondo pagano e all’idolatria continua nelle parole pronunciate qualche giorno fa da Papa Benedetto XVI a proposito della rincorsa futile al denaro, all’oro, alla ricchezza che offusca i veri valori della vita ma che, soprattutto, fa dimenticare il vero amore filiale che l’uomo deve a Dio, suo creatore. Insomma, bene o male, lo stesso rimprovero che Mosè riservò al suo popolo che fu condannato a bere l’oro fuso del vitello.
Si può ben dire che in Salomone, in Aronne e nei Templari si attesta la medesima linea di comportamento: le novità religiose rappresentate dai nuovi culti estranei alla comunità, siano essi Jahvè for Aaron and Solomon, or Jesus for the Templars, are rejected in the light of the sun or in secret, in the name of a pagan religious tradition antediluvian.
fact is that paganism was, and we can say, remains a central element of human spirituality. The same
Clement V, therefore, agreed to give the green light to the French king to arrest the leaders of the Temple, because the items on their devotional practices pagan, idolatrous and magical were increasingly on everyone's lips, by the nobles of the court the king to the bishops of major dioceses.
The end of the Temple opened the way for the consolidation of the practices carried out by the Church for the eradication of forced religion pagan and magic. The torture, the index of books and the stakes against heretics, pagans, the so-called witches or sorcerers or spreaders, became the everyday tools by which the Church of Rome, along with most Christian kings, started this fight, which begins with the crusade against the Cathars or Albigenses.
The Cathars, who were Christian Gnostics, regarded Jesus as a true angel of God and affirms that the Church of Rome was the Synagogue of Satan, who was corrupt, violent, materialistic and devoted to the Antichrist. Fortea They had organized a church rooted in the Occitan region, which stretches from parts of southern Spain to Lombardy. The same arguments to
controversy the Church of Rome were used, a few centuries later, from Monaco by reformers Martin Luther and Protestant Christians, who broke the unity of Christian Europe united under a Pope
The Cathars, who were falsely accused by the Church of Rome to worship black cat, and thus the devil, they believed, as the Manichean East, that the gods were only two: one good and one evil. The God of the Old Testament, the jealous god of the Jews, and the avenging God of War, was regarded as the Platonic Demiurge, that is the god of the flesh, the material, while the real father was in heaven and on earth was pure Spirit and Jesus, who was his angel, had to incarnate make known to all humanity who was their true creator.
The Cathars considered the cross a symbol of Satan and did not believe that Jesus was incarnated to atone for the sins of all. Not follow the voluptuousness of the flesh, and condemned marriage and begetting children, since procreation is propagated through the fictional kingdom of the devil or demiurge and impostor. For this radical religious and other events related to the role of women in the early Christians of the Holy Grail and the secret guarded by the Cathars in the caves of Sabarthès that, according to many legends of the past would Razès the Templars during the siege of Montesegur, these Gnostic Christians had to be physically eliminated, because their influence on the noble and the local population had become strong enough to undermine the entire Pauline church of Rome.

At this point I enter the scene a new template of a major Italian observers that " is proud to carry the torch on the shoulders, the light of truth Order" and who wrote me wondering why the Catholic Church, that has always preached the love of neighbor, then used the torture and the death penalty to defeat those who criticized, especially by those movements from medieval Christian pauperism, as the Cathars or Dolcinians who preached in the name of Jesus, return a poor Church. "Not to mention ," says Mr. Knight again, how many "Christians , like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli, challenged the sale of indulgences, which was secured to heaven or the washing of sins to those who gave money the Church. "
to this, it will be joined by another, made by another neotemplare an observer different from the preceding that, through a letter, he asks, after reading some books by journalist Pinotti, "because the Church of Rome good sermon Razzola but bad, because disputes savage capitalism and finds himself entangled with the secular world, as the owning banks IOR or real estate assets of hundreds of millions of euro, how can the Church be served by bankers as Catholics and piduisti Sindona and Calvi, how could he have questionable characters at his side as Bishop Marcinkus, how do you get help from rich and powerful organizations such as Opus Dei, which have among its ranks as bankers and financiers Gianmario Roveraro .... " The
neotemplare closes by saying that so much publicity around the "discoveries" by Dr. Frale covers the intention not to pass Clement V as the culprit of the end of the Order. According to the neotemplare of no importance to the Church of the Templars, their rehabilitation, because the book is the Vatican sold to the sound of thousands of euro. The real intention is merely to rehabilitate Clement and give all the blame for what happened to the French king.
Yes, it is true, I say, those are legitimate questions and allegations raised by these neotemplari but I try to give explanation on some things that, far from me, do not want to appear as a justification of wrong attitudes of the Church.
the Church to carry out his ministry and to proclaim to the world his truth, he needed, since its inception, the conquest of space communication. That is, sometimes, had to compete with the power and, therefore, with the world, because the Christian message of the Church is not purely spiritual nor as radical as that of the Cathars or Dolcinians but it is a universal message, meant to improve the conditions of many materials and to extend the concept of peace among peoples. For this reason the Church has always tried diplomacy, but also with his army, to mediate between heaven and earth, between God and the powerful of the Earth.
not forget that defeating paganism and setting up the worship of God revealed, the church fathers had to compromise with the emperor Constantine, who was described as "the Christ" and that he saw in one God revealed the best way to consolidate its power instrumentum person kingdoms, that is an instrument of power, a useful means to have a cohesive empire around his figure, a conception very different from that which had the first Christian martyrs.
so doing, the Church of Rome wanted to lean on the crutches of the temporal power of emperors, kings, princes, nobles, and in our time, why not, financiers and bankers
But not too honest ... not only in our time c ' was a compromise with the financial power of the Church, because if you look well, although prohibited usury, the Church uses the Templars to make cash and to regain military prestigious positions with the Crusades. In exchange for a long time, was born the religion or unspoken secret of the Knights of Tempio, il loro esoterismo sincretista, i loro culti antidiluviani di marca pagana ed anti-cristiana.
Finite le Crociate, aumentando a dismisura il potere finanziario dei Templari che appariva ormai distante dagli interessi della Chiesa e dalle sue pratiche devozionali, essi divennero una vera e propria minaccia. Ecco dunque che, con lucida predeterminazione, venne progettato da parte di Clemente e del re francese il modo di sbarazzarsi del più grande Ordine cavalleresco che la storia conobbe.
Come ricordano i neotemplari dott. Stelio Venceslai e prof. Nicolas Haimovici a pagg. 230-231 del loro libro De Militum Templi Ordinis Regula Libriisque Cognitis , “ Papa Clemente V emana la bolla Facies misericordiam con la which he orders arrests and interrogations, the bubble Ppastorali praeminentia with which orders all the Catholic kings and princes to arrest Templars in their respective States and the bull Ad perpetuam rei memoriam by which rules on the seizure and put under the protection of good ' Order "(the face of those who argue that Clemens has nothing to do with the fall of the Order. For academics it takes a pretty face ...) Let me do the usual comparison
but I seem to be the same types of measures is advising the International Monetary Fund's richest governments against those responsible for the current financial cracks and their reference banks.
The story, as you see is always the same: round and round repeating
... Oh, and ... read the aforementioned book Venceslai, because on page 232 we find
written something interesting about the so-called secret Templar:

"shocking number of factors contribute to consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200ban organization, or at least a part of an organization, which would explain the unique structure and organization of the Order of the system ... there are some documents that give disconcerting to think about the rule of the secret order of the depositions and above made during the investigations and processes Templar (eg Gonneville, a temple under investigation, witnesses di una regola segreta). Esiste un documento clamoroso d’importanza capitale, esibito nel corso del processo da Raoul de Presle che afferma che c’era nell’Ordine un regolamento così straordinario ed in merito al quale doveva conservarsi un tale segreto, che ciascun templare avrebbe preferito farsi tagliare la testa piuttosto che rivelarlo”.

E così, infatti, come riconosce anche il dott. Venceslai, fecero i Templari, che per difendere la loro fede pagana, non parlarono dei loro segreti e morirono…. come martiri.
Mi auguro che in un futuro si possa istituire una commissione d’inchiesta sul pensiero del dott. Venceslai, per capire, una volta per tutte, come la pensa sull’argomento.
However, we must recognize that, sometimes, the truth has it, and for this we all salute you warmly and fraternally, as the Grand Prior neotemplari oldest of all the Italians, with its own strengths and weaknesses, with its moments of lucidity, with its omissions more or less voluntary. He
hope to keep up, for many, many years, the standard black and white neotemplare Temple, hoping that division split in the end, does not remain alone .... with that standard in his hand.

Dr. Michael Allegri

be patient a bit ': The new book is almost ready!