Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do You Get Lots Of Cm Before Period?

How do we know the reality that surrounds us? as you can see and recognize objects that interact with us from the outside and especially how we can be aware of our moods?

All this happens through the mechanism of perception that deals with the development, organization and reprocess the stimuli from within and outside of our body. It works through the sense organs (primarily sight for us humans) and is intended to give meaning and order to the reality. The perception is distinct from the first sensation, which is a simple and immediate impression of a change in the environment.

However, what we perceive every day, from smells to colors to finish the forms, is absolutely not a true reflection of the objective reality around us: for example, take the UV rays or radio waves, but we can not see that objectively exist. Similarly, we can not see heat, which they do many animals, although many things in nature, starting with the living beings, are sources of it, not to mention the world famous optical illusions that we can find every day online or in newspapers.

How do we know then, for example, that red is really red? There is a spectrum of the human race perceptions are broadly similar among all of us (for example, we all share the same spectrum of colors, no one will ever see the ultraviolet) that allow us to share in principle with each other our perceptual experiences .

Over the years, many scholars are passionate about the phenomenon, theorized many models to explain the functioning of perception. Scholars of the current New Look, for example, stated that perceptions related to emotions, and then all forms that we perceive has a sentimental value for us, personally and socially. The perception of forms is therefore influenced by the social context and personal experience of each of us and can vary, it is not innate, from one person to another. To be clear, the perception of a cross for a person of the Christian religion has a very different importance that a person is Muslim or Buddhist.

a different opinion are current students of Gestalt, Kohler and Wertheimer assume that a set of predefined rules that perception follows when interacting with the environment around us, claiming that the innate character of this function, which operates according to well-defined rules based on the separation of figure from background. These rules are

1) Good shape
(the perceived structure is always the easiest)
2) Proximity
(items are grouped according to the distance)
3) Similarity
(tendency to group the similar elements)
4) Good continuation
(All items are perceived as belonging to a coherent and continuous)
5) Common Destiny
(if the elements are in motion, are grouped with those of a shift consistent).
6) Figure-ground
(all parts of an area can be interpreted both as object and as a background).
7) Movement induced
(a frame of reference consists of some structures that allows the perception of objects).
pregnancy (if the stimuli are ambiguous, the perception will be good based on information taken from the retina).

Beyond the two theories and all others who come through over the years, the only shared conviction is that perception is an indispensable tool for understanding the reality and that is the only way that allows us to be in contact with each other and with our world inner


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