Thursday, April 9, 2009

What Happens During A Concussion


Cari amici,

assieme alla casa editrice Italianova, mi sento di scusarmi con tutto il mio pubblico perchè l’uscita del libro “Elvis e il Priorato di Sion”, prevista dopo Pasqua, slitterà ancora un po’. Infatti, il libro sarà disponibile in tutte le edicole e le librerie d’Italia a partire da Martedì 19 Maggio.
Ricordate che, comunque, potete prenotarlo in libreria o richiederlo direttamente alla casa editrice (dal suo sito ) che vi farà uno sconto del 15% sul prezzo di copertina (che è di 15 euro).

L’imprevisto ritardo is due to these three simple reasons:

1. The publishing house Italianova received a number of reservations of the test exceeded expectations and even to a request received in March. For this reason Italianova are printing several thousand copies of the book to satisfy the demands of all the public interested in the subject and all the readers who follow us a long time and I thank him.

2. I have supplemented the text with additional information about the last tragic night of Elvis, August 16, 1977. The information, which go to strengthen my argument, I just arrived last week. It is more exclusive revelations and foreground.

3. with the publisher, we are acting to give a little help to quake victims in Abruzzo. It 's a situation that hurts us and affects us not only to the large number of people killed and injured but also for the situation of those who remained alive, with lost personal property and home.

Because of this national disaster, I decided not to do any work in this space. It 's time of reflection on the deeper meaning of life and death.

At the same time, I invite you to donate 1.00 € sending a simple SMS from your mobile phone number activated by the Civil Protection: 48580 . For
any information, please visit the Civil Defence or the Italian Red Cross

wish you all a Happy Easter to spend in joy and serenity.

With gratitude and affection,

Michael Allegri & Irene Sarpa


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