Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Do Men Like Brazilian Wax Survey
"Night Shift" or "About time no see, are both phrases that I often think in front of some people, but never thought to use them when faced with certain events! Three years ago when I enrolled in the Academy in Milan (I'm already ??!!) past 3 years I had many dreams and ambitions! Over time, many of these dreams have become reality, while many others have been relegated to second place. Among the ambitions that I had unfortunately left in the background, for reasons of time, there was the enter the "Salon First "of the set designers to Brera . Less than a month ago, however, to my amazement, I discover that he was chosen to participate in the 2010 edition!
So I would say, as an opportunity better than this I wait to start publishing this work on the "Merchant of Venice" started several months ago? This series of drawings that is I prepared for the catalog of the "Salon First" .
The figure of Portia and tre scrigni son senz'altro i bozzetti che preferisco, anche se, a guardarmi indietro, speravo che a 22 anni avrei disegnato molto meglio di cosi... c'è però da aggiungere che, considerando che non ho il tempo materiale né di sperimentare le tecniche, né tantomeno di poter fare 20 minuti di disegno al giorno per tenere allenata la mano, il risultato non è affatto male!!
Questi invece son bozzetti dei fondali realizzati tra Autocad e Photoshop , tecnica che adoro perché permette la precisione maniacale di un programma CAD e l' artisticità e l'atmosfera artistica data da photoshop ! Per questo progetto ho realizzato molte altre tavole con questa tecnica.
Infine, una serie di bozzetti a mano ( Matita e pantone grigio) di alcuni momenti scenici.
Il progetto finito prevederà moltissimo lavoro ancora, mi rimane tutta l'estate per realizzare ciò che manca tra bozzetti scenografici (anche in 3D Max!) attrezzeria e costumi.
and September, all the Salon first to Brera !
(but not as time is flying?! Me it seems like yesterday that I was working at that damn model World War II!)
Monday, June 21, 2010
All Shining Pokemon Cards
Jeff has contributed to the disc that the film, so impatient waiting for the exit. We leave you with the trailer of this crazy product:
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Waxing School Calgary
after a while 'time, I'll be talking about the new Templars. As you know, this year was dedicated to the production and circulation of two works that have had the full approval of the public and critics.
Ad " Elvis e il Priorato di Sion ” è stata persino dedicata una puntata dalla fortunatissima trasmissione di Maurizio Decollanz, Rebus-questioni di conoscenza (Odeon tv) che potete rivedere ciccando sul link qui a lato, tratta da Rebus Tube.
Con “ Io sono ciò che mangio ” ho chiuso, il 22 maggio, la rassegna di letteratura gastronomica che ha visto una partecipazione di pubblico senza precedenti. In quest’ultimo periodo, poi, sono stato intervistato in talk-show televisivi e da un paio di mensili di approfondimento culturale.
Debbo dire che sono grato a tutti coloro che apprezzano il mio modesto lavoro che, da cinque anni a questa part, plays exclusively at the service of re-establishment of ultimate truth, turning, far and wide to places and city. In fact, I can say with pride that I feel very comfortable when I am among the people, the flesh and blood, who understands that your efforts, one that never lets you down, what sustains you and you do not cheat intriguers from duty!
presentations of my books, for the moment ended. We have exhausted all copies and we are going to prepare for the new release of my fourth book that will reveal to the public the true religion of the Templars! A voluminous publication that will advance immediately, raise confusion and take away the cheaters to sleep. This publication will close in beauty, my interest in the topic. A passion that was born with the writing of "Dossier: New Templars" and is gained from this blog.
And the new Templars or neotemplari, as it is usual to call them, that I dedicate this post.
A reader from London, "he wrote in a letter" that ultimately would be held a meeting
(that big word!) Of new Templar (do not know which meeting refers).
Thomas, so he says to call, or better Don Masino As I call it, is defined as a "former member neotemplare sorry," reports that would meet "the cream of smerciatori bales cloak," to use an expression dear to the Catholic medieval historian Franco Cardini.
the meeting, :
"Criticism of the television without discussing policy Templar history." In particular, it would have been discharged "digs Templars" to Frale that employed by the Vatican Secret Archives, for his steady and continuous walkways in the transmission of Raidue Voyager, Roberto Giacobbo. Voyager to that of their masters, would not be considered a format of cultural studies, especially in relation to the history of the Temple is mixed in a pot pourri indiscriminate episodes dedicated to spiritualism, with strange creatures flying in Egyptology, so much per pound , underwater monsters, to near-death experiences ...
as I know, Roberto Giacobbo not usually prepare soups, has behind it a support structure that helps to set the stakes. I think of Dr. Valeria Botta or Adriano Forgione, editor of Fenix. If Voyager, to give you an example, devotes an episode to talk about the existence of the Man-Moth in the U.S., we must not think, by force, that is pulling us one. I do not believe the existence of the Man-Moth, but I want that we speak freely. This is my reasoning, which is not reflected in the "ammantellati brothers of the Temple."
Dr. Roberto Giacobbo, lately, has just published a book dedicated to the Knights of the Temple (the real ones) and their hidden treasure. If you browse, you will see that the first book that is cited in the bibliography is my own, "Dossier: New Templars," and this shows how my work has ... "paved the way for many."
makes me smile when I think alcuni nuovi templari (non tutti, per carità), stretti nei loro mantelli di carnevale e legati tra di loro da vincoli di giuramenti segreti, non risparmiano critiche a chi la pensa diversamente da loro. Tra pseudo-gran priori, falsi professori medievisti, autoproclamatisi dottori, falsi sociologi in sovrappeso, sindacalisti in divisa, una cartomante-massona, teatranti peripatetici, legionari retrò, frequentatori di presentazioni di libri in Vaticano (solo dalla parte del pubblico, però) e pastarellari vari…non si sa più come definire questa massa informe e mal informata che non sa nulla di storia templare.
In sala, per l’occasione, pare ci fosse neotemplare a well-known that, after having worked hard to supply the listeners peanuts and soft drinks (the usual four brothers and relatives of weapon), he would have tried his hand imitating the actor Crozza, La7, makes Robert Jacob, whose transmission is called by the comedian of the term spiritual Kazzenger , perhaps because the critic Aldo Grasso, the columns of the Corriere della Sera on Wednesday, May 5, wrote an article entitled "The Spaceballs of Jacob."
It is no coincidence that the neotemplare in question, which defines the Gnostic-Catholic, is called by his brethren with the term " tignusu U ", the bald, in Sicilian dialect. The imitation of Jacob Crozza ago, it would, then, the famous test goliardic which the new temple must undergo to be raised from the rank of Commander and that of riding?
That spirit and "militaristic" meeting would take place under the watchful eye (sic) of one of the world's smartest speakers neotemplare remember a hundred years from now, one can blur the celebrity chiropodist Fabre Palaprat, inventor of the movement neotemplare.
We are talking about no other than the paunchy Lucky Luciano, supervisor of U 'tignusu templaropoli and inventor of the game. HE (His Excellency for the uninitiated, his excrement for initiates) Lucky Luciano was exposed to the audience (already tormented by the long journey and the lack of buffet) a document without precedent. This would be the legendary Count of Forcoletta toilet paper, on which were inscribed the formulas rite temple "go down in history as the document of 'Ego caghitto .
But we needed a cabinet meeting neotemplare to get so ridiculous, yet again? Happy with them ...
conclude by informing us more serious things, especially two film historians who "open their eyes."
The first Agora, regards Hypatia the philosopher and astronomer who, for hundreds of years before Kepler, knew that the Earth was round and that the planets revolved inside the sun. As a pagan faith, refused to join the Christian belief according to which, for dogma, the Earth was flat and had to circle around the Sun to the Earth. For this refusal St. Cyril condemned to be stoned alive.
The second film is The High Priestess , the story of the first female pope. Council's vision of both the Legionaries of Christ, which fortunately loro, hanno smesso di scrivermi… visto che hanno qualche piccolo problemuccio di cui preoccuparsi.
Un saluto a tutti!
Michele Allegri
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Blue Print Dune Buggy
E 'a few weeks now that I'm working with a new program and, despite know less than 1% chance that he is able to offer, I must say that I I am really in love! Until a year ago, the idea of \u200b\u200bputting a hand to a 3D program made me headaches, not least to understand where to start or nor as you were to proceed to make a personal project.
Fortunately, this year, I was in the Academy that a course is precisely this topic, and I must say that in a few weeks I was able to combine more than I could imagine! With this technique I managed to fill my huge gaps in the field of plastic and volumetric models, succeeding in a tenth of the time to make a product 10 times more accurate!
For now I have not had a hand in texture, materials and lights (I used the render engine base, the Skylight ) and am already so quite satisfied. I can not wait to see what comes out when will use advanced commands of the program.
The first work I've done is a portal Brera , reinterpreted in purple from signed , then ho messo mano a un portale Dorico che non ho ancora ultimato, che invece è completamente Bordeaux (mi son dato un po' alla Cracking Art dopo l'invasione delle lumache rosa a Milano!)
Il lavoro qui sopra invece fa parte di un progetto scenografico a cui sto lavorando da Settembre e di cui non ho ancora parlato. Si tratta di un modulo scenografico rappresentate un ponte di Venezia per un opera di Shakespeare .