A Twist Words' World - Preview .
After nearly a year of quiet inactivity, with the arrival of spring "MadMirror Production" is back on track, with a new short film ! A commission it this time was the "system librarian lakes "of province of Varese for promote the second edition of" Out of the reader, an event that I mentioned a lot in the last year and I will talk more in detail in future post.
The idea was then to make a short film which had as its main theme the world of books, written words and imagination!
After an initial brainstorming lasted all night in a hotel on the outskirts of London my friend Antony and having aged better person in a cabin in the snow of the Passo del Tonale with my girlfriend Judith, the short film was ready to be shot !
storybook settings and Dark are the background of the first magical world crossed by small Gabriele in search of letters who had fled from his book.
books on mathematics, science, astronomy and technique intertwined with the world of magic through the arcane discipline of 'Alchemy put into practice by a sorcerer steampunk .
An admiral lost in the snowy mountains in search of hidden treasure;
a good situation for stories 's adventure
The yellow book and the film noir are here represented in the study of a private detective of the past.
... and to conclude a leap into the post-atomic, in thriller and action books with a fight to the death to save the fate the small Gabry .
This preview ends here, the "Before" video is scheduled for Saturday, June 12, during the evening of "Out of the reader." Soon after the official to inaugurate the release of short film, but in the meantime, keep an eye on youtube , there could be surprises.