Wednesday, April 29, 2009

La Sportiva Mantis Opinie

Heaps persistence of misinformation

I can not help myself not to respond to this latest comment of pure misinformation published today by Straker in his blog ( here) ...

"Aircraft contrails classic (lasting a few seconds or minutes maximum) are a rare phenomenon in our latitudes. The persistent contrails simply do not exist, but are an invention of NASA to cover the EXISTING chemtrails. "

Aircraft contrails, classical (non-persistent ????) are not absolutely but rather a rare phenomenon almost daily (see here and here ). Straker I must then explain how the persistent contrails can be an invention of Appleman in 1954 when NASA was talking about persistence ... if NASA does not iron was incorporated in 1958, something did not go back in time ....

"To justify the formation of a trail persistent condensation know to be necessary with respect to ice supersaturation significantly above 140%, but these conditions simply do not occur or may occur. "

Another false allegation, the persistence it takes the supersaturation with respect to ice and then RHI> 100%. In fact misquoted 140% represents the value of relative humidity over ice usually necessary for the formation of natural cirrus clouds composed of ice or those that are formed by chance in the units of the flight of aircraft (8 / 12 km) . To say that these conditions can not occur then it is a great falsehood given the fact that the natural cirrus clouds are a real phenomenon in our atmosphere.

"Another point: the odds. Chemtrails are a combined share and thus not suitable temperatures (even at high humidity) to the single condensation. Neither the persistent contrails."

On discourse share flight height heaps just watch the video tarot and the sad history of the unit ( here) to understand that this "hypothesis" is the result of bad faith and deceit.

MD80 heaps to true height (2000 m)
click for real size to 18x zoom

"These things the insiders to know, but prefer to lie, as they watch their portfolios bulge of dirty filthy dollars."

wonder why when I read these statements repeated accusations Straker that speaks to me I always see in the mirror ....

a pile of greetings,


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Template For Completion Of Community Service

Time lapse of 25 April

The shot was done by pointing the camera toward north from 9.30 to 18.Le condensation trails, which can be seen in the video show passaggi in prevalenza nord <--> sud e da\verso nordovest, questo a conferma di quanto riportato nella cartografia aeronautica di alta quota per la zona sopra Vicenza come da immagine sotto.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wicker Plastic Paper Plate Holder

I am a user bomb

e per di più non esisto nemmeno perchè io sono Santacroce/cieliscuri/cieliazzurri/darkskies...devo preoccuparmi ???? uffff......

Monday, April 20, 2009

What Type Shirt Should I Wear During A Marathon

Chemtrails Conference on April 19

Domenica sono stato a Milano presso il Milton hotel a supporto 's army brancaleone that occurred in large numbers to assist in of Rosario Marciano about "chemtrails" codenamed "aerosol operations clandestine biological-chemical"

Here are some personal considerations on this day, a complete and reliable guide can be found on the blog of Paul Attivissimo ( here) while audio recording is available from the Blog Essse ( here).

I state that I was not expecting great things after surgery logos and special effects so it was. Basically reiterated the false statements that daily propina through blogs and videos including:
  • contrails are a rare phenomenon and are formed only under certain weather conditions, in spite of 60 years of studies on contrails made in principle by Appleman to get to various Schumann, Gierens, Minnis of the day. It made me see how erroneous description of the species, the mother of all the lies that underpin the idea of \u200b\u200bchemtrails, has been put prominently on a blackboard for the duration of the conference.
  • aircraft engaged in the operation of clandestine aerosol fly at heights equal to those of 800-2500 m and then heaps of training as the planes 'normal' travel at altitudes so high (8 / 12 km) not to poter essere visti e uditi.
  • Tutta la documentazione video/fotografica della seconda guerra mondiale dove vengono mostrate scie di condensazione è frutto di manipolazione e taroccamenti vari .
  • 3000 nuovi casi al giorno del morbo di morgellons negli USA
Riassumendo è stata comunicata ai presenti una mole di informazioni la cui falsità è stata ampiamente dimostrata da tempo in numerosi blog presenti in rete...cumuli di inesattezze per dirla in termini atmosferici.

Per quanto riguardo il comportamento del pubblico presente devo dire che si è mostrato insofferente nell'accettare le affermazioni in contraddizione a quanto affermato da Marcianò, in alcuni momenti si sono intimidating behavior towards having Paul Attivissimo in this room. The hope is that at least some of the staff present to begin seriously to question the goodness of what has been released and begins a verification work as it did for myself that I remember took me to label as untrue the assumption of ' existence of chemtrails.

Let me conclude by speaking of the more important and positive of my trip on Sunday and I mean that I have had the opportunity to meet people competent, available and of good company which Skeptic, peyote, Essse, Paul Attivissimo, Acarsterminator, Vibradito, Richard and all the rest Happy with Skeptic Society le quali ho trascorso una bella giornata in allegria. Personalmente ci tenevo molto a presenziare,una sorta di tappa importante in un viaggio iniziato nel 2007 in cui ho appoggiato, causa mia ignoranza formativa, l'ipotesi dell'esistenza delle scie chimiche e che nei tempi necessari mi ha portato in maniera razionale a trovare delle risposte soddisfacenti a tutte le domande che mi sono posto fin dall'inizio di questo percorso. Come si dice nessuno nasce imparato, se c'e' la volontà di mettersi in discussione e la disponibilità di confrontarsi, prima o poi, le risposte arrivano.

A tutti un saluto e l'augurio per un nuovo incontro!

Un ringraziamento particolare a Skeptic per la disponibilità dimostrata :-)))))

Friday, April 17, 2009

Snowmobile Insurance Rent

The concept of "democracy" in TANKERENEMY

In totale sostegno a Nico e contro le ripetute censure di Straker (Rosario Marcianò) vi invito a leggere questo ARTICOLO .

Bel modo di professare democrazia, complimenti...



Thursday, April 9, 2009

What Happens During A Concussion


Cari amici,

assieme alla casa editrice Italianova, mi sento di scusarmi con tutto il mio pubblico perchè l’uscita del libro “Elvis e il Priorato di Sion”, prevista dopo Pasqua, slitterà ancora un po’. Infatti, il libro sarà disponibile in tutte le edicole e le librerie d’Italia a partire da Martedì 19 Maggio.
Ricordate che, comunque, potete prenotarlo in libreria o richiederlo direttamente alla casa editrice (dal suo sito ) che vi farà uno sconto del 15% sul prezzo di copertina (che è di 15 euro).

L’imprevisto ritardo is due to these three simple reasons:

1. The publishing house Italianova received a number of reservations of the test exceeded expectations and even to a request received in March. For this reason Italianova are printing several thousand copies of the book to satisfy the demands of all the public interested in the subject and all the readers who follow us a long time and I thank him.

2. I have supplemented the text with additional information about the last tragic night of Elvis, August 16, 1977. The information, which go to strengthen my argument, I just arrived last week. It is more exclusive revelations and foreground.

3. with the publisher, we are acting to give a little help to quake victims in Abruzzo. It 's a situation that hurts us and affects us not only to the large number of people killed and injured but also for the situation of those who remained alive, with lost personal property and home.

Because of this national disaster, I decided not to do any work in this space. It 's time of reflection on the deeper meaning of life and death.

At the same time, I invite you to donate 1.00 € sending a simple SMS from your mobile phone number activated by the Civil Protection: 48580 . For
any information, please visit the Civil Defence or the Italian Red Cross

wish you all a Happy Easter to spend in joy and serenity.

With gratitude and affection,

Michael Allegri & Irene Sarpa