Recentemente una radio locale di Firenze si è occupata di scie chimiche, l'ospite intervenuto a supporto dell'esistenza del fenomeno ha dichiarato testualmente quanto segue (1) :
"Le scie di condensa sono un fenomeno very rare that occurs at high altitudes where there is high humidity and very cold, or if there were not that great relative humidity there might be a phenomenon of saturation of moisture and therefore there could be condensation or frost: this is an issue purely physical. "A statement in line with those reported in the major sites / blog pro" chemtrails exist "which make the formation of contrails in extreme weather conditions (see here and here ), today this definition does not is given to know the source.
So I decided to see if the above stated location match in real data and to do this I used the method developed by Schrader forecast (2) in '96 that helps determine the critical temperature of the formation of contrails (via software computing here). In making this analysis I considered the 12Z soundings of Milan's Linate airport for the entire month of March (except the day x 7 because data are not available).
The table below lists the days when there were favorable conditions for the formation of condensation trails with all the details of pressure, altitude, temperature, critical temperature of formation and finally the relative humidity. The following line for each day represents the first data favorable to the formation in order of increasing altitude / pressure.

A bit of consideration on the data:
Day 1 with the possibility of formation of contrails: 30/30 = 100% so we can not speak at all but a rare phenomenon but a phenomenon with possible daily.
2.Quote of possible formation of contrails usually above the 8000 meters but this is not an absolutely necessary condition as we have 2 days (3 and 6) with favorable conditions at lower altitudes.
3.La temperature compatible to the formation results for the month of March always lower than -40 ° C (T max -44 ° C on day 3).
4.Nei we presented data relative humidity values \u200b\u200branging from 2% to 72%. It should be emphasized that we absolutely only 1 out of 30 of the possible formation of contrails with RH levels> 60% (day 3) even though in reality most of the day could be considered the probes underestimate the relative humidity because of An error detection generated by solar radiation during the day. Given the values \u200b\u200bpresented, however, speak of high humidity necessary for the formation is a statement which is not reflected in real data. 5.The
shares of the possible formation Trails are fully compatible with the cruising altitude of aircraft.
In conclusion we can say that the analysis performed on real data in a month denied the assertions of the proponent of the theory of chemtrails, contrails are not a rare phenomenon and their training is in no way conditional on those weather conditions listed on their website. Furthermore, given the results obtained suggest to the concerned to amend the public remains a little vague maybe bringing that contrails are formed on a straight usually above the 8000 meters with extremely cold air (less than -40 °) and non- quote absolutely relative humidity .... Watch caso questa definizione è uguale a quella presente sul sito della NASA (3) ...
Day 1 with the possibility of formation of contrails: 30/30 = 100% so we can not speak at all but a rare phenomenon but a phenomenon with possible daily.
2.Quote of possible formation of contrails usually above the 8000 meters but this is not an absolutely necessary condition as we have 2 days (3 and 6) with favorable conditions at lower altitudes.
3.La temperature compatible to the formation results for the month of March always lower than -40 ° C (T max -44 ° C on day 3).
4.Nei we presented data relative humidity values \u200b\u200branging from 2% to 72%. It should be emphasized that we absolutely only 1 out of 30 of the possible formation of contrails with RH levels> 60% (day 3) even though in reality most of the day could be considered the probes underestimate the relative humidity because of An error detection generated by solar radiation during the day. Given the values \u200b\u200bpresented, however, speak of high humidity necessary for the formation is a statement which is not reflected in real data. 5.The
shares of the possible formation Trails are fully compatible with the cruising altitude of aircraft.
In conclusion we can say that the analysis performed on real data in a month denied the assertions of the proponent of the theory of chemtrails, contrails are not a rare phenomenon and their training is in no way conditional on those weather conditions listed on their website. Furthermore, given the results obtained suggest to the concerned to amend the public remains a little vague maybe bringing that contrails are formed on a straight usually above the 8000 meters with extremely cold air (less than -40 °) and non- quote absolutely relative humidity .... Watch caso questa definizione è uguale a quella presente sul sito della NASA (3) ...
(1) Scienzamarcia, "La trasmissione sulle scie chimiche a Controradio"
(2) Mark L. Schrader, "Calculations of Aircraft Contrail Formation Critical Temperatures" (1996)
(3) Nasa, Contrail FAQ