Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tesco Mobile Alcatel Crystal Unlock

condensation trails: "A very rare phenomenon" ... verify

Recentemente una radio locale di Firenze si è occupata di scie chimiche, l'ospite intervenuto a supporto dell'esistenza del fenomeno ha dichiarato testualmente quanto segue (1) :
"Le scie di condensa sono un fenomeno very rare that occurs at high altitudes where there is high humidity and very cold, or if there were not that great relative humidity there might be a phenomenon of saturation of moisture and therefore there could be condensation or frost: this is an issue purely physical. "
A statement in line with those reported in the major sites / blog pro" chemtrails exist "which make the formation of contrails in extreme weather conditions (see here and here ), today this definition does not is given to know the source.

So I decided to see if the above stated location match in real data and to do this I used the method developed by Schrader forecast (2) in '96 that helps determine the critical temperature of the formation of contrails (via software computing here). In making this analysis I considered the 12Z soundings of Milan's Linate airport for the entire month of March (except the day x 7 because data are not available).
The table below lists the days when there were favorable conditions for the formation of condensation trails with all the details of pressure, altitude, temperature, critical temperature of formation and finally the relative humidity. The following line for each day represents the first data favorable to the formation in order of increasing altitude / pressure.

A bit of consideration on the data:

Day 1 with the possibility of formation of contrails: 30/30 = 100% so we can not speak at all but a rare phenomenon but a phenomenon with possible daily.

2.Quote of possible formation of contrails usually above the 8000 meters but this is not an absolutely necessary condition as we have 2 days (3 and 6) with favorable conditions at lower altitudes.

3.La temperature compatible to the formation results for the month of March always lower than -40 ° C (T max -44 ° C on day 3).

4.Nei we presented data relative humidity values \u200b\u200branging from 2% to 72%. It should be emphasized that we absolutely only 1 out of 30 of the possible formation of contrails with RH levels> 60% (day 3) even though in reality most of the day could be considered the probes underestimate the relative humidity because of An error detection generated by solar radiation during the day. Given the values \u200b\u200bpresented, however, speak of high humidity necessary for the formation is a statement which is not reflected in real data. 5.The

shares of the possible formation Trails are fully compatible with the cruising altitude of aircraft.

In conclusion we can say that the analysis performed on real data in a month denied the assertions of the proponent of the theory of chemtrails, contrails are not a rare phenomenon and their training is in no way conditional on those weather conditions listed on their website. Furthermore, given the results obtained suggest to the concerned to amend the public remains a little vague maybe bringing that contrails are formed on a straight usually above the 8000 meters with extremely cold air (less than -40 °) and non- quote absolutely relative humidity .... Watch caso questa definizione è uguale a quella presente sul sito della NASA (3) ...


(1) Scienzamarcia, "La trasmissione sulle scie chimiche a Controradio"

(2) Mark L. Schrader, "Calculations of Aircraft Contrail Formation Critical Temperatures" (1996)

(3) Nasa, Contrail FAQ

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wedding Cupcake Favors

Quando basta l'osservazione

everything else is a lie....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Figurines Crossed Arrows Mark

Calcolo della Temperatura Critica per la formazione delle Contrails

E' da circa un mesetto che non aggiorno più il blog. Questo non perchè il mio interesse sulle tematiche trattate (in particolar modo la questione delle scie chimiche) sia improvvisamente scemato ma all'opposto ho dedicato gran parte del poco tempo libero a disposizione per realizzare un progettino che mi passava per la testa da un bel pò di tempo: uno strumento per determinare numericamente la temperatura critica per la formazione delle scie di condensazione. Temperatura critica intesa come quella temperatura massima (in funzione di una data pressione atmosferica, umidità relativa e tipologia di motore) sotto la quale gli aerei possono generare le contrails.L'idea è nata dopo aver letto,riletto e straletto l'articolo APPLEMAN 2.0 realizzato da Cuorenero sul suo blog.Le difficoltà incontrate sono state molteplici, la prima in assoluto interpretare i formuloni proposti nelle varie pubblicazioni di riferimento. In particolar modo tra i metodi di forecasting "attuali" mi sono focalizzato su quello realizzato da Mark Schrader nella fine del 1996 (datazione dell'articolo utilizzato) che risulta essere almeno fino a tale data il metodo previsionale ufficiale utilizzato dall'AIR FORCE GLOBAL WEATHER CENTER (AFGWC).Sostanzialmente questo metodo previsionale nasce dalle basi fornite da Appleman negli anni '50 con la variante della presenza di un CONTRAIL FACTOR variabile a seconda della tipologia di motore. Questo coefficente è calcolato in base alla massa di vapore released by waste water, the heat of the air at a given constant pressure and the total energy released by the engine.
There are three types of aircraft engines that can produce contrails contrail which correspond to three different factors that are changing the critical temperature for a given atmospheric pressure and relative humidity:

NOT BYPASS (CF = 0.0300) propeller engines

LOW BYPASS (CF = 0.0340) jet engines of the first and second generation characteristic of the aircraft built in the 70s (eg MD80)

HIGH BYPASS (CF = 0.039) next-generation jet engines present on all modern commercial aircraft and military transport

The contrail factor constant sull'appleman originally used instead equal to 0.0336 g kg ^ (-1) K ^ (-1).

The lower value is for the engines "did not pass" and a maximum of the "high bypass", the highest value of contrail factor is thus more critical temperature and consequently the possibility of formation of contrails at lower altitudes and its the last generation aircraft.

Same weather conditions
A340 (high-pass) with the wake and B707 (low pass) without wake

Once I clarified a bit on the theoretical ideas are passed the phase realizzazione.Per do this after 15 years I put the clothes of a simple executable program generated stand alone in the DOS which in the incorporation of pressure, relative humidity, ambient temperature and produces as output the contrail factor calculated critical temperature and, by comparison with the ambient temperature, an indication of whether or not there are conditions for the formation of contrails. The first release of the program that I simply called "contrail" can be downloaded HERE , shortly release a version in English. The data of temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity can be deduced from soundings at the site of present day ' University of Wyoming . On the goodness of the data provided by the probes (model VAISALA RS92) should make a separate discussion, particularly on the values \u200b\u200bof relative humidity, as shown by recent publications, suffer from an error in measurement caused by daytime solar radiation leads to a significant underestimation. Recently came out of the algorithms based on atmospheric pressure and solar zenith angle of to correct these discrepancies between the expected and measured RH. Specifies that the released version does not contain any correction algorithm for different data entered in the face of new insights on the various publications and I hope suggestions by users do not rule out, on time necessari ,il rilascio di nuove versioni.

Spero sia di gradimento e di utilità sopratutto per coloro che ancora credono che la formazione delle scie di condensazione sia un fenomeno rarissimo e condizionato esclusivamente al famoso 70% di umidità relativa.

Buon utilizzo!



Mark L. Schrader, "Calculations of Aircraft Contrail Formation Critical Temperatures" (1996)
Radicedimenouno, Appleman 2.0


Cuorenero per disponibilità
Cieliazzurri per il beta testing

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How Much Is Mailing Stamps


Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,

I thank all of them and with you, booksellers and newsagents who have booked a large number of copies of my new book, exceeding that for the first printed edition. For this reason that the book is that it was scheduled for mid-March still slip a few days. Have a little 'patience! All of the publisher is engaged, day and night, to let the test by early April and to meet the needs of many organizations that ask us to present the book in some conference theme.
take this opportunity to invite you to buy the magazine on newsstands Hera of March, on which you can read my article. Many liked my previous article about the strange death of the curate Gelis and new bloggers have joined the large community that already exists with questions about the Priory of Sion and its composition and nature. In this regard I would like to report some considerations I have heard from a prominent member of the Priory at a conference that was held abroad, which have acted as an expert and chronicler of history. But first, some flash.
As I got to tell you, the Priory has developed over the past three hundred and four hundred years, a close relationship with the artists, in particular with the genes of painting and music. Another feature of the Priory is the commitment "policy" against dogmatism and fanaticism for the return of the golden age, the age of Arcadia in which the blessed man was happy and at peace with others. Another feature is the identification of messianic figures who have a close relationship with people. In this sense, the figure of Elvis Presley is the one artist of genius, the king, the messiah who has revolutionized the mass communication since 1956, the year in which the Priory resurfaces in France, Annemasse, under the driving a 007 named Pierre Plantard de Saint Clair, who had family heraldic symbol of the seal of King Solomon. Perhaps not everyone knows that, but Elvis's name, middle name, Aaron, that Aaron, the Hebrew name of the brother of Moses. Aaron is the Messiah and the spiritual name is an anagram of Elvis Levi's, the Saxon genitive meaning of Levi , ie belonging to the tribe of Levi, one from which, according to the Bible, the Messiah would be born. Many in England have the last name Lewis has the same sound of the French name Louis comes from the name of Lug, the Celtic god of fire and electricity, the divinity, in pantheon Celtic Scottish and Irish, he oversaw the hot months of July, so to speak. The strange thing is that Elvis, as Plantard, was not orthodox jew. In their culture, however, staff and esoteric paganism, including Jewish press were mixed. Heresy is closely linked to the Jewish Kabala, numerology, divination, the cult of Baal and Astarte. The Jewish heresy has many points of contact with Egyptian magic, all aspects in mind is that Elvis Plantard, who was a devotee of alchemy and magic, as well as a devourer of readings on the Rosicrucians and Hindu spirituality.
For both, the Templars and their heresy were a constant point of reference. In this sense we must read the word heretic Zion, the Priory of Sion, which has little to do with Jewish orthodoxy. Sion, as I wrote earlier, in some translations that come from the Celtic language means source and indicate the class or legend of a royal family of giants who ruled over men at the time of the earthly paradise. In Scotland, the word corresponding to Zion is Sean (as the name of Sean Connery), to example, in French, but pronounced Giant Jean writes, that giant. That is to say that certain names and certain words should be evaluated for their sound and not how they are written. I give you a 'preview last, before leaving you to read the book: the key to the interpretation of the mysterious essay entitled "The True Celtic language " Abbot Boudet, lies in the sound with which they pronounce the names ... But
back to the conference. The man in question entered the Priory in 1970 and knows what he should say or not say. The emphasis would be composed of three circles or circles. The circle would consist of hiding a dozen people. The other circles would outer circles, employees from the first, occurring sometimes as associations of propaganda and recruitment. A structure very similar to that of Opus Dei. To my specific question, the man did not rule out that among the clubs outside the Priory of Sion, there are some movements of the New Templars. If there are, he said, are those in which the rite of the magic square of satori is still in vogue.
Just for the record, I tell you that in the book about Elvis is still neotemplare organization, the TCB, which the singer, according to a document, owned since 1970. In the Priory, the second man, from 1956 onwards, there would have been very famous and powerful men who, today, there are more. Although its purpose would be partially changed. They are neither political nor financial nor related to the return of a monarchy specific. The term of Lost King is to be understood in another sense. According to the State, the priorities outlined by Dan Brown has no correspondence with reality and is the result of a mixture of many legends that are in the south of France. Legends that overlap and are confusing. When I asked if the Priory still has in its ranks prominent musicians, singers, painters, actors, directors and so on, the man replied that he did not rule it out " why a work of art, for itself is a window that apre su un altro mondo e perché unisce indissolubilmente persone che non hanno alcuna ragione di conoscersi e che non sanno di essere in comunicazione tra di loro ”. Avrei molte cose da raccontarvi ma, per il momento, come si dice, “passo e chiudo”, ricordandovi che questi aspetti sono ben spiegati nel nuovo saggio…
Elvis e il Priorato di Sion .

Vi segnalo il relativo blog: http://elviseilpriorato.blogspot.com

Un affettuoso saluto a tutti,

Michele Allegri