Every now also a politician defends the truth 'HISTORICAL ... The right war
Dear friends, bloggers and visitors,
we are approaching Christmas and we wade into the New Year, which I hope will be of peace and prosperity for all. In the early months of the year will be distributing my new essay on the Priory of Sion updated and reprinting of " Dossier: New Templars " with so many, in fact lots of news for all lovers of Truth.
In addition, since mid-January, following an urgent request of many visitors to the blog, 1000 new copies will also reprinted the first edition of Special Reports that you can find at newsstands and in bookstores.
Now to the case of the month.
While many politicians on the right, center and left are recognized for their demerits, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, the Hon. Gianfranco Fini, stands instead for having made a significant contribution to the restoration of historical truth, as you know, should not look at anybody.
I'm talking about the controversy on the persecution of Jews in Italy, the racial laws of 1938 and that, as written by the President Fini, even the Catholic Church lifted a finger to defend them.
Following this position, environments politicians and Vatican officials have cried foul, branding the statements of the man who holds the third-ranking institutions of the Italian State as approximate and dictated by petty opportunism.
He also writes the Osservatore Romano, the newspaper of the Holy See. " Of course, surprises and embittered by the fact that one of the political heirs of fascism, that the infamy of the racial laws and was solely responsible as well for some time he wants to distance themselves commendably, is now calling into question the Catholic Church " .
Why, I wonder and I ask you, the Osservatore Romano want with these statements, demolishing the image of Fini, when the President wanted to make public solo una Verità storica già acclarata da tempo con tanto di documenti? Sappiate che l’esimio storico Sabbatucci dà ragione al Presidente Fini e, se mi permettete, ha ragione il nuovo Templare Massimo D. quando mi scrive che è la stessa strategia che è usata per cambiare la Verità storica sui Templari, quando, abilmente, semplici archivisti ed accademici sfiatati tirano fuori dai cassetti documentucci che dovrebbero riscrivere la storia del Medioevo.
Basta guardare i nomi di coloro che da anni conducono la disinformazione sulla storia dei Templari per capire chi ci sta dietro e quali operazioni di pseudo-storia si vogliono portare avanti. Ed io, come sapete, sono stato il primo a denunciare al grande pubblico questa campagna e I am comforted to think that even senior state prodighino is to defend the simple historical truth. A battle that is an honor for anyone to undertake, while the historic wall of lies is slowly eroding. Today, as we understand, many find it difficult to give the fantasy or sci-fi Mr. Purposes, but whether the statements of the President had made any writer, I assure you that would move a machine to discredit him, to let it pass like a fool or a hack. It 's the same policy that demolition was directed at the novelist Dan Brown that, despite the thousand faults, was informed by some significant and historical truth, the Gospel of Philip, For example, the historical reconstruction of the Templar Order's end.
Meanwhile, on the front chronicles the Hon. Enzo Raisi House of Freedoms
called "inconclusive," the article in the Osservatore Romano and the leader of the Opposition on. Walter Veltroni has given full reasons Mr. Fini. Where will this controversy do not know. I know that some historians are exploring what has been written in L'Osservatore Romano 15 January 1939, when about the racial laws, the then Bishop Cazzani wrote: "A true Catholic does not has allowed Jews, Jews do not accept teachers ... the Church has done everything to prevent marriages between Jews and Catholics. "
On the other hand, even the Father Agostino Gemelli, president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, who painted Padre Pio as a fraud, said in 1939 that Jews were a "deicide people" who "goes wandering around the world" to serve the consequences "of this horrible crime." And 'this is the historical truth that must be analyzed without the colored lenses of religion or ideology, as it should do with the history of the Templars, where someone, slyly, would like to blame the only king of France when all historians know that the Order of the Temple was suppressed by Pope Clement V, without any conditions esterno.
Come si sa, infatti, nel passato molti che la pensavano diversamente o che avevano un credo diverso da quello cristiano sono stati perseguitati. Non solo i Templari che avevano fatto dell’esoterismo, del sincretismo e della magia dei punti fissi della loro religiosità ma anche i pagani, i cristiani di altre confessioni, come i valdesi o i catari, gli ebrei e i musulmani furono perseguitati ed ammazzati con ferocia. Il messaggio di Gesù non si concilia con la violenza né con il fanatismo contro i diversi. Questo è un messaggio che ci ha lasciato un grande Papa, Giovanni Paolo I.
Vi auguro ogni bene e vi invito a ricordare che dalla grotta, dalle viscere di Madre Terra, nasce il re della Verità il quale, un time maligned by the men of power, waiting to return to rule by restoring World Peace.
Sincerely, Your
Michael Allegri